
Please only enter if you are able to accept the key this weekend!

The is a Tiltify Key,and MUST be redeemed before January 1. The key is scheduled to expire on Jan 1, 2023

As per usual, I hope the winner enjoys it when they get to it.
A "Thank you" if you win is always appreciated, but not required. I never mind hearing "thank you" on my giveaways. (I hate to say it, but if the winner has a history of never saying "thanks" on their wins, he/she might get blacklisted.)

May you have a Blessed and Happy New Year! hey let me know if ill ever be in ur whitelist just wanted not miss this giveaway :) i wish i knew how to get to ur whitelist

2 years ago

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Hi, among other things, for people to get into my whitelist
1) I need to have had several pleasant interactions with them over some time
2) They need to be polite when speaking to people who aren't me.
3) (Except for very close friends) they all need to be at least level 2.
4) It helps if I know you from the Steamgifts Unofficial Discord.
5) They need to have a history of saying, "thank you" when they win something. (This action is the absolute minimum of courtesy to someone who decided to giveaway something they owned to a random stranger. Unless the giver says to not do so, not saying "thanks" is seen as being either careless or rude.)

The more of these that are "true", the closer they are to getting in.

As I do not recall meeting you before, criteria
1) does not yet come into play. Given time, this could change.
2) N/A -- I don't know you.
3) You are neither a close friend nor at least level 1. The level 1 part is easy to fix.
4) Are you on the SG Unofficial Discord?
5) You have not once (as far a I can tell) said "thank you" (or similar) on any of your wins.

Therefore, I will not be adding you to my WL any time soon. If you change (start saying "thanks" on your wins, reach level 1, etc), I may at some future date ad you to my WL.

That being said, my blessing to all applies to you too.

2 years ago

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