

Design, build, and manage the world’s largest and most diverse cities in Cities XXL. Bigger and better than ever before with a more powerful game engine and new interface, become the mayor of your very own sprawling metropolis."
Style/Genre: City Simulation - Building - Economy -\ Strategy - Management - Sandbox - Realistic - Mod-dable - Atmospheric - Management etc

Other than that, hadn't done a give away in a few months so thought id start it off with this stinker, Ill never play it so hopefully YOU win and can enjoy it yourself, Good luck,

Now as usual here are some links to random youtube videos to keep the weird wild shttuff a-happening when I make giveaways for anyone who is curious enough to explore some audio visual obscurity intrigue and absurd eclecticism l ROCK ON (~);}

A video for the patient horny (SFW) giveaway participants, ENJOY A LIL EDIT of "T'n'A" as they sayl (sorry the douche who edited the video out Tr*mp's idiot face at the end, I condone the artful edit celebrations of actress starlets and beautiful people, but i dont like that ending (just so you know :D)

Good otherwise tho, enjoy the autonomous eye candy never mind the joik-off shown at the end as if it would make it funny "bc Tr*mp grabs pussy"/ ((ie wielding commit power dynamic weighted sexual assaults, so rant aside) lol sorry, Im sure I fully polarized my audience with that by maybe 10% but that's bc the are too busy deluding themselves with heel dug stubbornness which itself is ignorant guised in misguided certainty.

Here is a FELA KUTI Live performance (groovy Afrobeat artist that influenced Everyone you likely love):

Here is Dean Martin Celebrity Roast hosted by Don Rickles from 1974

And a nice Concert of The Beach Boys LIVE on 4th of July in Washington DC

Also for the safe for work adults, here is a lovely edit mash up of celebrities being sexy in movies, it'll get the blood flowing so you can win this game.

GOOD LUCK and Good Vibrations to all of you :
PS Subscribe to / r / 2404 for a nice subreddit that curates live archival rare obscure popular content about artists bands cinema popular culture and sub cultures too, check it out if you want, there are years worth of scrollable gems and content for all your viewing and enlightening delights , would love to have you check it out if any of you want,. Again,, that's ' reddit / r / 2404 ' ---- Sail on !

thanks for the chance!!!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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thank you.

3 years ago

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