294 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by TwixClub
24 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by makki
71 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by vlbastos
322 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
727 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Raggart
141 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by q0500
360 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by RePlayBe
108 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by rufioh
1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Wow thanks for this giveaway! ❤️ Where is killing floor from? Any bundle?
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From Eneba
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its from steelseries giveaway thats why there are so many new GAs with this game and you never gave a paid game only free lol, people like you are the reason some people cant get keys, here is hoping SG change the CV value to 0
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Value will be changed to 0, ofc. I don't know why people keep getting dozens of freebies hoping for CV.
And ofc now the free keys are all gone and nobody gained from the reaping.
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Yeah this is why I can't ever get a key from any of those places except maybe Alienware. Between bots and people who don't intend to use them but grab, it's impossible.
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I'd say most of them -if not all- have never read the FAQ nor the guidelines, so they have no idea that freebies don't give CV. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm disappointed I missed that giveaway... but getting a key from SteelSeries is really difficult, you have to be very lucky. Eh, there will be another key drop tomorrow... but for the EGS version.
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Yeah same. I can't be monitoring twitter and discord and aaaaall the social media circus for freebies all day long so whatever I'll get it some other time. Not getting it on Epic though.
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Since very few GA creators check entrant level before sending gifts [as GA creators do have the right to reroll if the winner's level no longer meets requirements], I do know a lot of users intentionally inflate CV just for the temporary level gain(s), rather than for any long term CV benefits. Nevermind that it can take months or years for staff to get around to updating a specific instance, so there's a gamble for also getting those additional benefits.
Of course, as Naza noted, quite a lot of users don't read the site Help pages, either. Moreover, while I don't know if this is still the case, there used to be a lot of users from Russia or associated regions who didn't have the best grasp of English to begin with. These users got a lot of stigma due to the reported existence of certain Russian-based groups dedicated to exploiting the site (that is to say, those who were intentionally circumventing the site rules), but there's no reason to assume that the average individual wasn't just dealing with a language barrier.
While Russia got the most coverage on that, it's a grace we can extend to any non-English region (as even if translations of the support pages exist in other languages, such users may find it more daunting to ask for clarifications on the forums). All the moreso given that other giveaway sites are a lot more sleazy about every single aspect they offer, so even those willing to acknowledge SG's community's perspectives on such matters may not even realize that such perspectives are even there to be considered, given their outside experiences.
Also, as a final note, the exploitation of keys is going to happen regardless of SG's outlook towards such. It's something I'm not at all keen on, either, but I do appreciate that keys being redirected to SG are still a much better outcome than the alternatives, and that the eventual 0 CV properly settles the matter, with any temporary CV benefits really just being a nod towards the limited contribution. Beyond that, we do have blacklists to address more personal perspectives.. though that 1,000 cap can get hit pretty fast if you start blocking common things like key exploiters.. :S Ultimately, that cap is probably the most disfavorable thing within this whole topic. :X
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Language can definitely be a barrier, that's certain. I always thought there should at least be translated versions of the FAQ and guidelines available.
I mean... sure people seem to know enough to grab half a dozen copies of a freebie to make giveaways so they know some things about CV but they don't always get that they'll gain nothing from it.
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Well, other sites often encourage spamming free keys. Look at Scamgala- excuse me, Indiegala. Their entire giveaway system is based in free keys, no requirement for activation (unless that's changed), and excessive fraud and exploitation (again, unless that's changed). There's just no reason to WANT to use that kind of giveway system, it's terrible in every way (starting with the fact that IG has the absolute most skeevy team behind it in the field), but if that's where you're coming from (and, under whatever premise, you didn't get familiarized with this site's structure) then you may have a different perspective on how to approach giveaways.
Of course, there's also the fact that some users view the site one-sidedly, and feel the temporary or superficial benefits of giving away free games outweigh any potential negative feedback. After all, while active members mostly frown on such, that's still likely a very small minority of the users you'll bump into during public giveaways (meaning temporary level increases would likely balance out or exceed any potential blacklists).
In short, "not reading" isn't necessarily the only answer, at least not on its own.
As far as the translations go, there's so much content there now that it's probably too daunting for those who actually'd have interest in such a contribution. Though maybe the community can set aside a payment pool of games to pay for the service?
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The guidelines and FAQ aren't that big. I'd be willing to translate to French. I'm sure others would be willing to translate to their languages as well.
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IG's giveaway system is terrible but I kind of like the idea of past freebies still giving value to the gifter. Ofc sadly such a system here would incentivize people even more to take multiple keys in giveaways.
It's a shame really because I'd rather see good games given away here that might have been free at some point in the past than asset flips / shovelware that are only bought to level up and that nobody will ever play.
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Apparently this guy has 12 bot accounts laying around, just wow
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So, you are one of those kids who makes several accounts to stole 1.000 keys just to make those "no-value" giveaways? I don't get why Steam Gifts allow this.
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Thanks for the oppotunity! :)
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Thanks Bud.
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Awesome! Thanks.
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yo thanks alot for giveaway, wishing everyone good luck!
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Thanks for the chance!
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Thanks for the chance!
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Thx for the giveaway!
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Thanks you for the giveaway
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Thank You
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Thanks for the giveaway! :D
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Thanks for the GA matey :)
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I thing you did not see steelseries giveaway only Epic keys today !!
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Thx for chance :)
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Sorry, but this giveaway is disgusting.
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Thank you!
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