
The bus starts moving again at breakneck speed (for a city bus). It merges onto a larger road and picks up even more speed. You are so distracted by the aggressive driving that you don't notice you're going into a tunnel until it happens. A tunnel! And it's a long one too. You must be headed into the mountains East of town. That's not right at all!

You get off the buss at your first opportunity which isn't until you've gone almost thirty minutes out of your way. That's when you finally figure out your map of the bus routs; you were holding it wrong and those purple lines aren't buss lines at all. You're in the middle of nowhere here. You can actually see goats from where you're standing. Oh and there's a McDonalds here, because of course there is.

Wait around until you can catch a bus back and start over

Thank you for the game! :)

8 years ago

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