
Special Alert: Terrorists have invaded our embassy and seized an undetermined number of hostages...Lives hang in the balance as high ranking diplomats are held at gunpoint...Their safety requires immediate action... prepare to infiltrate the embassy, neutralize the terrorists, and rescue the hostages, or die trying.


This should come from here. if you got from somewhere else, the links got leaked!

Thanks a lot :D
The key to winning a lot is to enter a lot, quite simple actually. Often it's just about the +1 game in my library and I know I should be ashamed of it, but I just like winning...

6 years ago

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Hahaha well I kinda did that when I joined SG but now I regret it.
Only enter those FEW I do want and intend to play but it got considerably harder, even on groups.
I guess everyone likes to win, I'm just tired of missing :P

Thanks for marking it as received this quickly I appreciate that. Enjoy :)

6 years ago

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