Hmm, forgot to give one of these things away... Let's see... Basically, it's the next episode in the series entitled "hope you get some foil cards." :) These boobie games always have the best card prices...
Oh, it's level 5 because I'm a jerk. Sorry. But I'll bet $1 of crap from steamground should get you there, if you hurry... :)
You know, I wonder if there will be fewer giveaways around here with the recent Steam gifting changes...
It seems a bit silly, being unable to buy a game for someone because that game is 10% more expensive in their store. If Valve can't stand the idea of leaving a few cents on the table, at least give people the option to pay the higher price... So now, instead of getting 30% of something, they will get 100% of nothing. Nice work guys... :)
And if there's a great discount on something in the Summer Sale, I can't buy an extra copy for my inventory... :( Guess Valve were trying to put arbitrageurs out of business, but I don't want to be stuck paying full price for some game because a giveaway winner was on vacation for a couple days...
So what's the solution, anyway? Do people just not buy their games for giveaways on Steam any more? One thing I liked about buying a Steam gift for my inventory, there's no chance of any monkey business. You can see when the winner redeemed it, with no worry of accidentally sending someone a used key, or someone saying they got a used key, etc. Sigh.
Guess that's a question. Have these changes to the store/gifting/whatever affected you? Were you already buying giveaway games elsewhere because Steam's prices were too high? Or maybe you're not going to make low level giveaways, in case the winner says key bad, gibe moar pls? :)
Dunno what I'm going to do, so hopefully you will be able to think of some good ideas for me... :) It's tempting to quietly slink away and hope nobody notices, but I'll try to take the higher ground... :) Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Hmm, that's what I was trying to say, but maybe I didn't do a very good job of it... :)
I wonder if Valve employees only interact with people in the same region, so these recent changes are all invisible to them personally... Or maybe they have a secret button to gift any game to anyone they please... :)
Maybe I should clean out all my leftover crappy gift copies of things, or save them for 10 years hoping they will become collector's items... :) Suppose everyone else had the same idea, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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It does affect me, because from time to time I traded for a gift from the US to get the uncensored ROW version when here in Germany you can only get the censored local version.
No more uncensored games for me, now. Means less money for Valve.
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i get all my uncut stuff from key stores... no problem to activate them via VPN, just don't use steamstore with VPN... ;)
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I dont gift from steam and make higher level gibs, not to much problems so far
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Good to hear not everyone is completely screwed, then... :) I suppose once Valve see numbers they will know if it was a dumb idea for them or not, so far it's looking pretty stupid to me but all I have are anecdotes... :)
I wonder if it's common for ordinary people to buy gifts to give away later to a random stranger, or if it's only common around here... :)
Good luck! :)
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The new gifting changes are pretty awful. You know it's bad when you question whether it's even worth making a giveaway anymore. I've bought some stuff on Humble store to giveaway but it's still really inconvenient. Thankfully I'm from the US so I can still gift to most countries. Others have it worse I suppose.
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It's such a big change I have to wonder if Valve really considered all the consequences... But maybe gifting like we do around here is only relevant for 0.0001% of their customers... :) Knowing Valve, I'm guessing either they didn't think of it, or didn't care... :)
Buying a game that's on sale today on a whim, so I can give it away next week, next month, or whatever - that's pretty much all I do around here nowadays... :( So now I'll have to stick with short giveaways during a sale (and hope the winner notices before the sale ends...) or buy from some random bundle site, or just say screw it I suppose.
Guess I can keep giving away cheap boobie game garbage, since a 10% discount isn't saving enough money to matter... But there's not going to be any expensive hidden stuff unless I can find it in the Humble store or whatever...
Hmmm, I wonder if Ubisoft game giveaways will die out since outside of the Steam store you can only find Uplay keys... Maybe people promoting their youtube crap will continue and just eat the cost? Can't see myself throwing away $60 just to make a joke or whatever, though... Sigh...
Good luck! :)
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hasnt affected me yet since ive been leeching and havnt been giving back much lately :x
ill have to wait and see how/if it will
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Aha, I guess leeching will still work, unless you're winning a lot of stuff from the Steam store... :) Were your wins mostly keys, or were there a lot of Steam gifts too? Just curious... :)
Good luck! :)
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this last month, 4 keys and one HB link
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Thank you for your giveaway Fiftykyu! ^^
I now use more keys to gift from place like GMG, GamesPlanet, Humble Store and I buy less gifts on Steam then I used to. I live in Europe so when i use Steam gifts I can giveaway to any region.
