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What's your favourite train-related game?

14 hours ago

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14 hours ago*

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These are getting better and better!

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13 hours ago

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Never knew the train genre was branching out so far. :)

8 hours ago

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For me it's actually Railroad Tycoon II Platinum together with OpenTTD.

12 hours ago

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Monster Train.
But i suspect that title will go to railroads & catacombs... but i can only imagine since i dont own that one yet.

Unless one would consider train-styled payload in an FPS game and quite a few maps where theres passing trains that can kill players and some that are stations- in wich case it goes to Team Fortress 2, wich i may have near 5-6k hours in (3k or so not counted on steam).
Dam, now the more i think about it the more trains i recall in the game

ooh found a vid
Trains of Tf2

PS: seeing the entire video he missed a couple of maps later added to the game(the video wasnt counting/showing all instances of each anyway)
And a very very recent one is literally inside some sort of repair station inside a train station.
Dam the more i think about it the more trains i find. And theres two melee weapons themed after trains... and a bunch of cosmetics...
now i will never unsee it
and he did a video on that map too

9 hours ago*

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Tf2 trains are apparently an interesting rabbit hole to go into

7 hours ago

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I enjoyed RT2 but I loved RT3 (3D graphics! LOL). I've recently gotten into Railroad Empire, which seems like a spiritual successor to Railroad Tycoon. Enjoying it so far.

9 hours ago

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I tried Empire but I unfortunately couldn't get into it.
Maybe I should give it another go

7 hours ago

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Yeah that was my experience also -- I tried it once and didn't come back for a long time, then tried it again but didn't come back for a long time. Now I am back and the third time seems to be the charm. :)

5 hours ago

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if I want to get super technical, technically the story of Adabana Odd Tales takes place on a train... technically...
but more in line with actually being related to trains either Monster Train or Ticket to Ride

8 hours ago

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I feel like I played A-Train as a very young kid, and never found anything that quite charmed me since.

For puzzle kinda pathing, Mini Metro is quite solid.

I just got Train Valley 2, and hoping it's fun. Don't currently need something as dense as I recall A-Train being.

Seeing Carenard's comment, Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog occurs on a train. Good for people with kids trying to get into Ace Attorney style games, or big Sonic fans. The train is an important part of the game.

8 hours ago

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Mini Metro

7 hours ago

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Not much a train fan, I did enjoy the demo of Voidtrain tho.

2 hours ago

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