That game says on steam page we need a base TES online game to play. So is it actually a dlc?

1 year ago

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About This Game
The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: High Isle is the ultimate Elder Scrolls experience and includes the Base Game and all Chapters:

High Isle (New for 2022)
1 year ago

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Its steam description is really confusing then

1 year ago

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It is indeed very confusing. The title is for the Chapter High Isle but the description is for the collection. But that is par for the course when it comes to ESO and their many bundles. It is downright frustrating when trying to explain it to new players.

1 year ago

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I rather removed my entry and hid giveaways for it already, would be kinda pissed in case I found out I can own game, but can't start it.

1 year ago

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The main issue is that the High Isle Collection is a package with a sub ID and not an App on the Steam store. The package contains all the chapters preceding High Isle as individual apps.

Right now they are all bundled in the current package, that is the Necrom Bundle (the latest Chapter) and the Gold Road Bundle ( which is the upcoming Expansion Chapter)

I can't even find the Steam page for the older packages or even the individual apps. Can see them on SteamDB only.

1 year ago

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The collection is what's currently being sold in a build a bundle, also something that is on grey markets, plus that's what the GA creator mentioned it is. There's not a listing to create a collection for a GA. I'm reaching out to some of my team members about ESO and their DLCs.

1 year ago

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I had a feeling ... But the Steam listing is confusing too. Either way, it makes it hard for the giveaway creator. Especially if the key is from another website for a package ID that is not visible on Steam anymore.

1 year ago

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So it's every chapter except for the newest, Necrom.

Do you mind if people enter for the DLCs?

1 year ago

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Keep in mind that the quarterly DLC are not included in the collection. Only the major expansion chapters. Not sure if this is a mistake or intentional but OP listed only the High Isle Chapter. That means you will only get that one and Morrowind Chapter + Imperial City DLC (since that is now bundled with the base game)

The rest of the chapters are usually included in the Collection version of the game, which is not the listed game here. Not sure if Steam just removed the High Isle Chapter listing and combined it into the Collection listing. The Steam description does indicate that this is a collection but the title is of the chapter only.

Yeah ESO game bundles are a pain.

1 year ago

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No, its missing a ton.

1 year ago

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From what I'm looking at these are all of the chapters for ESO as via the Steam store page - "Necrom, High Isle, Blackwood, Greymoor, Elsweyr, Summerset, and Morrowind". Necrom is the only one not there, or am I mistaken?

1 year ago

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If the key is for the High Isle Collection, then yes, it will be missing only the Necrom Chapter.

The way ESO sells their DLC is like this:

  1. You have the major expansions that cover a year-long story arc called Chapters. As of today, we have Morrowind, Summerset, Elsweyr, Greymoor, Blackwood, High Isle, Necrom and the one finally releasing this April, Gold Road. Every Chapter is downgraded to a DLC effectively when the latest Chapter is released and added to their subscription ESO+

  2. Every year usually we get 3 DLC content, Two DLC content will be new dungeons in Q1 and Q3 (with the chapter being released in Q2) ... Last DLC will be in Q4, which is usually a smaller zone area DLC. You can buy these using their premium currency called Crowns or get them included with your sub in ESO+.

Some of the DLC gets bundled in their crown store based on themes etc. You also have some predatory "DLC" packs in Steam or Epic where they sell you some cosmetics and some crowns, usually as bait for newer players.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this but another stuff that adds to the confusion is that Zenimax likes to sell their game in different bundles.

  • You have the base game (which now includes Morrowind and the first DLC, Imperial City, added for free)

  • You have Upgrade keys for the Chapters, that add ONLY that chapter to your account and not any of the previous ones. (base game not included)

  • You have the Collection keys for the chapter, which add all the preceding Chapters to your account.

  • Then you have the Collector's Edition keys for both Upgrade and Collection.

Also, you need to buy the DLC using Crowns or get them using the subscription. If your Subscription expires, you lose access to those DLC if you haven't bought them.

1 year ago*

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Not all chapter though, the description is a bit outdated.

All chapters "that were previously realeased before high isle, high isle included" would be a better fit.

the last chapter : Necrom, isn't part of it. The next chapter, gold road or something like that is obviously not included either

Also for people who don't already knows, "all previous chapter" absolutely does not refer to "all previous DLC that include content"
I made the mistake of thinking that buying necrom collection wich included "all previous chapters" would unlock stuff like dark brother hood and thief guilds map stories etc, or even the deadlands dlc, and orsinium, but nope all those have to be paid separately

1 year ago

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I don't think the description is outdated. You just don't have to stop reading before the " : "
"All chapters" and after that the definition what they mean by that.

