
I'll just copy and paste this from the forum post...
Well...just got done hanging with some family and I guess I'm supposed to give something away since it's my birthday plus I haven't given anything away for awhile. Yep, Christmas Eve birthday. And yep it's now after midnight for us East Coasters. And yep that makes this kinda late. Christmas Eve is the worst day to have a birthday. I don't want to hear it from you Christmas Day birthday people either! When someone gives you a Birthday / Christmas gift it's because it's the same day. Us Christmas Eve people are getting a gift from two days smashed together! But hey Eve-ers there's a bunch of cool people stuck in the same situation. Short list:

Diedrich Bader (voice of Batman in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Drew Carey Show, Office know him...two chicks at the same time, man.
Lee Dorsey (60's R&B: Working in the Coal Mine, Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley)
Ava Gardner (Married to Frank Sinatra, was in the Killers and...some other movies)
Chris Hero (Wrestler Extraordinaire)
Howard Hughes (You know him)
LEMMY!!@!!!!!!@ (From Motorhead, come on people!)
Ricky Martin (You know him and don't want to admit it)
Mark Valley (Human Target, Keen Eddie, Boston Legal)

On the other hand we got a few strikes against us:
Some dude from One Direction
Woman who wrote Twilight
Mark Millar
Ryan Seacrest

Anyway...I'm giving a humble key for Gunpoint. This game gave me the most enjoyment I've had playing a video game in years. Anyone disappointed with Watch Dogs will love this game. It's basically the same game...if it was made for the Super Nintendo...and was a side scrolling platformer...and wasn't a disappointment.

So, while you are here let's talk...something. Wanna complain about your Christmas Eve b-day? Or we could talk film noir. I love noir movies and Gunpoint is HEAVILY influenced by noir. Even have a noir mention up there. The Killers was a movie based on a short story by Ernest Hemminway starring Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner and Edmond O'Brien. The opening and first part of the movie is pretty much Hemingway's story. It was remade in 1964 by Donald Siegel (Dirty Harry) starring Lee Marvin, Clu Gulager, John Cassavetes, Angie Dickinson and Ronald Regan. Regan's character is a straight up bad guy, you spend the whole movie waiting for someone to off him. So basically he plays himself. And there this:

So enough geek trivia from me. What's your favorite? I'll mention mine:
classic noir: The Big Sleep or Out of the Past
obscure classic noir: Narrow Margin or The Killing or The Killers
Neo Noir: The Ice Harvest (Bonus points, it's set during Christmas!)
Favorite noir overall: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer in a parody of a noir that becomes a noir. YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!)

Alright, enough from me....let's talk, why you love being born on Christmas Eve, favorite noir, why you hate being born on Christmas Eve, something else. Or we could just all bash Mark Millar

Who's Mark miller?

i can look it up, but asking is more fun...

happy Birthday (don't celebrate Xmas)

10 years ago

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He's a comic book writer. Kick Ass and Wanted were based on comics he wrote. The next Captain America is using the Civil War stuff he wrote as it's storyline. I just don't like the guy's writing, it feels like he's trying too hard maybe. Or like he's writing the comic book adaption of a movie, like he's always writing toward a movie. I'm probably just being a jerk about it and his writing is fine. But whatever, he sucks :P

10 years ago

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I thought were referring to Mark Miller for a moment there: the creater of the Sci-Fi RPG Traveller.

10 years ago

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Nope, this Mark Miller spells Miller with an A: MillAr. Another reason he sucks!

10 years ago

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TY for the chance

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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the only thing I've read by Mark Millar is his run in the Flash v2 which I did not like

10 years ago

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I forgot about his run on Flash, I didn't like that one either! Two random dudes on the internet don't like some of his stuff, it's now official: Millar sucks!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thanks, happy birthday and merry christmas!

10 years ago

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Yay! You split them up too! Merry Christmas to you! And also an early Happy Birthday or late Happy Birthday, you get whichever one the other dude didn't take :)

10 years ago

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oh, well, i never looked into this film noir stuff, but after reading it up a little bit, i think i will definitaly have to do this.
Anyway, thank you for the Giveaway and enjo your Birthday :D

10 years ago

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Film noir is great! It's all about a mostly good person doing something bad and trying to get out of it or a bad person trying to do something good and there's always a femme fatale (an evil woman...or you know, a woman :P )

10 years ago

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Film Noir? well, combine with sci-fi and you get Bladerunner. So does that count ?

10 years ago

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Bladerunner definitely counts! Good choice! Sadly there's not much Sci-fi noir. Only ones I can think of are The Thirteenth Floor, 12 Monkeys, Dark City and if you stretch you can include Gattaca and Minority Report. We need more Sci-Fi Noir!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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THANKS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

10 years ago

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Thanks ^^

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thank you, happy belated birthday, and merry Christmas.

10 years ago

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Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too! I dug out a spare Happy Birthday for you, feel free to use it when the time is right!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thank you!

10 years ago

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Thank you!

10 years ago

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Thank you so much! :D

10 years ago

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I've always thought it'd be cool if I was born on the 24th December.
But on the second thought, two celebrations are better than one :D

Merry Christmas, happy B-day and thanksie for the chance to win this interesting game! :)

10 years ago

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It does have some cool weather? And you have a pretty good chance of being off work. Merry Christmas to you! I got an advance on a Happy Birthday you can use when the time is right!

10 years ago

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Thank you

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Recap: I kinda complain about Christmas Eve birthday, talk about film noir, speak ill of Mark Millar and offer up a game.

10 years ago

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I wasn't born on Christmas. But when I was a kid, one of my neighbors' birthday was on New Year's eve, and another's - on Christmas (not December 25th though, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th in countries that use Gregorian calendar).

10 years ago

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New Year's Eve wouldn't be too bad, I mean everyone wants to go out for your birthday! That born on January 7th thing would be easy to fix, just move to a country that has December 25th Christmas. Hey! I just figured out how to solve my problem: move to a new country! Easy as could be!

10 years ago

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Thank you!

10 years ago

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