


Elden Ring got 7244 entries.
God of War got 599 entries, that's 9 more entries after ER was completed.
Ready or Not got 424 entries, that's 12 additional entries after ER was completed.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy got 542 entries, that's 18 more entries after ER was completed.

To all of you that actually read descriptions;
Thank you, and [Insert Favourite Deity Here] Bless!

ER and GoW? You Sir are the MVP

3 years ago

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Mother Vucking Prick?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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LOL! So far 1300 entries for Elden Ring, and 116 for Guardians of the Galaxy. All four at the top of community wishlist. You have proved you can read (and joked about it because we all know how many won't), but approx 1140 didn't read/used autojoiners....
So the joke's on them.

3 years ago*

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So only 10% of the people saw this too. Great give aways!

3 years ago*

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A few other Steamgifters ands myself have done similar giveaways in the past. We typically land on 11-13% of users 'see' the remaining invite only giveaways, so its not a new thing. Makes you think about the community of bots we hang out with here all day long....

3 years ago

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Shame that this is the actual number. Congratulations and big thanks for the extra mile you people walk.

3 years ago

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Yes. It is a shame. But it is also why we recognize genuine users after a short while. Because the real ones leave a good impression most of the times (and even when they don't, they usually do....)

3 years ago

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I guess it's always the extremes that leave an impression, someone incredibly kind and generous, or someone absolutely awful. But an ordinary person who walks in the middle is pretty much invisible. I wonder if that's unfair, or something to be sad about. Maybe it makes sense and there isn't anything wrong about it.

In any case, thank you for inspiring me to be creative with giveaways too, I've liked to create several at the same time too and it always bothered me when some obviously ingenuine user won a giveaway, to the point that I even accepted one Not Received mark on my profile just out of principle.

Going forward I'll do something similar and make sure the best games are tucked away for the real users.

3 years ago

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''But an ordinary person who walks in the middle is pretty much invisible'' - I really hope this isn't true. I really don't want this to be true. But I think it might be, to a point - but maybe only online.

Online and in real life the ''extremes'' as you called them leaves strong impressions, of shock OR awe. More balanced interaction give more balanced impressions. And that's where fixed points become a thing.
IRL you have an absolute fixed point - YOU. You are always you, a blend of genes, upbringing and experiences that makes you feel your way through life. That's your fixed point that you use to balance your way, judge people, to the point where balanced people can be allowed a larger amount of impression left on you, as you choose that to happen, the ''extremes'' are more easily predicted and therefore can be (impression-wise) counteracted beforehand.
Online however, its different. Even though the YOU are present, we forgo a few things for fast comms. Human interaction for one, slow location progress for another, and lastly self preservation. Let me explain (and bear in mind I'm no expert, this is just my two cents on it);

Human interaction is so much more than the words spoken. They say about 10% of any conversational interaction between two people are the words themselves. The remaining 90% will be posture, body language, tone of voice, urgency, threat level, etc. That part is all lost when we write letters on a screen (and is also why we so often react with anger or contempt when reading comments - our threat analysis systems always tends to lean towards the ''bad'' to protect us from danger - if you are not aware (or care) of this you will answer aggressively and the fight is on).
Location progress IRL is gruesomely slow compared to online. If you leave the safe room of friends to walk down to the local biker-pub you will be acutely aware that you left a somewhat safe place to spend time to go to a place you deem unsafe. Defences will be up, alertness high. You will expect things to go bad, and therefore have mental defences up. Online, you can leave the My Little Pony Chatroom to go to the Reddit Hate Speech sub in an instant (and all from the comfort of your safe home - further keeping you feeling safe) so when things turn sour, your defences were not up, and you will immediately go into a sort of fight or flight state mentally.

Self preservation is the easy one. IRL you will simply not argue/fight with people the same way you would online for fear of consequences. Not only the 'he will smack me if I talk back'' but how the others in the room will react to you if you start up the argument by falling for one or more of the extremes in the room - you might be considered an extreme yourself for the rest of the evening. Then you also have to think on your feet, we cannot argue IRL backed up by wikipedia, or google searches, and you cannot wait a few minutes to think up a good reply - its all instant. Manners is a thing here too.

These situations vary wildly, and therefore so will your impressions of the people there. The IRL situations will mostly let you block out the ''extremes'', to the point where you don't pay too much attention to them anymore, you continue your conversation with the more balanced people around you instead. You will almost always have a sense of when someone is an ''extreme'' but is not letting it all out (yet) so you have some defences up when it happens.
Online we often concentrate on the extremes, so the more balanced people can possibly disappear to us. IRL most certainly not.