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Aha, but now if I gift via Steam I need to know who I'm sending it to when I buy it, which is exactly the opposite of how I've been doing things around here... :(
It was fun to see a big discount on some random fun thing, and buy a copy to give away later, but now I'll have to buy it after the giveaway ends, for a 0% discount... :( Or just buy a key outside of Steam, so I get the discount and Valve get $0... :)
I wonder if there's a list of what areas can still buy for everyone, although it probably isn't a very big list... :) Offhand I know Canada can't any more, but hopefully the foolishness will be dynamic and we can all take turns being screwed with random currency fluctuations... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you again! :-)
I hear you because I also bought on the Steam store during sales and placed the gifts in my Steam inventory for later use what's not possible anymore. :-(
I'm living in Western Europe so I hope that I don't have a lot of currency problems during gifting.
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Yeah, with an old Steam gift in my inventory, I knew it was still good. But with an old key, there's no way to check if I used it years ago and forgot to mark it down. Or if the store sold me a bad key and I never noticed. Or if the developer had a meltdown and revoked all the unused keys... Just felt safer with a gift, nothing could go wrong with it... :) Oh well...
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Gifts are safer indeed but I have a feeling that Valve won't change anything to their decision because they have by doing this essentially knocked the grey markets out of the Steam gifts business.
And we are collateral damage.
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Hmmm, I can't think of anything to add, that pretty much sums it up... :(
I wonder if Valve are saving any gifting surprises for the Summer Sale, but I'm not sure what else could be done... There's probably a way it could get even worse, just hope they don't try too hard to find it... :)
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It could get much worse if Valve would do something against region free keys and/or key gifting.
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Oh, hmm, you're right, that didn't occur to me. So it could get much worse...
I don't know anything about how publishers request Steam keys, maybe they have the option to specify a region but it's not a requirement? I guess killing region-free keys would be the end... :(
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It could be worse but hopefully this nightmare scenario will not happen.
I have already made 14 SGTools trains with a combination of keys and Steam gifts but now for the first I made the latest one with only keys. This train was launched on Thursday 2230 hours and to this moment of posting I have had 800+ individual SG users passing through the SGTools gate.
My point is that in the link that I posted. For the moment Valve doesn't look that they will bring back the steam gifts to inventory possibility but making trains and individual giveaways with keys is possible and it's also heartwarming and very nice to get positive feedback.
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Hopefully the Steam sales will show such a decrease in sales from people not gifting anymore they'll change.
But likely they wont, and if there's a noticable decrease they will blame it on something else than their own foolishness ("gotta be piracy! Such a drop in sales after our gifting change? Yeeeeah... has to be!")
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Sounds like a plausible excuse, it's all our fault for not wanting to throw money away... :) Guess I would want to think Valve would be less stupid, and admit it if these changes were a big mistake, but... :)
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I used to fill my inventory with gifts to activate later/possibly give away at every sale, the changes suck T_T
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Yeah, I still have a pile of random gifts I was intending to give away at some later date... Guess I can switch to buying keys from the Humble store or whatever, but a gift copy is 100% guaranteed to be good. There's no way to be sure with a key... :( Oh well...
Good luck!: )
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You can use Humble bundle gift-links instead? 100% known to be good, and you can check if they're redeemed.
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Hmm, yeah, I seem to remember reading that somewhere, but don't think I've actually tried it. Guess if you take screenshots of "before" and "after" you can ask support to take care of things should you get a "bad" giveaway winner... Hope I never have to find out... :)
Nowadays I reveal all my keys immediately and either use them or save them in a text file for later... Didn't always do that, but got burned too many times with suddenly dead bundle sites, where I didn't reveal my unused keys and lost them... :(
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That change is dumb 'cause I used to store the games to give them away at a later point. The change just means that the only purchases done on Steam are mostly for myself (I WOULD be able to gift stuff at the time of the sale due to being in the highest paying region but even then regional reduced pricing set by devs/publishers might cause issues).
I just switched to key resellers like Humble for gifting to be fine.
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Yep, dumb is how it looks to me too... :) It's like Valve don't want people buying games for strangers any more...
I wonder if it's such a rare thing to do that they didn't even consider it... Obviously it's common around here, but maybe ordinary Steam users never do it?
Guess I'll have to switch to Humble store also, but many games can only be found on Steam... :(
Hmm, did they ever explain what problem these gifting changes were intended to solve? Probably the "problem" of Valve not getting enough of our money, except now they will be getting nothing... :)
Good luck! :)
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If I remember correctly they told they wanted to fight the grey market that way where users bought copies on sales to resell them at a later time.
