49 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by wigglenose
409 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by WaitingforGodot
16,723 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kenruyoh
353 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Mayanaise
100 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Channel28
33 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Tecfan
4 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by reigifts
29,702 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Ner72
1,396 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Metalhead8489
26 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Codric
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388 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by RosimInc
131 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by salemSamwise
1,604 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by BaconChizBurger
Just Hitman 2?
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Yes, I'm just going through ancient Humble Choice bundles I never got round to redeeming and gifting away the codes for games I already have.
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I think they might be commenting on the fact that you've got this listed under the base game (which is basically just the game launcher without any episodes attached; Not actually sure why it's available in the giveaway list to begin with, especially since staff stated over four years ago that it was up in error and was planned to be removed), which is going to cause problems for entry (see comments below).
Basically, since it's a game launcher app that any part of the game uses, even just the free episode/demo is going to flag entrants as already owning the game, since all the site is checking against with this listing is base game ownership. Again, this listing should have been removed years ago due to how HITMAN games are structured, and was only available on SG to begin with due to the site's autosyncing not being able to tell that the base game wasn't "a real game".
If you tab through the "Select a Game" results a few pages when creating the giveaway and searching for HITMAN™ 2, you'll find HITMAN™ 2 - Standard Edition and HITMAN™ 2 - Gold Edition. You can also just search for those directly to pull them up immediately.
There shouldn't be any real consequences for you for just leaving the giveaway running as-is (though if you want to add some assurance for avoiding future problems, might be good to have the winner comment what version they received, which'll let you easily get the listing changed if needed).
On the other hand, since entrants can no longer reobtain the free episode and complimentary licenses can't be reactivated once removed from account (at least historically, not sure how Steam handles that at present), there's going to be some entrants that might be restricted from entry if you don't choose to remake the current listing as Standard or Gold edition.
Bright side? You don't have to confirm the winner's DLC ownership with the current listing (for example, if there's just one episode short of having the Standard Edition to begin with), so leaving things as-is would at least make it easier on you (and again, you can always just have staff change the listing after-the-fact with a Change Giveaway Game ticket, so long as the winner confirms content).
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I have the demo and the website thinks I have the full game 🥲
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same, what should I do??
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Add another complimentary license to your account, then delete it. See if you can restore it. If you can, you can just remove the Hitman Starter license, sync steam, enter the giveaway, then immediately un-remove the license.
That's all just to check if it's now possible to delete complimentary licenses without doing so permanently (you could always just google and try and get an answer that way), but I don't believe they've actually ever changed how that works (ie, I think it still deletes complimentary licenses permanently if you attempt to remove them).
Thus, in theory, one way or another, you'd have to permanently remove the starter license from your account to be able to enter giveaways for the game (or, at least, any for giveaways that use this particular listing).
If you're not playing the demo anymore anyway, it should be fine to just locate and back up any save files and just delete the game, you theoretically wouldn't lose any thing that way other than your ability to play the demo in the future.
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I have no idea what I did but now I can join the giveaway. I made the game private then undid that not sure if it's what solved the issue. totally forgot about this giveaway if not for this comment lol, thanks. Or maybe the guy just changed the giveaway and it fixed itself. idk.
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Oh, man, totally forgot privating games is a thing now. Yeah, privating blocks sync recognition (in the same way deleting a game from your account or a game being removed from the Steam store both also do; It's also why fully private SG accounts have to go public for weekly account syncs to continue using the site), which is exactly why people have been discussing it on SG lately.
Yes, so long as you private and then sync, you should be able to enter giveaways like this one without issue, that should definitely be what fixed it for you. Sorry for overlooking that on my end, nearly made you miss out. :S
Just make sure when setting games to private that you don't accidentally enter giveaways for an actual game you already own, as that could lead to a 5 day suspension (Premise:"Not Activating Won Gifts", see suspension criteria at the bottom of this page) or even an indefinite suspension if staff believes it was intentional.
Conversely, for a freebie like the HITMAN 2 Starter Pack, you could honestly just leave that permanently privated without any issue, thereby not running into this problem with it in the future.
Well, I say no issues, but you'll no longer be considered as owning the base game and thereby won't see/be able to enter any DLC pack listings [without unprivating the game and syncing], but I doubt there's really any of those on SG to begin with. Could always search the site archive to see previous gifting trends and make your own opinion as to which route is better for you.
In any case, the privating approach seems like a workaround I might actually end up using one day, thanks for pointing it out. :)
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I didn't know it was a thing at first, I was going to try and remove the game from my library but I couldn't find that as an option, I could only hide it so I found this new thing and tried it out. When I did it at first and synced, nothing happened and then I thought it was a lost cause and forgot about the giveaway, then when I saw your comment I noticed that now I can join the giveaway so you are pretty much the reason I was able to participate because otherwise I wouldn't have checked again to see if I was eligible. Thanks and I hope this also helps you in the future.
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That's because this is a listing for the game launcher (which obviously the free Hawke's Bay episode would also use), not for any of the episodic game content. Staff planned to remove the listing over four years ago, not sure why it's still available in the giveaway list. There's more details in my reply to the giveaway creator above, if you're interested in a non-TL;DR explanation.
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Thank you.
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Standard or Deluxe?
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Cool :)
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Thank you!!!!
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Thank you! :3
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Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone!
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thx for the giveaway
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Ahhh thanks so much for this! :D
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the chance! <3
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Thank you
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Thank you!
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thanks for HITMAN™ 2 contest
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Thanks you^^
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Thank you for the consideration.
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Thank you!
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thanks for sharing
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