
If someone was developing a game similar to Final Fantasy Tactics, what would you for sure want them to include?

Good customization. Where equipment gets upgraded and also alters appearance in some way. Customization in abilities, having them matter where they have a significant enough impact and can change how you approach a situation tactically, not just stat increases. On the other side of that, not having enemies set up in a way that there's only one good way to defeat them and if you don't have those specific abilities you'll have a near impossible time. It's a hard balance, keeping things difficult and rewarding the character choices while also not making them required to make an encounter beatable.

Not every encounter having to be a battle. You can have a tactical encounter that has dynamics in them and doesn't have to be fighting against foes. While that is still obviously going to be a huge part, keeping things interesting and not so monotonous is key. It's hard to come up with interesting situations, but one idea can be just having to chase another character in the tactics style. Your abilities could allow you to go to places that would be a shortcut to cut them off, or a way to cause things that can slow that character down so you can catch them. There's plenty of possibilities if your system allows for things aside from just hitting the bad guys.

To top it all off, an interesting enough story to keep me wanting to go to the next encounter. Nothing needs to be completely original or anything, but if I don't care about what's going on, I'll likely not find much reason to keep going unless the combat system is that amazing, though that can't keep everything afloat. It's asking a lot, though hopefully that helps out with what you're looking for. :P

9 years ago

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Thank you for this.

9 years ago

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Glad to be of help anytime.

9 years ago

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Thank you ;D

9 years ago

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Thanks!! :D

9 years ago

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thanks :3

9 years ago

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Thanx for the giveaway! :D

9 years ago

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Mhm.. I actually have not played FF Tactics yet.. I know, ashes on my skalp. Anyhow.. but I do like Tactic Games and I played the hell out of Suikoden Rhapsodia/Tactics.

What I liked from it was the Quest-Guild were you could, well, get hired for Quests. I like doing Quests and be able to Grind.

The Game also offered Medals at the end of a fight. Though the worse you did, the better the Medal in a way. I am not sure if I quiet like this. Because at the beginning its kinda cool to see that the Medals you can equip is worthy even if you are bad.
But I actually grew so good at the Game, if I would do it without a New Game plus.. I would never get the "Good Medals"

I want to be able to equip stuff that's for sure. I would like if the Game if it had NPCs instead of Generic Hirelings, that they would be able to talk with each other in Battle and maybe even do Friendship things like taking a hit for another and Combo-Attacks.

New Game Plus with new Stuff to do definitely.

Otherwise I pretty much agree with Yansukes Points too.

Also, have a really nice System that is nice to learn. Some Games make stuff to complicated sometimes. Thats not saying a Game shouldnt have depth, but at the beginning you should be able to stumple through the Game, learn it, without feeling like a failure.
But yeah, a Good System can't be valued enough..

Oh yes, last point.. make animations/part of the battle either skib-able or be able to speed them up. Because nothing is more annoying than like to come back 5 Minutes later because the Enemy had its turns and its not like you can even do anything in that time.
One of my only gripes about Suikoden Tactics. Enemies sometimes take forever and a half.

PS: or maybe one can build something in that if you pay attention, you can dodge stuff and something like that in turns. Worth a thought.

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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