I just think they want to reduce the amount of support needed on their side because of scammers instead but this won't really solve the issue.
We`ll see if it stays like that next year. I don't think sales changes on a single sale will be enough to let them change their mind.
The change also might move more publishers to humble. There already are several games with a lower basic price on humble as well (like Thimbleweed Park) and having an additional sales platform for features by its site is great for any publisher to raise awareness for their games.
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I won't be too upset if every publisher tries the Humble Store, with the extra 10% discount from the monthly thing, hmm, oh except for ones like Ubisoft, I guess. Not interested in Uplay keys, regardless of the price... :(
I wonder if there's a lot of fraud going on behind the scenes, if Valve think all these changes are an improvement... Maybe thieves are using Steam to turn their stolen credit card numbers into real money? You'd think there would be an easier way to do it. :)
Not sure how it would work, since anyone buying expensive new games from random level 0 Steam accounts gets what they deserve... :) So maybe scammers have a large stockpile of hijacked Steam accounts to look legit? Guess that would explain the mobile authentication stuff too... :)
I hope Valve find a different solution, it's going to be annoying otherwise... :(
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I made a very few giveaways with games bought directly from the Steam store, so the changes don't affect me much (as a giver). I would like to see Valve's annual financial report before and after making those changes.
Thanks, Fifty!
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Yeah, I'm curious about that too... Obviously it's a big change for some people on Steamgifts, but I'm not sure how representative of typical Steam users we are... :) Random guy who only uses Steam for csgo or dota probably won't notice a thing... :)
Good luck! :)
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I always love your giveaways because I'm a piece of weeb trash and I bought the full monthly bundle so winning this would get me all 4 main Nekopara games.
Thank you very much. . . honestly though I never really bought from Steam (I would buy from them during sales just to gift the people I wanted to gift.) so this whole not being able to store Steam gifts really rubs me the wrong way MOSTLY because of the fact that trading is botched and now if I wanted to buy a game to giveaway it would be on Humble Bundle or somewhere else just so I can have that key to give out W/E I wanted to give it out and not right off the bat. I hope Valve decides to retract this, but I seriously doubt it and with the exception of trading cards and spending money on games during sales I won't really be buying from Steam's Storefront if I can avoid it.
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Yeah, I bought that Humble Sekai Project bundle, but the only thing I was missing was that one DLC for whatever game it was. So I guess I paid $12 for a few trading cards... Oh well... :(
I wonder if this is the kind of dumb change they quickly revert, or the kind of dumb change they keep around forever... I also wonder if there was a lot of scamming or fraud or something, or if it was just a "leaving money on the table" thing...
Good luck! :)
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ty for the manine conn and...
Probbaly now I'll gif just keys form sites like gmg, HIB, store,etc. no more steam gifts
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Sounds like Valve won't be getting any more of your money then... Pretty clever move on their part... :) Maybe they earn so much from kids gambling that they don't need us buying games any more... :)
Good luck! :)
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The change with pricing doesn't affect me much since I'm in EU anyway (thanks again for putting my non-€-using country in the most expensive price range, Valve) other than Canadians/New Zealanders making less gibs I can enter, but the equipment change is a major pain in the ass. I can understand that the latter was, among other things, for preventing people stocking up during price glitches, but that's throwing the baby away with the bathwater IMO.
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Think I've managed to buy two or three games total with a Steam price glitch, and I never bothered to get extra gift copies, it was just greed for myself... :) And it was all stuff that ended up cheap or bundled later, anyway... :)
A random big change without considering the consequences, it does sound like typical Valve... :) Maybe they will allow people to pay the more expensive region's price if they want to gift to that region, but somehow I doubt it...
And I think removing gift copies is dumb... If I can't buy an extra copy of some game as a gift during a big sale, I'm not going to buy it after the sale at full price, I'm just not going to bother... :)
Good luck! :)
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Even though i live in the EU and usually this means prices are on the higher end for steam stuff I am not going to make any steam purchases directly, I don't think i'll buy even anything for me unless it's a little piece of DLC or something that I want so i can 100% a game and can't get anywhere else, i'll stick to the odd bundle or sale in key sites like HB/bundlestars etc
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Aha, I tend to ignore big discounts on dlc since I never bother to play the games anyway... No idea what it is, no reason to buy dlc for it... :) And you don't get the precious +1 from a dlc... :) Oh well... :)
Hopefully all the stuff you give away is available outside of Steam... :) I think, hmm, the Steam version of many visual novels for example are only available directly from Steam. Plus things like Ubisoft games, outside of Steam you'll only get a Uplay key... :(
Good luck! :)
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Thanks nyan!
