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Oh, I'm visiting Poland (Wroclaw and Kraków) on New Year's Eve! If you have any kind of recommendation, I'd love to hear it <3

Fun thing, I have colleagues working in Wroclaw. I'll try to get you some recommendations

3 days ago

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Oh hey, both citites i visited! My recommendation... walk around and discover shit on your own, way more fun than following a map in my opinion :D

3 days ago

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idk if its a good recomendation for winter, but very close to Krakow (in Zator) there is a really good entertainment park, Energylandia! they have the second highest rollercoaster in Europe. I'll be going in winter too since the tickets are cheaper in winter, and there's less queues, but with how fast some of the rollercoasters are, u need to be dressed warm!

2 days ago*

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You should try lots of tasty food, then tell us what was most delicious!

2 days ago

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