
Note that this is the Intro Pack (Prologue + Episode 1), not the full season.


This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah I noticed afterwards. It doesn't really make a difference in terms of contents so I didn't bother deleting it, I just added the description in case the winner would expect the full season and be disappointed to see it isn't.

8 years ago

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I really appreciate the giveaway, but sadly while it doesn't make a difference to the contents (although it kinda does since this is just Ep1 of the full game) because it has different names.. anyone that wins this will fail activation checks on their account by SteamGifts.

8 years ago

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No they won't

The package includes HITMAN™, which is the item this giveaway is linked to

8 years ago

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It still doesn't matter, this isn't the correct giveaway for the correct game and you're a moderator. Surely this sets a bad precedent? There's every risk someone activates this and, when checked with SGTools, it shows unactivated since you're not giving away "Hitman" you're giving "Hitman Intro Pack" No?

Any way, thank you for the giveaway but I don't want to risk it :D

8 years ago

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I "see an issue" with this one because the giveaway is for something it's not, where other people have been banned/suspended for creating giveaways of content that doesn't match what they're offering. I'm not trying to cause trouble, nor am I attacking you, but you're doubling down on a simple mistake with a simple fix. People win this, they get something that isn't this. How is that a good thing?

Anyway, it's fine, no more replies from me. Just wanted to say my piece.

8 years ago

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They get what the giveaway is for, and they also get 3 DLCs as a bonus. I don't see how to explain it any better.

8 years ago

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Calling slices of the game "DLCs as a bonus" at the very least borders on a lie.
There is no game without those "DLCs".

8 years ago

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Ok whatever, not going to waste more time trying to explain this.

8 years ago

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People get suspended for not delivering what is promised. Seeing as how what is promised is included in what he's giving to the winner, Tempete has covered his promise.

It would be better to fix it properly, however.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I guess I'm a bit late on this, but I wanted to clarify some things. Steamgifts has always allowed the listing of game packs as a single game in the pack. This was done in response to a couple of the early Humble Bundles that would give each tier as a single key. For example, if Aquaria, Crayon Physics Deluxe, and Dungeons of Dredmor were given away as a single key, you are allowed to list it under "Aquaria".

What people are getting suspended for is creating giveaways for entirely different games, or giving away the "Deluxe" version of the game when they only have the base game. So essentially, you are allowed to give the winner more than what is in the title, but not any less.

8 years ago

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Bad precedent. Maybe ask cg to change it?

8 years ago

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Uh, isn't that against the rules?

8 years ago

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No, HITMAN™ is included in included in HITMAN™: INTRO PACK [Prologue + Episode 1], so the winner will receive what this giveaway is for.
It's just that the name is confusing since you could think it's for the whole season.

8 years ago

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Yeah that was what was confusing me. After sleep and additional thought I get it now.

8 years ago

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Would keeping the GA as this not give you EXTRA Giveaway Points? I would have thought, (though do not know for sure as I haven't looked, so I could be very, very wrong and, whilst I am asking this, I also trust your word as Staff and am just posting this query as it seems that some users were thinking of posting this but didn't ask it correctly.....but again, I could be very, very wrong), that the GA Points added to YOUR SG Account from this title, (The full release), are more than would be received when choosing the correct item, which is the Intro Pack (Prologue and Ep. 1).....or is it the same amount?

Regardless of your reply/ignoring my question; Thank you for this, it's very much appreciated

8 years ago

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Question answered, thank you very much :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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he is moderator man trust him

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks! =)~~

8 years ago

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If I won HITMAN™ (15p), I can still enter HITMAN™: INTRO PACK [Prologue + Episode 1] (15p).
If I won HITMAN™: INTRO PACK [Prologue + Episode 1] (15p), I can't enter HITMAN™ (15p) anymore.

If someone who want to giveaway whole HITMAN game, they should select HITMAN: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON [Prologue + Episode 1-6 + Bonus Episode] (60p) instead.

So this may be right. But I think this still be gray.
Because creator can still select HITMAN™: INTRO PACK [Prologue + Episode 1] (15p) to avoid this confusing.

8 years ago*

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Definitely a bad precedent being set by a moderator here, in my opinion.

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot! :D

8 years ago

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You should delete ga and open a new one, if you can not create ga for a game you have, then you just "can not", i have been banned for 7 days for the same issue.

8 years ago

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But there is something wrong with this ga. When i click the image, it goes to "HITMAN™: INTRO PACK [Prologue + Episode 1] "
If both gas goes to same game then there should be no problem. My comment above means nothing. :)

8 years ago*

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Thanks :)

8 years ago

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I just remembered something, but if someone wins the intro pack, they can NOT enter giveaways for the full first season, they can only enter giveaways for the upgrade pack. The full season will not activate unless the intro pack is removed first. The upgrade pack will activate to convert to a full season. I may have that wrong, but I think that's what I remember from the Square Enix bundle description.

8 years ago

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Ah yes, I forgot about that. You're correct, it was the same problem with Life Is Strange, the episodes not being listed in the full season package make it look to the system like it just includes the base game. There shouldn't be any issue with the upgrade pack though.

8 years ago

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..and that's the exact reason why I haven't entered any giveaways for this, even though I want to try out the game.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks TJ :)

8 years ago

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Yo! Thanks for the giveaway :3

8 years ago

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Thanks! :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You can request to change game to Hitman Prologue Pack. I would just to be safe.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the chance!

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot!!!

8 years ago

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Thank Tempete XD

8 years ago

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have to agree Bad precedent to set - mods should lead by example not by circumvention - but hey I am just a user

8 years ago

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Maybe I'll make a ticket to have the title changed if that can make everyone stop whining, or maybe I should have deleted this and kept the key for myself

8 years ago

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As I posted above:

I guess I'm a bit late on this, but I wanted to clarify some things. Steamgifts has always allowed the listing of game packs as a single game in the pack. This was done in response to a couple of the early Humble Bundles that would give each tier as a single key. For example, if Aquaria, Crayon Physics Deluxe, and Dungeons of Dredmor were given away as a single key, you are allowed to list it under "Aquaria".

What people are getting suspended for is creating giveaways for entirely different games, or giving away the "Deluxe" version of the game when they only have the base game. So essentially, you are allowed to give the winner more than what is in the title, but not any less.

8 years ago

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yeah - I got all that - but better to ere on the side of caution in these instances, given that the wrong game entry was admitted as being used by the op, and given that it was such a simple thing to fix for the op - and given that sgtools might have picked up on errors later (who can say for sure) - and thus such a simple fix would have led to a moderator leading by example, and as another moderator stated 'It would be better to fix it properly'; but instead I received a somewhat flippant response from a moderator to a matter that needn't have been necessary in the first instance (or at least instantly fixable). But either way, as stated, we are just mere users with opinons :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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