Pre-order gift from the two pack, I believe, if the wishlist is correct, the first one made. Sometime after release, we should play some coop
On a side note, if a majority your contributions are from bundles, I will have the gift re-rolled, so you might as well not even try.
Good Luck!
Check out the GTA Complete pack giveaway that starts in a bit HERE. Starts at 9am EST.
2,451 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by hbarkas
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10,113 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by XC1732
OMG! OMG! OMG! Thank you aneff, sir! thank you! <3
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btw, what dou you exactly understand of "majority"? Honestly i giftet some Bundlekeys, but also much "normal" steamgifts.
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If most of the contribution dollars came from individual bundle keys, it will be re rolled, since it's against the rules of the site and completely negates any contribution stats. A few here and there happens, but I'm not going to allow much more than about 25% of total contributions, unless said person can make an amazing case for themselves.
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2x Railworks 3 USA Pack and one Fortix and anyone could much did he spend? $15(US Price) or $7,70 when he buy it in fair man, how fair ;) ...will not enter(will Pre-Order it), just wanted to say ;) ...
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still more fair than spending 1$ and getting at least 25x that in contributions, especially since bundles are really meant as a form of charity. By gifting bundle keys, I see it as not only scamming those charities & developers out of sales, but scamming legitimate gifts on here with fake contribution stats. Sales are vastly different than bundle keys, namely, they aren't against the rules.
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So, you'll reroll if you see games given away from bundles, because it's a violation of the rules. I applaud your generosity, and your sense of fair play, but what about these rules (from the exact same list, and arguably just as important):
•Do not ask for any sort of payment/exchange in order to enter a giveaway. This applies to group rules as well.
•Extraneous/special rules for giveaways require moderator approval. Public giveaways cannot have any special rules.
I know... what a jackass, right? I just wanted to give you a little reminder since the rules seem to be a very important part of your SG experience.
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Dear gods, this guy wants to play someday co-op with the winner, what a demanding thing to ask someone who gets free shit for nothing, it's just unfair and outrageous, nobody in the world could meet that 'requirement'...
Ok, jokes aside, I just can't belive you're real, thinking it falls under creation of a giveaway with special rules. Actually, I would like to know what so special you find in a friendly heads up saying that you want to play with the winner, even if the wording of it includes word 'requirement'. It's just beyond my understanding.
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The "special" rule is him saying he'll be rerolling if he decides that the winner used indie bundles to get to $150. It's carte blanche to reroll so long as he sees any game given away that was ever in any indie bundle. Out of line? Maybe, maybe not. It's not my place to say, and it doesn't matter. For someone so in love with the rules that he will take away another person's supreme luck of winning because of a percieved infraction that didn't even affect him, he damn sure better follow them to the letter.
Also, from page 2: "I really want the game, but not entering as I plan to play coop with my spouse. Thanks for the opportunity anyways. :)"
So there you go. Someone unwilling or unable to make the payment/exchange, so they were excluded. Free shit for nothing isn't even the name of the game here... with $150.00 contributor required, everyone has given something. I'll take this opportunity to remind you that something is, in fact, the opposite of nothing.
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Saying they have to coop is more a joke than anything, I never said they have to play to completion or anything, a round or two would be fine, I could really care less. You seem to be up in arms about this though, just calm yourself down.
Also, how does somebody getting ridiculous amounts of contribution credits from essentially cheating not effect me? It effects every contributor giveaway we enter. They can pay 5 dollars for 5 bundles, and gain a ridiculous amount for them on this site. Giving those of us who actually do spend our money on legitimate giveaways less chance.
Since you seem so pissy about this, I will alter my description of the "requirement" of playing coop. I really never meant it as a requirement, so poor wording upon my part.
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Actually, I've never given a bundle game (I'm pretty sure), and I don't have the 150 contributor dollars to enter, so I really don't have a dog in this fight. I'm just a fan of people who live by the sword dying by it. Being a rule nazi over one rule while simultaneously violating two is hypocrital, and your argument is detracting from the real issue, which is that the contributor function really needs to be revisited.
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"The "special" rule is him saying he'll be rerolling if he decides that the winner used indie bundles to get to $150."
Are you sane? You're saying something even sillier than I originally thought as I wouldn't think of it, it's not contributor who 'decides' if the given away games were from bundles or not, he only makes a complaint to support informing about his doubts. After that administration checks if the complaint's reasonable and if yes - administration rerolls. It's one of the basic rights of every contributor to ensure him that his game goes to a honest, abiding rules user and one of the main purposes of administration.
"It's carte blanche to reroll so long as he sees any game given away that was ever in any indie bundle."
Right. He's gonna ask for reroll because the winner gave away Bastion five months ago which appeared in a bundle a month ago, I see loko agreeing to that, good thinking. You shouldn't think that every other man is also an idiot.
And it is free shit for nothing, if you give away anything to only raise your chances to win something else, then you're not only doing it wrong, you're also silly. Contributor giveaways are a nice secondary feature to show appreciation to those who give instead of only taking, a possibility to take participation in them comes by the way. If you see them as ultimate reason to give anything then I pity you.
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+1 thanks
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I wouldn't mind playing co-op with you sometime. Loved the first game.
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Hope a god of randomness will choose me...
Anyway thank you for nice chance =)
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Awesome, I'll play with ya some time :)
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Thank you. I didn't even know it will have coop - the game just got more interesting.
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big fan of the first one, thanks a lot :)
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Now this is one damn smooth move, thank you!
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Awesome giveaway! Thank you! :)
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Wow thank you very much!
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Thank you! ^_^
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Recently got 100% in Orcs Must Die, very nice game, I really enjoyed playing and spent over 60 hours in it, waiting for the sequel. Don't really believe I could win it anytime so I'll probably just buy it in the future with Torchlight 2, haha.
Anyway, thank you very much for the chance! Also, I appreciate that you're paying attention to these fuckers giving away bundle keys to raise their contrib value.
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It annoys me as well. I hate that it completely negates those of us who actually spend good money on games to giveaway.
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Thanks for the chance!
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Thanks! :D
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I <3 you for this!
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Thanks! :D
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Thank you very much!!!!!! :)
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Thank you ^^ Most of my giveaways are group ones so you cant see, "The NO"
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nice! would love to play coop with ya! :D
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