Please don't comment. I don't want pointless notifications. No, it's not clever to post an ironic message anyway, and if you do, I will blacklist you. Thanks for this basic courtesy and good luck.
297 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
73 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Freilyreydia
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by makki
322 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
58 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by SolvedPack
732 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by RavenWings
362 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Hawkingmeister
141 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by q0500
108 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by rufioh
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If you got 99 Spirits - Complete Collection do not enter in this. It's a bug from the site that people are able to enter.
Plz be respectful and let other players win this.
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Thank you! Спасибо! Dziekuje! Hvala! Bedankt! Ačiū! Благодаря! Merci! Paldies! Dekuji! ?Gracias! Дякую! Danke! Köszönöm! Stop war! Make LOVE!
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Thanks for the giveaway! :D
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Thank you !
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Thank you
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Wew lad, I understand where you're coming from, I feel the same with my giveaways, but the hostile tone isn't cool.
Some people are just going to comment "thanks" anyway because they either don't read the description or don't care.
Gonna just have to deal with it.
Also, I think the ironic replies are somewhat more appealing because the person has obviously taken the time to read the description, ergo making it not pointless.
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Replies are discourteous if I've signaled to readers that they're unwanted. Since I'm giving something away, it seems fair to ask for a minor and costless courtesy. As for tone, I attempted to soften it by couching the message in terms of a polite request and wishing participants good luck. One negative element (blacklist warning) does not make the entire message hostile. Norms are complicated and disagreement is understandable, but it is fair to make requests like this in your own giveaways. You shouldn't have to deal with annoyances when you're giving something away. But thanks for the thoughtful note.
And I just disagree about ironic replies. I find them really childish and tiresome. They're pointless because I regard them as pointless, and again, have signaled that I don't want them.
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Like I said, I understand that, but for one, hostility is subjective and secondly it's present when someone shows opposition to something, but I'm not going to press further. I just wanted to show that if one person (me) finds the description to be inciting then others may as well. Either way it's not going to stop people, unfortunately. In this way I've accepted it and ask people instead to post something like a song or whatever so when looking at replies it's not totally wasted.
Also, to clarify, I never said I liked ironic replies, only that they're more favourable than the mindless spamming by people and bots.
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Yep, I understand that some people will react negatively. But if you're right hostility is actually subjective, then there's no fact of the matter, and so no point trying to convince another person that something is or isn't hostile. Someone might regard messages saying thanks as hostile, or entering giveaways without saying thanks as hostile. So I don't think hostility is subjective. I think there's an accurate reading of the tone of a text, and I invoked the right conventions to avoid hostility. Some people will disagree, and I just think they're mistaken. Perhaps I could have done more, but avoiding all negative elements is simply not necessary.
You're right that it won't stop everyone, but it might cut down on it (and seems to have done so), which is all I can hope to accomplish. What would really make sense would be for the site to allow disabling notifications for comments, since the primary use is spam, or adding a thanks button (which sort of reveals how pointless the practice of thanking is here). Anyway, you're a reasonable guy. Thanks for the discussion.
Edit: Also note, we're opposing each other in this exchange, but neither of us is reading the other as hostile (so far as I can tell, anyway).
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I hate when I try to find a game (like this one), and when clicking on the picture takes me to the main store page...
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