
Good luck!

Thank you! Very cool game !

3 months ago

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Thanks so much mate :D

3 months ago

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hi Nymcast
I am writing to tell you a little about the March event in which you were interested in collaborating.
The idea is for it to be an event throughout the month, every day, since there are 32 of you interested, it would be up to each one of you and I would double the collaboration, in number of games or in economic value.
The duration of the draw should be 1 day or 36 hours so that everyone can participate, but if they want to know the next day's games they have to return to the thread. I will put up a small antibot every day to make it more enjoyable, and the idea of ​​it being per day is so that people have enough points.
It is your choice, both the necessary level as well as any ideas for the antibot, if you have a predilection.
If you agree with everything, or have any questions, respond to me here and I will respond to each one of you. If you agree, I will tell you the day it is your turn to do the draw, it must be by invitation only, and you send me the link to post it on the corresponding day.
Thank you for your generosity and for your help.

2 weeks ago

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Buenas! Perdona si tardo pero voy bastante liado...
Ok entonces a ver si lo he entendido bien.
Necesitas que cree un GA privado (o varios) para el día concreto que tu me indiques con una duración de 24-36 horas. Entonces te mando el enlace privado y tu lo publicarás el día en cuestión para que la gente entre desde el foro.
Alguna key debo de tener disponible, por lo que si no hay restricción en el tipo de juego no creo que haya problema. Ya me dices!

1 week ago

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si, eso es, te he asignado el dia 23 de marzo. te voy a agregar en steam y me lo puedes enviar via chat cuando los tengas. mejor 36 horas que cubra el dia al completo y un poco mas. Muchas gracias

1 week ago

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