
Another bunch of bundled keys. Like I always say, Indiegala Keys tend to fail, so if that happens to you, told me so I can ask the support to give me another key.
You need to add me if you win this game so I can make sure you don't have the base game.

Thanks for the opportunity, hope to win this game. ;)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Why the hell deluxe edition that cost more than the base game?!(Nothing against the creator)
Don't make sense to me?!

5 years ago

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Because this is a bundle, what means it is base + deluxe edition. It's little confusing cuz author named it just as deluxe edition :).

5 years ago

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When you would have informed yourself, the 'Deluxe Edition' is just the base game. Nothing else in the 'bundle'. So either a scam move(from the seller of such package) or it miss a description/items in it.

5 years ago

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The deluxe edition offers the following bonus items:

Magi Trials Game
Magi Trials Original Wallpapers
Magi Trials Avatar Pack
Magi Trials Original Soundtrack
Magi Trials Dakimakuras

It's true that bundle don't show content but this still can work (instead of having all DLC you have a "ghost" dlc named deluxe, which don't exist but says the game that you have all dlc. It's a common mistake by not experienced developers)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Wow, thanks a lot for a chance! :)

5 years ago

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