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909 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shortyginger
You got ban due to making 20 GA?
Sad to read that...
Edit: Ho ok misunderstood. But still it is sad to read that!
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Eine Blacklist am Morgen vertreibt irgendwas ....
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Its not much, as i'm in a bad moment to create gw, but have a +whitelist to compensate a little! =)
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Hmmm... How do you know you were blacklisted?
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If you know your number of blacklists, you can see the number go up here (Scroll down).
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You don't need to remember number, there is always a date of last blacklist on chart)
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... now I feel stupid.
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Haha, If you feel stupid.. Think about me atm :'
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No need to. I realized that it's possible just recently.
Here, have a sleepy cat to cheer you up
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Which is how I learned that I was blacklisted 14 times for making a thread about hugs, despite my complete disinterest in such matters. I was checking a different stat a couple of days later, noticed the huge spike at a glance and, at the compulsion of my curiosity, was able to easily associate the blacklists with the only thread I engaged in on that one day. :P
Of course, that blacklist count shot straight down to 5 (and is currently down to 3) right after mutual blacklists got added. :P
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I swear to god, some people on here... to get upset about such trivial things, hugs lol, but don't want to miss a chance to enter your gibs still, hypocrites :rolls eyes:
Don't worry, you always have a pkace on my WL ^_^
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Oh Thanks !!! Never see that stat before :P
20 blacklist and no idea why. Because.. of course, they say nothing :D
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I have nearly 1k users in my BL but not you. So i am unguilty in this case :-D
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oO May i ask why you have so many people in your blaklist? I really don't understand..
Blacklist leecher.. why not but you just need to made ga high level to counter it. No?
if you prefer to answer this question in private you can of course, and if you don't want to answer well... don't answer, I will understand, you have the right to blacklist whoever you want.
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The big Blacklist helps me to concentrate much more on the positve users at this site and avoid a lot of unneeded and unwanted work and stress.
I BL people only lvl 1+ because i don't make lvl 0 GA's, much too much bots/autojoiners and really bad people (stress nearly programmed with 70% of them... NO THANKS to that) that insult me, people that don't know a thanks after a win, users that use autojoiners it give much more as you think and this ones are, mostly, still around (after they got caught 2x for it too... :o( ) -they will win nothing from me...thats is sure!-, users that gave the last time 2 years ago, have statistics like gift 3:200 won + are longer then 1 year at sg, the ones that exploit the cv system "extremly" to push there levels as example giving, nearly, ONLY the 1$ cv bundles away -Viva .....- and not one or 2 copies, no the ones with 5-20 copies of, mostly each, such bundles. They "cheat" there level 4 with around 10$ and i am really frustrated about such a behavior and the possibility. No question, it is not against the site rules but i don't like that such "generous" people get my stuff, the ones that gave only region restricted -normaly to RU/CIS or South America- and last but not least the ones that sell/trade there wins and not activate them.
To set a higher level brings not the expected result :o(. I tested that, more then one time, in the past.
Sure a minimum of lvl 2 hold, at least, the most of the worst extreme leechers out and more users know then a thanks but anyway i had there at public GA's around 1/3 winners with problems after a GA. I checked after a public lvl 2 all Entries, 3 days long, and BL after it from 330 entries 180 users (made 30 Reports because of red marks at sgtools). That isn't funny, make me no joy and don't motivate me to give something.
The most autojoiner users, i know, are lvl 4 - 10.
A lot of the multiaccounts that i found were at higher levels too (one of them, the "supporting" 1-2 are mostly max. lvl 2)
I BL users that gave 3k games or are lvl 10 too if they don't know a thanks after a win. I am very strict at that that point [I am not rich and i demand at least a thanks and a bit of respect for the free gift, my invested time and money].
Normaly i make lvl 2 GA's because a lot of my reallife friends are "only" lvl 2 and in, closed, groups and/or wishlist is that normaly enough and mostly stressfree.
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I must admit that some of them are certainly dishonest on many of the points that you're talking about. . For the moment I'm just doing GA at higher levels or for specific groups. That probably doesn't exclude all the bad people but for now i have no time to investigate about that (maybe one day).
I appreciate your detailed answer anyway. Thank you for your time & Hope you don't want to blacklist me now ^^
sorry about my bad english
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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WOW! So much words.
I know you? I won your GA and don't say thanks? Why am I in your BL? You scan SG to find users to ban?
Looks like meme:
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You weren't in my BL, till the "sick bastard" from your last message...
And i don't know from what you talk.
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I was blacklisted by you 20 Apr 2018 as shown in your profile.
This meme from "50 shades of grey". You may google it.
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I don't need to lie.
Besides that is it interesting that you say you know, from my profile, that i have BL you at the 20. April 2018.
I don't know your wizard magic but the normal sg tools don't offer such a function :-D
[I allow the support member that handle the ticket to write you since which time you are on my BL if they can see that]
But anyway you are Blacklisted till 16 Minutes AND reported.
I don't search for memes because of someone that insult me....
-Over and out-
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This was not an insult, but a description how situation looks like.
"50 shades of grey" is a book and a movie, very famous. And this quote is known too.
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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I am unguilty. I jumped into your Toy Soldier GA and are happy about the chance :o)
Don't think too much about BL at this site. Too many that BL for the strangest things.
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have a heart instead ;)
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Thanks for the wishlisted GA and don't worry too much about blacklists. There are a lot of generous people on this site. A few blacklist won't hurt your chances and no need to wonder about reasons.
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Thx for you message. I don´t care a lot about this blacklist+ , it´s more I wonder about it.
So I describe it as fun fact :-)
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Blacklisted :D
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Thank You!
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