
God damn it, I fucked up. Have a free public giveaway then.

Thank you

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No you can't do that, it's impossible

7 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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Thank you :D

8 years ago

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Hey human, you have been chosen to have an adventure with me to the Meavenland , will you go ?
No, fuck off Meow God

7 years ago

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Just don't run to me with "OMG I was attacked by Dragon Slayer" on your face. I told you it's forbidden D:

[Link here](
[Link here](

Link here
Link here

7 years ago

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Neat. Thanks.

7 years ago

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Hello! I'm posting here on an old GA to discretely invite you to this GA for Obduction.
More details here & bump/share, if you like!

P.S. I may have participated in your puzzles, or I shamelessly scraped your name (&reference/recommendation) from Cakeday II - The real one [5 puzzles and 101 GAs] :D

7 years ago

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Nothing against posting your FB/YT though. As long as you don't, and I quote exactly, "force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action".

He only wanted to start a giveaway after he gets 100 subscribers. I think that's "encouraging". If he did a GA and posted everything there plus a comment like "I'll be doing more as soon as I have 100 subscribers" it would probably be okay.

But I also didn't expect that he would close the thread right now. I'm not sure anymore.

7 years ago

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Oh wow, really? I opened multiple threads in tabs and must have gotten confused, so didn't notice that. Definitely a spammer - He was even linking to his thread in other threads...

7 years ago

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Yeah.. he wrote that he wouldn't force users, but of course he would reach 100 subscribers faster, if .. and then he'd start a GA. Yes, I noticed your posting ("Don't spam" in the 7 month old thread).

7 years ago

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Saw you wanted GW2 Heroic :

Here are the instructions, says you can't redeem to an already registered account, not sure if that's a deal breaker for you.

6 years ago

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Wait are you for real? That's so cool of you! Thank you so much, I'll have a game to go back to after dropping it for so long. ^^
I just want to say... I've had a not so great time these past few weeks due to various stress-inducing problems which have been dragging me down, and this gesture really lifted my mood quite a bit so... sincerely, thank you for your kindness. ^^

6 years ago

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Yeah I splurged and got GW2 when it was first released, binged it hardcore for a couple weeks but then dropped it after pretty much beating the main game on my char, was a lot of fun at the time though! So glad to hear it's going to a good home, really hope things start looking up for you. :)

6 years ago

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Thank you for your feedback on my question earlier. I'd add you to my whitelist but you've been on it for like 3 years. :p

6 years ago

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This GA seems to be a popular way to get in touch with you! :)

Here's the link to the last car in the train, at least until Microfish adds more cars!

6 years ago

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My thanks to you. ^^

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Most kind of you - Thanks for the invitation! ^^

6 years ago

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u joined my whitelist 3 months ago >

now is the time to benefit
(there are more whitelist gibs active now, if you enter, please read description inside to prevent removal from the list)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Hey no worries! I'll update the thread.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Were you able to enter the Borderlands 3 Giveaway?

4 years ago

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Nah, my public real CV count is super low (.9 I think) since I basically never make public giveaways.

It's no worries though, I could probably make a giveaway and be eligible for it if I wanted to, I just don't like to do public giveaways. I appreciate the gesture anyways! :D

Plus, I'll probably buy BL3 in a deep discount at some point (hoping for this summer sale but I have my doubts) so the game might as well go to someone who can't afford that luxury

4 years ago

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Ah ok. I always thought people naturally started with public giveaways, and then moved to group and restricted giveaways once they realised they weren't winning anything. Showing my naivety.

4 years ago

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Oh yeah, most people likely do - when I started using SG it was to win though, not give (I couldn't afford to give at the time, didn't even know about bundles) so I didn't make giveaways. but soon I learned about the SG forum and started being very active there, rather than on the public side of things. Most of what I gave away after that, I gave away in giveaway/event/puzzle threads I made in the forum, so private giveaways, and have mostly avoided the public side of SG since then. Public giveaways aren't very fun. :P

These days I just lurk the forum occasionally and don't really participate in creating giveaways aside from what's required in one of the groups I'm in. The whole thing with Steam disabling inventory gifts put a damper on my gifting habits, to be honest.

4 years ago

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Hi :)

It's about the positive thread, which I appreciate very much.

Lately it happens more and more often, than instead of different quite obvious bot protections folks post link, which are encrypted/mini puzzles. No matter, if I can or can't solve those, I feel very bad about them in this thread, as I've explained in my private comment (that I quote below) to the last GA by Oppenh4imer, who was subsequently kind enough to repost the link without the initial mini-puzzle. However coming at GA creators with criticism like this also doesn't feel too good to me, so I will not do this any more. If you share my sentiment, I think it's time to amend the OP with request for GA creators there with something like: "Please, feel free to use simple bot protection in your links, but do not turn them into mini-puzzles or encrypt them in such way, that anyone could have a problem getting to your GA."

Cheers :)

Sadly I have to say this again: in my opinion your latest "+" is not nice in Positive thread.

Puzzles are fine, but not there. It's not a place, where I like seeing folks being provoked to ask "am I idiot? ;(". Same way in which I wouldn't appreciate same long unseen uncle giving my kids (or even me) a gift under an X-mas tree locked with a puzzle and happily teasing "... but sure you can solve it, it's not really hard :)". This is a thread to which we come for something nice, not for a possible additional frustration.

And, no, I don't ask for spoilers, just change it for everyone to a protection without this "+", please.

Thanks for your gifts, for your almost always wonderful contributions to the community and have a great day. Cheers :)
11 months ago

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Hi there!

I can appreciate your honesty and being forthcoming about your feelings - with that said, I believe that contributors should be allowed to contribute giveaways as they see fit, as long as it follows community guidelines and doesn't intentionally cause grief to people. In this particular case, it's unfortunate to hear that giveaways with advanced anti-bot/puzzles have caused you dismay, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with this action.

Even though the thread has become a "giveaways" thread, the intention was never for the giveaways to be the focus, just an extra. If a particular anti-bot/puzzle proves to be too much of a challenge, I would suggest to simply carry on without attempting further - it isn't worth it if it gives you a bad feeling. That's what I do, I don't like to solve puzzles, so I avoid them altogether. :D

11 months ago

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