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Aha, it looks like Azusa, but it's been so long I have no idea what the circumstances might be... :) Oh well... :)
And one of the people in this game is only wearing cat ears, not a real cat person, so I guess it fits... :)
Good luck! :)
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physics max.... P.. P... P... Pet pet .. P .. P ... pet
As you can see, I've become a Nekopara expert because of the latest Humble bundle c:
As for gifting, I've more or less stopped making giveaways. I really enjoyed finding interesting games on sale, and keeping them in my inventory to giveaway later. The change ruined that - but I'm now saving a lot of money because of it, I guess ^_~
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Aha, got all the achievements too... :) I seem to remember in one of those games you had to play in windowed mode and shake the window around with your mouse... :)
Yeah, no chance I'll make a random low-level giveaway for something expensive now, if I have to send the winner a key... Hey, key was bad, send a new one... Oh, weird, that one was bad too, please send another... Guess it does save money I can use to buy more random garbage for myself, though... Oh well...
Good luck! :)
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Yay, latest Nekopara... just what I need to complete the collection.
As for gifting; I suggest Humble Bundle (+monthly for 10% off). Much better than Steam. They're really shooting themselves in the foot with all their asinine changes. Guess they hope to recoup from the absolute shit-flood that Steam Direct will give?
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These Nekopara games are the same game every time, just like those Winged Cloud things... :) So you're not missing much if you don't win... :)
Yeah, assuming I don't give up I'll probably try Humble stuff instead... But a lot of the junk I give away (like this game, for example...) isn't on the Humble Store. :( Fortunately I'm only losing $1 on it... :)
I can't decide if it's so dumb they will quickly undo the change, or so dumb they will never undo it... :) If you know what I mean... :)
Good luck! :)
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But... but... you get +2 catgirls per title (makes me wonder what #4 will bring, we only got Milk left. And the sister I presume, but... eh... are they really going that way?)
It's so dumb they will add a new level of dumb after the sale. You know, like 3 days > 15 days for the SGMA. With 3 days I atleast found some people willing to trade with me. 15 now? People shun me like I got a plague.
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You know, I couldn't remember who Milk was, had to check google... Didn't remember that person even having a name... :)
Hmm, guess that is a problem if they ever make a #4, they have run out of characters... Not expecting them to go all "Oreimo" but I dunno what else is left...
Oh, maybe the next game will be in a different genre, like Sakura Dungeon... Hmm, maybe Neko Souls, have all the enemies be cat girls...
Ouch, 15 days, yeah... Speaking for myself, I don't dare to trade any cards with that delay because I will forget about the trade sitting in limbo and buy those missing cards from the market... :( Later, after I made all the badges I would find extra cards in my inventory and remember, oops... :)
I'm sure you already know this but if not... Unless something has changed recently you only need to receive SMS once to set up your Steam account with the mobile authentication, and after that you can use the "Steam Desktop Authenticator" instead, don't need a smartphone (or any kind of phone at all.)
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They actually already confirmed #4, so I wonder what's the plan there.
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Weird, I wonder what the plan might be as well... Guess we will find out eventually... :)
Oh, something silly, I kept finding trades for my final Sunrider card with but with the 15 day delay... :( If I'd traded immediately, there would have been time to have the card before the Summer Sale began, but of course I kept waiting, hoping to find a trade without the delay... :( Will probably end up waiting more than 15 days... :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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This is the first giveaway I've made after the change, it was just so dumb I didn't know what to do about it... :( Most of the giveaways I've made in the past had at least some discount, so doing those same giveaways today would mean throwing away large piles of money for no reason... I wonder if Valve think we will happily continue to gift all this stuff at full price without considering alternatives...
You know, if this change causes Valve's profits to go down, instead of reverting to the old method I'd not be surprised if instead they start charging publishers for Steam keys...
I'll probably buy the same amount of garbage for myself during the Summer Sale, but not getting any extra copies of things to give away should save a bit of money...
