I'm sorry but I already have this DLC (Steamgifts only seems to successfully check whether you have base game, not DLC). Are you able to cancel this listing and relist? Alternatively I could tick it as received and you just relist? (I haven't used the key)

10 months ago

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Hello PseudoNymNZ.

What you are suggesting is against the rules and will lead to your suspension should you do that.

  1. Only giveaways for titles you do not own, yet, should be entered.
  2. Winning items you already own and marking the giveaway as not received leads to suspension for not activating a win.

Whenever you have to reject a win you need to give Not Received feedback and explain the issue via comment on the giveaway. You already commented and should give feedback once the option is available - if we don't handle the situation earlier than that (in case the creator takes care of the issue in time).

10 months ago

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You do not have permission to comment on giveaways.