
Please, no generic thank you messages, unless you are a bot.
Would love for the winner to actually play the game.
Hope the winner haves has fun!
GL everyone!

Why do bots even say "Thank you"? That seems unnecessary.

11 months ago

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I guess because those poor souls (do bots even have souls?) are trained to do so by greedy humans that are taking advantage of this great platform to collect as many games for free as possible.
Humans bad. Bots good.

11 months ago

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From what I know some tools (like browser extensions) allow to enter a message for the entry. And some thought that makes them more polite so people are not upset about using a tool.
After all... You know, the prompt makes you think about it so you enter a message assuming it might be of use. Like a signature for mails. Who needs them? Still some have it.
But yea, they suck. Almost as much as people starting a discussion.
Sorry for the unsolicited reply. Since I'm posting already, I might say "thanks" at least. I guess it is obvious I'm not a bot...

11 months ago

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So both the developer and the users of these scripts are idiots.

But yea, they suck. Almost as much as people starting a discussion.


Sorry for the unsolicited reply. Since I'm posting already, I might say "thanks" at least. I guess it is obvious I'm not a bot...

Np and you're welcome bot (since only a bot would say that they are not a bot)

11 months ago

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Yea, to be honest, that was what I was assuming, too. Not sure if people believe their bot-activity would be unnoticed that way. Or they really assume they are nice when they spam automated thanks. Still I usually out them on my blacklist.
And of course I am not a bot. You fellow humans are far too paranoid. I mean... everybody knows a machine can not lie. So me telling you I am a perfectly normal human earthling should be proof enough, right?

11 months ago

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Well, I don't add them to BL right away, it could very well be it's just a noob. I was like that too for almost the first few months.

Well, now with AI and stuff, how knows, it's very difficult to say what's written by human and what's written by bots. Maybe I am a bot too?

11 months ago

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Nah, it is not an automatism. But when I check the recent wins seeing the identical message. Furthermore when they have like 200 won games but only 1 sent... I get an idea. I mean, it's not about being angry about using technology. But I prefer this to be a community and some somehow fair shares.
And yes, you are right, with AI these days we could be very well two bots chatting with each other.
That reminds me on that experiment some years ago where they let two chat bots talk to each other and they end up making each other compliments and flirting with each other all the time. Well, if that's the future, count me in, Mr. Bot! I just added you to my whitelist. Who knows... maybe once the machines have taken over I can present this as my token of friendship.

11 months ago

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I understand, and feel the same way (or whatever the hell we bots do).
Lol... that them ending up flirting is both both funny and terrifying how it's similar what normal humans often do.
Thanks for the WL! I'd return the favor but I don't do WLs, only BLs. So, in a way you already are in my WL.

11 months ago

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thank you for the game

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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