GL & HF! ^^
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3,736 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by yugimax
Hi, first of all, thanks for the giveaway.
I've noticed you haven't set a level restriction in your giveaways, may i suggest, that you do so in your future ones?
The reason is simple, there are a lot of bad accounts on this site, like autojoiners, multis, bots, win resellers and other rule breakers or just leechers, who doesn't contribute to the site at all, and most of them are found on level 0.
I even suggest to set a higher level than 1, because it will cost like 10 Cent to reach that level, even level 3 is pretty cheap to reach and will cost like 10 to 20 bucks, also being poor isn't an excuse for me, because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months.
Another advantage of setting the bar higher is, that you won't get bothered by all the annoying thank you messages from autojoiners with thank you script, that's why i set my bar even higher to at least level 4 and level 3 being the real exception.
You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly.
I'm a person, who checks his winners, about ratio and also rule breaks and if you like to do so:
If you see red marks there, you can request a reroll for a new winner, just put the link into your support ticket
If you want to know how many users are on each level:
with 970k users on level 0 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway and just there for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction.
If you got more questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day
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Hi, you've already sent me this message that you copy-paste in every level 0 giveaway you see. And I already told you my reasons to keep my GAs open to everyone. You may think people don't deserve nice things unless they spend 200$ on this site first, but I don't, I make sure my winners are legit before giving them the keys, and all of my giveaways are of leftover keys that I'm not going to use and none of my friends want anyway.
I had to be a level 0 for a long time and now it's my chance to give back to the community, and I'm doing so thinking about the people who can't level up for whatever reason. Please just let people have nice things.
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I'm sorry for doubleposting, excuse me.
But you're wrong with some points, i don't post this in every level 0 i see and i don't think people deserve stuff until they spent 200$, 200$ will probably take you to level 7 or 8 and that would be a very high level restriction.
I also did a quick check of your recent winners after you assured me the last time, that you'll check your winners, which obviously wasn't the case, because you gave Per Aspera, a game, which are many interested in, to a rulebreaker, which didn't activated his win of Frostpunk 3 weeks before and this was just the worst rulebreaker, so take my message not as a doublepost, but a friendly reminder, that there are really a lot of bad accounts at low levels around and you should really check your winners, if you don't want to support bots, multis and rulebreakers.
Thanks for your attention
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Taken from the FAQ of SG about the amount of contribution needed to level up:
"Level 0: $0.00
Level 1: $0.01 - $25
Level 2: $25 - $50
Level 3: $50 - $100
Level 4: $100 - $250
Level 5: $250 - $500
Level 6: $500 - $1,000
Level 7: $1,000 - $2,000
Level 8: $2,000 - $3,000
Level 9: $3,000 - $5,000
Level 10: $5,000+"
And that's without taking into account that you need to have spent 100$ on Steam before you can even use the site. So you're quite literally asking for people to spend over 200$ before they can begin having chances at getting things.
And about the game I gave to a rulebreaker, you are right, I did. I noticed they were a rulebreaker and tried to make a ticket about it asking for a new winner, but the mods didn't reply in multiple days so I eventually had to just give it to the rulebreaker. The inactivity from the mods is a different problem, but if they won't respond to tickets about rule breaking, I can't do much about that.
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taking Steam value into calculation isn't how this works, but if you do so, also take the price of your PC into it, to make it just more hilarious
taking only Steam value into account is how much money it would cost to set up a bot or multiaccount, are we discussing this now?
I assume every legit gamer already owns a Steam account worth at least 100$, if you don't, well what do you want to do with games anyway?
And i don't know how the calculation of this 100$ works, but if it works like the CV system, it will be much less money you have to spend, speaking of which, the table with the amount of money to spend is right, but it doesn't take into account, that you get like 5 times or more the CV for each buck spent, look at the recent Fanatical bundle:
5 bucks to spend and you get over 26 CV, which would boost a level zero easily to level 2, buy 2 copies of this bundle and you're level 3 with just 10 bucks, you see, my calculation was right
About your rulebreaker, you could have waited longer then just some days, no one forces you to give the key away and if you're patient enough, support will finally answer you, suspend the user and reroll your giveaway, but you're choosen differently and it sounds more like a lame excuse tbh
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You sound real pissed that I want to give games to level 0 accounts, it honestly sounds like you're pissed that people that don't spend money get the same chances as you, who does. Why do you even want free games so bad anyway if you can totally afford to get them yourself? It took me years to accumulate 100$ spent on my Steam account so I could even begin to use SG, and even more years to have access to keys I could give away. Many people just don't have acess to digital money, or money to spend on games at all, much less for other people. You talk like 100$ is pocket change, it's not.
And again, it's not my problem if support takes weeks to respond. If it's just a lame excuse for you, then I'm sorry, but it's how things are. It's a valid excuse for me.
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i'm not pissed and please don't imply it
and how can a level zero have the same chances as me, when he can't even join all the level restricted GAs? I don't even join overcrowded level zero GAs, because i have better choices to spend my points on.
why are you assuming i can totally afford the games myself?
at lot of wrong assumptions from your side, idk what's causing this, but maybe your POV on things isn't the best
and how does it come, that you have money for a PC, but not for games, weird
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I meant you having the same chances as a level 0 in non restricted giveaways like mine, which is why you keep sending messages to people that regularly post non-restricted giveaways trying to get them to restrict them to level 3 minimum. Because you think level 0 people don't deserve them. You can totally afford the games yourself because you've done multiple giveaways. If you can afford games for others, you can afford them for yourself, simple. And also, because you literally said that why would anyone want a Steam account if they don't spend 100$ on it. Like there aren't any good cheap or even free games on Steam lmao
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where did i say level 3 minimum, get your facts right, please
so you're assuming i can afford games, when i buy cheap keys from bundles on the greymarket for Cents, smart conclusion Sherlock, let me educate you, not every game costs just some Cents and i like the Secret Santa aspect of the site.
The only thing that annoys me are your wrong assumptions and implications, but that's a common thing from people with your point of view, sometimes i think i'm talking to the same person, just on another multiaccount, Rachel is it you?
and of course you haven't answered my question about money for PC, but not for games, another thing which is a common experience, unpleasent questions, which are strong points, aren't adressed any further
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yeah, same chances, but as i said, i don't join overcrowded level zero GAs anyway
i'm sending messages, because i mostly got positive feedback and want to make people aware, that there are a lot of bad accounts on level zero, that's why i choose to post this message in GAs, which most likely receive the most attention, even in games i already own, and which most likely lands me on more Blacklists, lowering my overall chances to win something in the end, so i definitely do this to increase my chances, lol
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Dude in the message you keep copy pasting everywhere you recommend setting the giveaways to at least level 3, or even higher because level 3 is too cheap for your tastes. So I got my facts right, thank you. About the money for PC games I honestly don't even know what you're talking about, most people have a PC because it's kind of necessary to have one nowadays. Also who tf is rachel lmao.
The "assumptions" you keep complaining about are just the conclussions I'm getting from your messages. But don't worry, you won't have to deal with them anymore because I'm done arguing with you. I'll keep setting my giveaways to level 0 and I have my reasons to do so, I don't care if it pisses you off or what you think about level 0 accounts.
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Thanks a lot!
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Thanks 🙏👍
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Thank you ! <3
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Thanks for the giveaway! ✔
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thanks for the chance!!!
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Thank you!
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Thx you for Giveways !
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Thank you
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Enjoy the game! ^^
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