
From June 2023 Humble Choice.

Please, no "thank you" messages, unless you've won.


1 year ago

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Redeemed successfully, thank you!

1 year ago

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Oh wow, blue-heart winner on a non-blue-heart giveaway! That's a first, congrats and enjoy!

1 year ago

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Oh, sweet! Thank you 🙏 The chances for such an event were really low ☺️

1 year ago

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Hi! Just wanted to say thank you once again for the game - just finished it. It was pretty challenging to get to the final boss and beat it, I almost gave up to be honest (not only game need some skills that I seem to lack, like being able to make perfect parries, but also need a ton of luck). On my final run I was just soooo lucky I probably should go and buy myself a lottery ticket!

At first I was trying to beat the game by pumping up dexterity, it felt like I was close every time - just needed to get more DPS to bit it... But after almost giving up I red some tips on the internet and people said it is better to pump up perception to get more gold during runs. So I refocused on that and OH BOY! That was a game changer. I was able to buy more and better upgrades during runs! On my final run I had 75 points of perception (90+ after upgrades prio final boss) + both my main weapons got % of damage for each point of perception + i got relic +6% for base damage for every 1k gold I had (and after paying for upgrades I managed to save 9k!) and on top of that I got a relic that healed me for crit damage. The final run was really unrealistically good! Probably emotions I got in the end paid off for all the hours of repetitive actions I did :D

Not to spoil that filling I will refrain from trying to beat the game on the increased difficulty that became avaiable after defeating the final boss :)

Thanks once again!

1 year ago

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Hey, you are very welcome! Thanks for getting back, it's always nice seeing the gift being actually enjoyed instead of gathering dust in someone's library.

I actually didn't finish the game myself, as I felt the grind was a little too much for my taste, but maybe i'll give it another shot (it's been a while since then, as well, maybe there were some balance patches)

1 year ago

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It is grindy, there are too much grind to my taste as well :)
If it wasn't SG win and if I didn't submit the game for two "beat the game" events I probably would gave up. First time I was struggling with dark avatar of eagle - beating this line of temple took me half of my total play time... All the upgrades are so pricey and they give only a bit of advantage. And you still rely on random for 90%. And I was struggling with the final level as well.

Maybe for someone who can perfectly learn and follow all the timings the game can be way easier. But I'm not such a person 😔

Also there are not that many variations of mobs, rooms and weapons/relics.

So don't feel you are missing something if you haven't beaten the game :)

1 year ago

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