By joining this GA you agree to delete it if the key does not work. They key was from a previous GA, but the person could not activate it in their region. I've asked them if they want to trade it, but they did not respond and marked as not received. So, in case they haven't used the key, I wanted to give it a new home.
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3 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Inkyyy
If you are "unsure" if he/she has already used the key, I wouldn't have set the giveaway for a week.
Instead I would have made it a quick giveaway in order to give the previous winner less time to activate/trade it meanwhile.
And as for "you agree to delete it if the key does not work", thats not something thats valid to do.
I also need to make you aware that custom rules aren't allowed and have no bearing on this giveaway, SG rules apply. Just so you understand the winner doesn't have to delete the giveaway and has the option to mark it as not received if you can't provide a working key. The winner can agree to delete the GA, but they are not in any way obligated to do so.
As stated here by a Moderator: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Ny5S2/blasphemous/search?page=2#AOS4Kgt
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Few days is not enough to give everyone a chance + the previous winner had ample time to activate it if they wanted. However, speaking to them it seemed they didn't want to keep it, otherwise why mark it as "not received?"
Just like anything, I can't make people do the thing the platform does not force them to. It's akin to entering a social contract which I assume most people tend to respect. If you don't want to enter the GA under the stated conditions, you are free to not enter it. The easiest thing would be to just keep the game for myself, but I rather give someone else a chance to win.
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"If you don't want to enter the GA under the stated conditions"
All I wanted to say is that those "conditions" don't apply and nobody does agree to it by just entering.
Everybody can enter the giveaway without agreeing to those conditions as stated by the steamgift rules.
I purely is goodwill by the winner to chose to let you delete the giveaway.
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Jeez. I said I know what. But what's the point in even entering if you're bothered by the fact that the key has a chance to be used. Then just don't enter.
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I'm not bothered by the fact the key could be already used.
For this there is the "not received" option or the goodwill to agree to delete it.
Putting a questionable key on here is at YOUR own risk to live with the possible consequence of having it again marked as not received.
My point is...and thats what you seem to not understand...your little text about "By joining this GA you agree to delete it if the key does not work." is complete pointless because it goes against the SG rules.
The winner can decide for him/herself if he/she agrees to delete it and NOT because you wrote it.
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What they say is true though, but I don't think they are trying to question your legitimacy as much as they are just making a note that you could potentially be in for a bad time if the worst actually comes to happen.
I for one never really expect to win, so even if very disappointing, (as long as the intent is genuine) it wouldn't ruin my world if I won and the key turned out to not work, even if I would be in the right to demand a working, it wouldnt be important enough to actually bother, but I think what Hikkomi is trying to make clear is that it might be important enough for someone, and that could put you in a bad spot when it comes to the actual "written in stone" rules, if that makes sense?
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Yes, I understood him and aware of it. But frankly. the worst thing that can happen is to get banned from the platform and to be honest that doesn't really matter to me. I would much rather risk it and give someone an opportunity to play the game, then just redeem it myself. If someone wants to be douche they will be a douche.
Btw, there is an entire steam group dedicated to keys that may not work, that use SG to host them, so it's not unprecedented either.
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Someone else doing something is kind of a slippery slope if used as an argument for something (even if true), but other than that I've nothing much to object to.
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Thank you for GA!
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Thank you!
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If I'm not mistaken you can check the key since you own the game. You'll get a message that either says it has been activated by a different account or you already own it (in that case the key is still active). Can anyone confirm? You can also check that user's steam profile if he owns the game.
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Good point. I don't remember If it will show you a different message if you own the item other that you own it (so perhaps it doesn't do the check if a key is valid if you own it), but I can confirm it just says I already own it and the person did not activate it on their account (which doesn't mean they haven't send to anyone else)
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Thank you for giving me this opportunity!
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