Hmm, I wonder how many people have been requesting their giveaways be deleted because a winner was in a 10% more expensive region, or because they were too slow replying and the sale ended... It's probably all on the stats page somewhere, if I could figure it out... :)
Good to see you too, and good luck! :)
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Seeing as how I pretty much haven't bought anything for myself directly on Steam for quite a long time and all the stuff I did buy during the sales were intended for gifting that change pretty much means I'm not gonna use their store... Kinda sucks since some stuff aren't available on the sites I usually buy keys from... :/
So all that change does is make me not use the Steam Store and force me to use key sellers who I've stopped using (such as GamersGate) or been unwilling to use because I didn't like their prices (such as the Humble Store). Nice job helping the competition, Valve. XD
Seriously though, I don't know what I'm gonna do when I run out of backup giveaway copies... I guess I'll just end up making giveaways even more sparsely than I do now. :/
Anyhow, thank you for the giveaway! :)
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Yeah, a lot of games you can only get on the Steam store directly... :( I guess some publishers don't know about the alternatives, or maybe it's too much effort, who knows...
Hopefully the Summer Sale will be a big disaster for Valve and they undo these changes... :) If it was all done to reduce scammer profits, at least make it possible for people who have proven they aren't criminals to keep gifting, somehow...
I usually buy something from Steam every week, but if you asked me to name any of the games I'd fail... :( Generally it's wishlist stuff with a huge discount, or if I found a 90% coupon in a bot, or if that "bundle" feature made some cheap game almost free...
I ignore games that say "Early Access" or "VR" or have a 40% discount, those are sure to be in a crappy bundle or site like steamground within the month... :) Sometimes I guess right, but I always guess some wrong too... :(
Humble Bundle is the worst for my guessing, since it's not the predictable junk in 99.9% of Indie Gala bundles... :) Humble have too many "real" games in their bundles, the sort of games I might have purchased the previous week if the discount was big enough... Oh well. :)
Somehow I'm reluctant to give away any of my gift copies of games now, guess I'm hoping they will become collector's items and I can trade them for removed games I'll never play like Powerpuff Girls or Stalin vs. Martians or whatever... :)
Good luck! :)
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I have some Steam wallet from selling backgrounds & eomticons so I'll keep buying some games for myself from the Steam store, but for giveaways I will rely solely on stores that sells keys. The issues I have with this is that not every game is available outside of the Steam storefront and sometimes the keys are not clearly marked as region-locked.
I'd like to think that Valve will see a big drop in profits from this, but the thruth is the vast majority of Steam users probably never used the gift system in the first place and are completely affected by these changes.
Thaks for the giveaway! It might allow me to complete the series after getting the rest from the Humble Bundle.
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Think I've long ago missed my chance to sell the smileys and backgrounds, I moved them out but didn't think to get the profitz... :( Seems if you wait long enough even the most expensive game gets bundled... Oh well... :)
Yeah, it's a big problem for us here, but you're probably right that "ordinary" Steam users aren't going to be hit by these changes at all... I'd guess if a normal person wants to buy a game for a friend, it's a friend living in the same city... Not a person they haven't even met, from some random location anywhere on the planet... Sigh...
Here's the only idea I've been able to think of so far: make a giveaway like usual, but when the giveaway ends you give enough Steam wallet codes to the winner so they can buy the game for themselves, from their own Steam store. Not something I'd want to try with a level 0 giveaway, though... :) And a big waste of money even if it would work, since I've heard of $1 gift cards but never seen any smaller than $20 in real life...
Don't feel bad if someone else wins this thing, it's all the same game really. :) Higher quality than the Sakura stuff, I guess, but it's not Shakespeare... :) Oh, that reminds me, wonder if I forgot to give away any new Sakura crap, don't think I've checked in a while...
Hmm, nope. Thank goodness! :)
Good luck! :)
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Was awkward already with all the region restrictions ect trying to find something think would be safe to gift. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Now I guess the region restriction should be more lax but... no real Idea. ¯\(ツ)/¯ Probably will only use humble keys and that'll mean less gifts as in past I would buy gifts from steam wallet card sales.
Same as others, I wont be buying gifts during the sales.
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Yeah, if nothing else it seems like the Steamgifts regions will need to change...
I wonder if there could be an automated check of every country's Steam storefront, to see what other countries they can gift to. Or maybe get a group of Steam friends, one for each country, and every week they try all to buy a game for each other...
Or Valve could just tell us, but that sounds like the least likely possibility... :)
Good luck! :)
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I Suppose if we knew the algorithm that was determining the acceptable regional price difference and allow a gift to be sent then something might be possible. Still you could start a giveaway then just before the end it goes on sale and wont let you buy/send it anymore. At least could wait in that scenario but not sure what happens with price drops, do they drop across all regions? (¬、¬)
Would think it's leading to more trading problems too. You could buy the item into inventory then use the trade option but now someone would need to go first. Thankfully I trade very rarely.
