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Alliance of the Sacred Suns (AotSS) is a game unlike many that you have ever played. It is foremost a grand strategy game, with 4X elements, but also character and House management. We call it a 5X – the 5th ‘X’ being ‘eXist’. You are a character in AotSS, and if you die, the game ends… so tread lightly, your Majesty!

"This is the future of 4X games." - Razors Edge Games

"That looks really cool, Steve!" - Tom Chick, Quarter To Three

"...if AotSS manages to pull off even half of what its sole developer is attempting, it could be my next favourite space game." - Adam Smith, Rock Paper Shotgun

"...if you’re wanting to get in on the ground floor of a very different, very deep type of space strategy, this might fit the bill." - Alex Connolly, Stately Play

"...Without a doubt, Alliance of the Sacred Suns is one of the most complicated and realistic space strategy games I have ever played. (translated from Spanish) - Estrategia Espacial en Español

"It’s a very impressive game so far, and it has so much more coming, this is definitely one to watch if you’ve wanted something like Crusader Kings in space." - -Brian Rubin, Space Game Junkie

Thank you! :D

5 years ago

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