


You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Well, not exactly.

Instead of a carefully laid-out warehouse, with everything perfectly aligned and uniform, imagine decades of stuff placed into storage, then forgotten. Barriers to your progress consist not of walls, but of surplus chairs, desks, folding tables, shelving, filing cabinets, stacks of Bankers Boxes, endless ordinary brown cardboard boxes, some opened, some still taped shut. Larger items shoved anywhere they would fit. Narrow passages, dead ends, dust. You wonder how the lights are still working.

You notice a small piece paper on the ground here. It appears to be a recent arrival. Looking closer, it is a page torn from someone's appointment book. Almost as if someone were lost in a maze, and trying to mark where they'd been. It might not be a bad idea to remember where you found this.

The piece of paper says: 30 August.

You see a shimmering blue portal in the floor. A voice crackles to life from a nearby loudspeaker.

Oh, don't ask any questions, just jump in. It's not part of the puzzle. And you don't even need to mark it on your map.

Seriously, this isn't anything, just a last-minute addition. Relax, jump in.

See, I felt terrible, watching you wander around like this. So please enjoy this, ahh, this one-way pity wormhole. Like I said, it's not even part of the puzzle.

There's a few of these things around, all leading to the same inter-dimensional collection of, ahh, crap. That's my assumption, anyway. You'll understand, just jump in.

One last thing - there's no exit, so open a different tab before you jump in, err, I mean, tie some rope to a desk so you can climb back out. Yes, that's what I said. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! JUMP IN!

For once, the game name sort of fits the bonus in this room.

6 years ago

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Ahh, but don't forget the rope, there's no way back! :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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