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Seems like giving games to people is becoming a minefield, kinda seems like they don't want us doing this any more... :(
And hmm, I wonder how trading games even works now... If I didn't know better I'd think all these changes were nothing to do with preventing fraud, and Valve simply wanted to kill off trading completely... :)
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Thank you so much. Marked received and hope you have a great day :D
Incredible game library by the way 0.0
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Thank you, hope you have a great day too... :)
Oh, but it's just a huge pile of junk from various bundles, probably 99% of it is garbage I'll never install... Makes it difficult to find (or even remember) the 1% of good stuff, too...
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I think the store needs other kind of changes, like the price changes, because 1€ =/= 1$, they change the prices in lot of regions, but not EU, making games more expensive for us.
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Isn't that mainly due to publishers being jerks, though? Or does Valve have an automatic pricing suggestion thing that's giving bad suggestions? Guess someone with a game on Steam could tell us...
Good luck! :)
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Actually I'm also think about the same thing before. First, In my country, when we buy a gift, it will have a region lock, that is quite annoying, I like to share some gifts to all people in the world when I get some money in my account, not just my region....
And if Valve can accept this, I would like to pay the same price with the no region lock one, even have a higher rate.
But they just wanna lock it and now they don't let people to buy a gift...
Just in my opinion, I'm more likely to save a gift than a key, that would be more save than keep a key in my account.
As u said, we now just can buy a present without save it, that would decrease amount of people such as giver or trader to buy it, quite sad as stupid hun.... :(( sorry for my bad english skill.
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I hope these changes are preventing a lot of fraud, because they are definitely preventing a lot of gifting... :( Don't suppose Valve will ever reveal any numbers, though...
I know I've spent less in the Steam store with these changes, since I can't buy gifts any more, but that is only one person...
I mean, they did get an extra $1 from me because I couldn't put this game in my inventory during the 10% discount, but they lost all the money from the games I didn't buy at all... Oh well... :(
Good luck! :)
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Yes, I always prefer I can keep the gift in my inventory. Because that way I can keep something when summer sale happen and gift it to my friend's B'day later. Now it make harder to get the gift in discount price~
Well, maybe one of solution is buying things from other site (like humblbndle, or Ind*egala or their friends)
I still never buy things outside from steam thou.. (due to lack of credit card, paypal, etc).
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Buying gifts was the best, I know some people would buy everything as gifts to their inventory at first, and only redeem for their own account when they wanted to play it... So if something stayed in their inventory a long time they knew it was better just to give it away... :)
Good luck! :)
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First of all, thanks for the chance.
I'm annoyed by Valves recent changes as well. It was great to buy stuff during the sale to then give friends when it's their birthday for example. Or for giveaways / events.. And even cross-country / ROW gifting is impossible now. I more and more feel the urge to just quit SG and only buy games from stores like Humble. I dunno, it just gets worse.. :(
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Super fluffy good luck... :)
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hey dear!
was thinking about you yesterday and wanted to write you a msg again anyway :3
hope you are fine?
what are you reading atm?
i liked buying games on sale for my inv to give away on SG
and i liked buying 4packs
not doing that anymore now
and i now that i am not the only one
i just hope that steam changes it again
but well, maybe they have enough money already
greetings :3
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Aha, let's see, yes I'm fine, nothing interesting to report however... :) Hmmm, I was reading some Dick Francis book but it seems I lost interest since it's still sitting here unfinished...
Oh, I was trying to read something, but I just couldn't find it. :( Don't know if I ever opened it, actually... The book that came with my copy of Half-Life 2, I guess it was some sort of guide, maybe?
Seems like the sort of thing I'd skip at first to avoid spoiling anything, and then open after I finished the game. Well, no, I never finished the game but for some reason I was wondering, hey what if I had to prove to Valve that I was really me, and they ask for the code number for my first Steam game. Could I find it? And then I remembered some other stuff came with it, like a cap (?) and a book. Guess I threw all that stuff out years ago... :(
Hmmm, don't think I've ever bought a 4-pack, mainly because I was never generous enough to give away three copies of anything... :) And if I had wanted to, I would have already owned the game so couldn't do it anyway... :(
Hope Valve change this gifting stuff, but as LostSoulVL pointed out we are "collateral damage." :( I don't like giving away games via key, but it seems that's the only option now, unless I want to waste a lot of money buying games after the discount ends... :(
Good luck! :)
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