1 year ago

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It is, because it is not "all chapters".
People who buy it will indeed see the list of what it contains, but that don't mean they will know if everything is included in this list. Yet by reading "include all chapters" they will assume that the list is complete... wich isn't the case. Only by doing research to actually know that not all chapters released up till now are inside, will they know... and no one should have to do outside research when everything should be clear on steam from the get go. An updated, or clearer, description would avoid this problem.

1 year ago

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It IS all chapters as per the following description.

And people can't buy it anymore where this description is placed.
As per your logic, every seller should update every piece of old content's description, everytime some new content releases.
In this case, the developer took it off the market.

1 year ago

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I don't see Necrom in this list, so no it isn't ALL CHAPTERS.
it's "all previous chapters". As i said, they shouldn't need to update the description if they did it right at the beginning.

1 year ago

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Looks like you still dont understand, so it is pointless to argue any further.

1 year ago

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Indeed you don't, you were pointless from the beginning. My bad for trying to make you understand something so basic while knowing you failed since the start, have a good day

1 year ago

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Such childish behavior.
Basically saying the same thing I just did, so you could make yourself feel like you won the argument.

Ok, one last try...for the slow understanding people among us.

At the time of the creation of this storeitem and description it was correct.
There were no need for them to clarify which chapters this ment, but they did it anyway so that everybody that can read and has half a braincell would understand which chapters.
They even wrote an additonal "New for 2022" so people in the future would be curious if there are already newer ones when the think about buying.

And after there was a new chapter they had to chose either to edit the old description or pull the package from the official store.
And thats what they did.
You can't buy it anymore where your "outdated" description is.
This means nobody can buy it by mistake.
So there is twice no need to edit that. For one, it's still not wrong and there is no point to edit it, if you don't sell it anymore.

You only can get it from key resellers now and they aren't responsible for the description.
And your argument "all chapters should mean all chapters" is not very strong either because without an exact definition this could mean all chapters ever made for all games, not just TESO.

Do you argue that the Mayans should update their calendar too because it is outdated?

I really hope you understand now.
This is my last post on this topic and any further post from you that is not something like "I understand now" only shows what a clown you are.

1 year ago

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Congratz, you literrally did what you complained about me ! it tells quite a lot about your lack of vision, and the fun part is that you STILL can't accept your flawed logic has been disproved already.
And here you are repeating the same mistakes... well at least it's entertaining. I won't give a last try, I already did and you failed... you can try reading again though, but after all that i now doubt you have the ability to understand it. But it's fine really, not like you had any relevance to start with, have a good day :)

1 year ago

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May i enter if i have the base game?

1 year ago

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i have buyed it at f..... and activated without problems. There is no greymoor included?

1 year ago*

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Not entering the giveaway but have to give a heads-up that even though I own the chapter in-game, I can still see this listing and even join if I want since I bought the expansion from Bethesda directly and not on Steam.

I own every expansion of the game but as far as Steam is concerned, I only own the base game. Seems like a weird situation because of the multiple options to buy the expansion either in-game or via the Bethesda/Zenimax website.

1 year ago

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umm so in the end - is this a base game + some DLC?

1 year ago

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base game + some DLC or just DLC, we don't know if it's an upgrade key or not

1 year ago

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Only the giveaway creator can clarify since the Steam page is useless.

1 year ago

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It is the copy from Fanatical bundle, it will contain:
Base game
High Isle

Pretty good deal imo

1 year ago

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yes that is true it will have all the DLC's EXCEPT the current Necrom DLC (£25.49) and the upcomming GOLD Road DLC (£33.99) due out in june.

It will also not have the newcomer pack, hailcinder mount pack either as these are seperate minor DLC's.

So all listed above will be included, i think it was in teh bundle as leftovers before Necrom was released, so that is a further expence one would have to buy.

1 year ago

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"... one step to the right We headed to the dive bar we always thought was nice..."

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Thanks for the giveaway!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Wow, suddenly.Thx

1 year ago

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Thanks for the giveaway!

1 year ago

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Thanks for this giveaway! ^_^

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Amazing GA, thanks man

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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thks for chance

1 year ago

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Thank you for the chance! <3

1 year ago

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Thanks for this giveaway! <3

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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honestly this is the best giveaway ive seen in a long time lol. getting pretty much the whole elder scrolls online package is sick as heccck

1 year ago

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Thank you!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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