It had come to my attention that This game can't be activated in Russia, Belarus and Turkey so had to remake it once again. sry about that
Hopefully it should have the right region restrictions now.
winner will be added on steam
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1,320 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Masafor
Well, this is a very funny coincidence. I was just wondering if the giveaway was deleted since I got 50 points back and didn't see the game in the wishlisted games list. Within a minute I see this giveaway again.
Once again, Thanks for the giveaway.
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It would seem you have your answer.
"A giveaway so exciting, I just had to enter it twice!"
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Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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Thanks for the giveaway!!
I'm so excited for this game! I think that's what every Harry Potter fan has been asking for for years!
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Thanks for this awesome giveaway ! I'm very excited by this game !!
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Thanks for the giveaway! but how did you get a key?
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no key, i'm adding the winner on steam to gift it
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If you're paying with Euro, Switzerland and Israel are above Steam's 10% gifting margin, and Qatar'll be bumping up against it. Probably not significant enough to necessitate remaking the giveaway again, but if that's the circumstances you're working with, you may want to make a note in the description about it.
Probably a good idea to mention that it's a gift in there anyway, since most of us don't immediately think to check our Steam after a win if we don't see a description telling us to do so, which could potentially lead to some slight delays on your winner claiming their (super awesome) gift [well, that's only if they happen to miss the above comment, of course]. :)
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Before i had to recreate the GA's i had something like ''if the key is region restricted and i can't send the game then i'll give steam giftcard so you can buy it yourself if thats alright'' You know something like that in the desc so should be fine if that happens but then i also need to trust he actually buy the game so i'm hoping for the best.
The only reason why i had to recreate the GA is because it can't be purchased or gifted to those countries and that really sucks.
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Why does it suck?
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It sucks that you can't just gift the game and pay whatever price the recipient would to buy the game for themselves. Unfortunately, greed and corruption are widespread in today's "modern life."
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It's not about that though, is it?
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I'm afraid it is. When a few people misbehave, new restrictions are imposed for "protection," and that takes freedom away from everyone.
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Oh, so killing and supporting killing is "misbehaving" now. Gotcha.
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Taking a generality, manipulating its syntax, and then transplanting it into a different context to claim absurdity? That is false logic and intellectually dishonest.
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Nothing false or manipulative about it. The person who created the GA commented "it can't be purchased or gifted to THOSE countries", by which he meant russia, Belarus and Turkey specifically, not other theoretical countries where you can't gift games because of price policies. So I'll answer my own question and say - no, it does not suck that they can't activate or purchase the game. They deserve it.
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You deny my assertion. Fine. You also claim that the populations of Russia, Belarus, and Turkey "deserve" restricted access to the game in question. I should point out that you do not sufficiently know the men, women, and children that live in those countries, nor how they feel about the politics of their respective governments, so as to pass judgement upon them all, but that would be an appeal to your rationality and reason when you seem to be thinking with your emotions, instead.
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Whatever you say, trying to sound smart. I disagree. I personally think I've seen enough shit to know how they "feel about the politics of their respective governments", russians particularly. You obviously did not, as you wouldn't understand the language or wouldn't bother translating to find out. Emotions can go well along with reason my guy.
I also did not ask you but asked the author of the GA, so I didn't need your answer in the first place, and do not need still. General at that. You can now be excused, thank you.
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Cut the f**ing arrogance, will ya? Thanks, you can now consider yourself to be dismissed. I want to see you living in these countries, and I hope you are engaged in all the efforts to save and support conscience objectors from all sides, as it constitutes a human right. If not, consider yourself to be a hypocrite. And also remember who's the biggest human rights offender, worldwide, for the past 70 years. It's the West. Deal with it and leave the rest of us alone. Your biased geopolitical agenda won't succeed here.
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I hope no one ever wishes you to live in russia, cuz that's tragic.
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Indeed, but tragedy is a Greek word, and 3000 years old, Greece being recently driven into a debt slavery by its NATO- and EU-"partner", the Western liberal Germany, not even by an "outside enemy". Living in lots of places was and is tragic.
It's also tragic living in Afghanistan, after 20 years and an estimated 17 to 47 billion Euro expense that one could also call waste by Germany alone, adding to the estimated cost of a little under a trillion Dollars by the US between 2001 and 2019, according to a study of Brown University, but I don't see or hear many people complaining about that or making it their agenda. Had we given the people that money directly or invested it in civilian instead of military expenses, what could have become of this country?
It might be bitter, realizing that freedoms and values don't mean much on the neo-liberal capitalistic chessboard. Ultimately, we all seem to be chess pieces in the strategical game of capitalistic predator nations, one worse than the other.
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Oh my god ,they're everywhere ......
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Yes. Capitalism is everywhere. It is the (not so) new totality. Even North Korea is more like a state capitalistic system. The last country that wasn't was the Spanish Republic in the 1930ies, overthrown by fascists and sabotaged by the Stalinists.
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Uh yes, the famous whataboutism. Great lecture. Kind of irrelevant, though.
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You started the whataboutism by writing "It's not about that though, is it?". So, what I gave you is context. Peace.
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Not really, because I started with a question that was about exactly what I was talking about later as well. But whatever floats your boat. I recommend you join Telegram and read some russian channels, since you have so much free time on your hands.
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Yeah, I'm a doctor working 50 hours a week, sure I have time. And yes really, you changed the subject to what you wanted to talk about, although not being very open about it at first, and just implying.
But maybe we should let rest this case here - at least - were we can let it rest and are not forced by societies or governments in a particular direction. So tired of all of this.
Hope it all will resolve itself sooner than later and with the least casualties possible, although it doesn't seem too likely right now. Wish you all to be safe and well.
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I buy my games off Steam just because of the prices in Israel
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Thanks for everything
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awesome giveaway!
thx again!
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oooh what a magical giveaway
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Thanks for the chance, good luck to everyone
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one last time i join :D
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I just couldn't walk trough this giveaway and didn't remind you about those VERY important Youtube magic lessons:
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Thank you.
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Thank you :D <3
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If I won this game, it would be the best gift I could give my girlfriend. She plays no games, but loves Harry Potter and she wants to play this one.
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I hope you don't find out about any more restrictions. 3rd times the charm?
Best of luck to everyone but I do hope I win.
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Thank you!
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Thank you for the giveaway.
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wow, awesome. thanks for this chance!!!
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Thank you!
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