Today my Mother peacefully died in her sleep. She fought to stay with us so as to express her great love for her children, family, and friends. However, the tumor was aggressive and took over her throat and closed her esophagus. Our family and friends pulled together and were there with her constantly the last few days. Saturday she had so many visitors-- over 20. I stayed with her constantly day and night since Saturday... I knew the moments were precious and held her hand, gave hugs, kissed her cheek and forehead as much as possible and reassured her of our great love for her. She was the most loving, caring, unselfish, generous and kind person I know... She did reflexology which is massaging others feet to promote natural health. So she was always daily working on her family and friends feet, massaging them. She was a Bible teacher volunteer, took care of sick, elderly, and gave of herself in so many ways and touched so many in her life.
I thought of this game as she has 3 cats named Little Bit, Snickers, and Lizzie. They will greatly miss her as she showered them with love and affection. They will be lost without their Mama... like the cat in this story of "The purring Quest." I share that in common with my Mom's cats... I too will feel lost without my Mama.
I appreciate so much support from everyone in this thread. We all share in common the sufferings of disease, sickness, pain and death of our dear loved ones and thus can find comfort and strength from each other to endure this... We must cherish the moments daily with those we love because those "small" things end up being the BIGGEST thing of all.
0 Comments - Created 1 minute ago by MeguminShiro
29 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by hallak65
111 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by mjy
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338 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by aquatorrent
777 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fitz10024
My sincere condolences for the loss of your mother Jeff. My heart and prayers go out to your mom, you and your family and friends. It's heartwarming to hear that you and a lot of family and friends were beside her and that you could say your goodbyes to her. You're mom was clearly a very nice person and a very loving mother. No one can take away the time you spend together and all the memories up until the last moment. And no one can take away the fact that you cared for your mom until the last moment.
We should honor the fact that health and life is volatile and can take a turn for the worse so we need to live our life's today and not live our life's tomorrow.
Words are failing me, having had myself recently cancer, and I feel somewhat guilty that some people make it while others don't...
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So true... life can change so quickly. My Mother was always the strong one, taking care of everyone else... she was strong and healthy until middle part of December... something so slight of a tickle was felt in her throat. She was driving, working, taking care of others, totally strong and independent then within a week -- last week of December had difficult breathing and was rushed to hospital and had emergency tracheotomy put in her throat.
Wow... it came from no where it seems.
No idea how she had that cancer but it was not treatable.
This can happen to any one of us and after this month concludes-- the thread will take a different turn as you will soon see.
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Thank you immensely for your generosity during your time of grief. My heart goes out to you and you family.
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Thank you for your kind words.
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Hi Jeff,
Sigh - I hope you'll accept some virtual {{Momo hugs}}. Having lost my own mother and older sister, who was my second mother, both to cancer, I can attest to how helpless one can feel against aggressive cancers. However, I am truly glad you had time to say goodbye and were able to comfort her in those last hours... that is a such a gift.
Personally, I know it takes time to heal - inasmuch as anyone ever does - so please give yourself time and be easy with yourself.
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Lost my Father to COPD 4 years ago... now Mom...
I'm going to have to learn to live without parents... it is tough!
Yes we had a lot of time to spend with her... that was a great gift !
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I'm an "orphan" too... But someone said something along the lines of "We all move up to bat eventually". To me, it's more like that expression "Home is the place where when you have to go there, they will take you in." That's only now true for me as a parental unit... -shrugs- It's a journey. Not always a fun one but decidedly never boring.
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That's true. It's in these little, warm and happy memories that the people we lost keep on living. They're there, in your best memories, constantly re-living these lovely moments of happiness. So hold on to all those happy thoughts, because that's where your Mama is resting.
Hugs from me and my cats.
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Beautifully written! Those are truly precious memories!
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I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts losing someone so close and so beloved to such a horrible means as cancer. The only thing I can say that hasn't already been is that although it hurts so much like someone is choking the the air out of your chest every time you think of her... it will get easier as time goes on. You won't forget her. I have been told the loss may always ache. But as trite as it sounds the pain does go away. The first year was the hardest but time is a balm just as much as it is a harsh mistress.
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Yes so true... I have 3 young boys- my sons ... that my Mom showered daily with love and affection... baking blueberry pies for us weekly from fresh blueberries she picked from her yard! She was a beautiful Mother and Grandmother...
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So sorry for your loss!
I am lost for words and my eyes are failing me hard right now., but I'm glad that you were together in the final moments and showed as much affection as you could.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
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Thanks soooo much... saying you are at a loss for words are beautiful and powerful words of meaning in themselves. <3
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My condolences for your loss, I'm sorry you're going through that...
<3 But also, thank you for your giving nature!
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Thanks so much for your kind words!
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I'm so sorry about your mother, but it sounds like it was a wonderful end-of-life experience, considering all of the love that was in that room.
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Love size. > Room size
Well said!
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Again, I'm sorry for your loss. I had been following your updates but didn't see the last one til now :( Nobody should have to go through this, and for having been there, I know how there is really not much I can say right now that will make you feel better. I'm so glad though that you could spend so much time with her in the end.
If you ever need to talk, you're always welcome to poke me on steam. Also I hope you'll keep that thread alive one way or another as I think it's one of the most positive ones on SG forums. <3
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Yes yes... after the emergency surgery of her tracheotomy allowing her to breathe... literally saving her life.. we had 4 months of cherished time with her that was the best gift we could have ever been given!
Our love was compounded for her and each other in our family and friends many times over...
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Let your mom's loving soul rest in peace... Words are powerless now but she was a lovely person and she will live forever in memories... Be strong, Jeff!
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Thank you for your encouragement!
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Gracias !
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Sorry about your mother. May her soul rest in peace. Stay strong and remember her. She'll live in your heart <3
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Thank you for your warm words
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Sorry for your lost, people never die as long as somebody remembers them, my deepest condolences to you and your family.
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That's a nice way to view it...
Thanks so much!
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This is LIFE. It could be difficult to get through, but it is the life.
We are born to die, but we can still own some precious memories.
That is it.
Wish you a better tomorrow.
And your mother will always bless you, surely.
Thanks for the chance.
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Yes life is so cruel sometimes... or should we say ... death is cruel all the time!
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I am quite sorry for your lost. I must commend you for your great attitude towards life's many challenges. May peace find a way to your heart.
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Thank you for your words of encouragement!
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Thanks for the game, I hope you will still be happy in your life even with your mother gone.
This was the 58th GA I entered for this game.
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Yes I have a big family from my parents... I have 3 sisters and one brother.
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