3 years ago*

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''Human interaction is so much more than the words spoken. They say about 10% of any conversational interaction between two people are the words themselves. The remaining 90% will be posture, body language, tone of voice, urgency, threat level, etc.''
I noticed this many years ago as well, just from spending a lot of time on chatting apps and trying to make friends online. It's very easy to misinterpret someone when interacting with text alone, and I think that's partially why emojis and GIFs became popular, because they allow us to digitally express ourselves more broadly than the more static nature of text does.

Your points about there being a discrepancy in who or what we pay attention to depending if we're IRL or online is really interesting and I can definitely get behind that, because thinking back I don't actually remember more than a couple extreme people I've known IRL, whereas online I remember many dozens of encounters, both good and sour. I like your example of people going into fight or flight easily because people often browse online in their safe space and that was a side I haven't considered before - I've always thought those kind of reactions are because of online anonymity, and the lack of consequences because of said anonymity. It's probably very likely that the truth lies in a combination of both of these aspects among many others, like the self preservation point you made.

You mentioned that in person it's not possible to argue backed up by wikipedia or google searches, and that made me realize, that this is likely a very strong reason as to why there's much less arguing IRL than online, even from normally argumentative people. The fact that one cannot immediately spam citations or cross-reference claims they are presented/are presenting is basically the difference between a friendly debate and a perceived challenge or a threat. If you're discussing something in person, all you have is your own thoughts and memories, so your responses will be more personal and toned down, whereas seeing any kind point being made online brings out all kinds of people who immediately want to prove you wrong.

Many of the reasons both you and I have brought up are why I try to avoid arguing online, when I was younger I enjoyed debating and arguing but nowadays it just exhausts me, you can never change anyone's mind and nobody will leave an online debate with a satisfied state of mind, and at the end of the day it accomplishes nothing.

I didn't expect to get such a thoughtful reply, and I almost decided not to write my original message in the first place because of that, but I'm really glad I did - this was an enjoyable and thought provoking read. Balanced but memorable, perhaps I was wrong in the first place? I guess nothing ever is black and white, this is a good reminder for myself to avoid using absolutes because they rarely hold up under the looking glass.

3 years ago

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I did the same! The numbers were crazily low at the end point. To be fair, I made a 6 piece jigidi a requirement... But seeing the numbers on your giveaways, it's crazy how I don't even need a jigidi to massively cut back on the bots and leechers.

3 years ago

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Excellent gif, I shall save that for future use :-D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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You are from Australia?

3 years ago

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No, he's left-handed. :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Slow clap

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Well now, that was...interesting.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Didn't get it at first. Then when I did ''get it'' I couldn't understand how I could not have got it at first.
Damn, I'm slow sometimes....

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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Sneaks does the tricks....

3 years ago

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So glad I clicked on that wink emoji

3 years ago

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Never ever mistrust winks to take you on an adventure. Good or bad, still adventure.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Well..... You're not wrong.....

3 years ago

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Thank you for the opportunity :) Again :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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thank you o generous sexy man

3 years ago

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Now how did you know I was a sexy man? You lovely weird stalker you.

3 years ago

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Damn BOI

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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uuuuUuUUuUuu secretssss....

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Wow, this was unexpected) Thank you for a great train!)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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10% of users can read... but how many of them are actually humans?
Try to post ga link as image next time xD Results may be enlightening xD

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3 years ago

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Here's the thing though: I

  1. Don't know how to do that.
  2. Don't know how to follow such a link either, so maybe even other humans can't...
  3. Like Snickers. More than other candy bars. Much more.
  4. Think that ending it on a point as 3, is adequate. Then felt the need to add 4 to explain that. Yes.
3 years ago

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I like Milky-way. But I respect your opinion.

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3 years ago

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Awesome giveaways! Thank you alot!
And good luck do everyone joining - got this one :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Dude thank you so much for these giveaways, im adding you to my whitelist :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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5881 entries in the Elden Ring GA, 490 here.
In some way sad, because it show how many autojoiners are around, but for us that read descriptions is it nice in this case ;o)

Thanks for all the very good GAs and the interesting talk in the comments above.

2 years ago

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Auto-joiners, but I also think a lot of people use (as MSKOTOR stated earlier) ESGST or similar to enter directly from home page without ever looking at the descriptions, even though ESGST at least has that option available. So they simply miss it. Their loss, your gain.
Good luck, M.

2 years ago

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Yes, ESGST without to read the descriptions are a reason too and that is sad.
But because a part of my group and i hunt autojoiners, special the last weeks, i can say that A LOT are around. Clearly visible ones with 250k entries in 4 years etc. too :o( and the 2 days suspensions for the first time catched are a, bad, joke.

2 years ago*

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Yeah, that's way to low for something that so badly hurts the place, lowers chances for everyone, and just generally destroys the 'fun'.

But thank you for chasing them, happy hunting!

2 years ago

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Thanks for the chance!!😀

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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WOOOOW i won...................
thank you very very much bro.....


2 years ago

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You are most welcome, enjoy!

2 years ago

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