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I backed this on Kickstarter and got an extra key. Have not tried it yet but it looks really interesting. I hope if you're entering this one, you will actually play it!

It looks really interesting but I am kind of torn as some of the reviews say there is still much to optimise.

2 years ago

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And there is something very similar upcoming
World Turtles (demo is available)

2 years ago

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Thanks. That look a little bit more down my alley.

2 years ago

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You keep world turtles in your alley? ๐Ÿค”

Now, it's not that I'm doubting that you have turtles in your alley, of some sort, but.. well.. have you considered that they may in fact be a different kind of oversized turtle? A mutant kind? Who may possibly also be a ninja? One in their teens, mayhap?

View attached image.
2 years ago

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The game's aesthetics look awesome, thanks for bringing it to my attention! The city concept reminds me of the story of the Lion Turtle from The Legend of Korra.

2 years ago

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If LoK is your first point of reference for the concept, then this introduction to more historical alternative sources may perhaps be of interest to you. ^.^

The two Avatar series intentionally based themselves on a blend of various Asian and Native American myths (both of which feature world turtles), so the Lion Turtle was presumably less of a passive cultural osmosis by the writers, and more likely a deliberate nod to preceding myths (noted in the link above). While not world-sized, countless other fictions (Naruto, for example) also have city-bearing turtles or similar city-bearing animals (One Piece's elephant-borne island of Zou, for example).

There's even been other games on Steam with the concept. Then there's the prolific, broader social concept of moving cities, like Howl's Moving Castle or Mortal Engines, which may also have derived their concepts from the steady influence such myths have in modern culture.

As a final trivia note, the Lion Turtle actually shows up in the original Avatar, and in a bigm spoilerific way. In fact, if you like Korra, I'd recommend watching it if you haven't- where Korra got more messy in its scripting and directing over time, the original show actually only steadily got better as it progressed. There's also a lot to be said about how the original show handled its characters and character development, as well as its humor. Though, Korra DID have the funny-sweet relationship between Varrick and Zhu Li, so it definitely had its own selling point... :P

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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AHHH, thank you! I would love to befriend the giant monster!

2 years ago

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The demo was sure interesting!

2 years ago

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It was fun chatting with the developed of this on reddit.

2 years ago

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It looks very interesting, thanks, added to the wishlist! ๐Ÿ™‚

2 years ago

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Woo a giant dinooo !!

2 years ago

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Thanks for bringing the game to my attention, it is now in my wishlist :o)

2 years ago

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Thank you for game. I had it on my wishlist and you at whitelist :-) Game despite still being in early access looks original and cool, idea a little like from Discworld but no turtle this time right? ;-)

2 years ago

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