any1 still need this? :P
btw: theres an chance to win an extra copy :) only write a short (funny/ sad/ ...) story :P if i like it u get a extra copy (3 copies to gift for storys :P)
first winner: Misfestor
second winner: dilandach
third winner: Bull3t
9 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Chris76de
318 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by adam1224
8 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by lostsoul67
47,318 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by misterhaan
134 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
371 Comments - Last post 14 hours ago by LhorXhor
27 Comments - Last post 14 hours ago by tobiasreich82
1,120 Comments - Last post 37 seconds ago by MedinaRoscoe
376 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by DarkDreams1
93 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by pivotalHarry
50 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by smartbaby626
988 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ngoclong19
72 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Deleted2137
8,483 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Xerxas
Dead puppies... Do I win now?
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not rly :D should be a story not 2 words :D but nice try^^
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Once upon a time I had some puppies.. then they died.
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cmon mate.... be creative! :) u can more, i know that
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Once upon a time I had some puppies. These were no ordinary puppies, they were magically imbued with DNA of frozen space chemicals. How is it that frozen space chemicals have DNA? Don't ask me, its the future.
These puppies lead a normal and happy life, up until the point of their 4th year, 2 month creation age, in which they mutated into cats with human-like qualities. These cats had superior intellect to that of humans, and easily surpassed keeping us entertained whilst taking over our living arrangements, financial assets, and digital gadgets. To some humans that became smarter than the average one, dubbed these the "Lolcats", a new race of cat in which their primary objective was to entertain you while their secondary objective was to steal your belongings whilst you browse the world wide innernets.
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How do we know we won a story copy?
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Thank you so much Man!
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np mate :P
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Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly, that everyone died. The end.
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.." the last giveaway was better storys cmon mates with such storys u can't win be more creative & think a good story not "once there was ... then every1 died.. end"" .."
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thanks man!
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Friday night, misfeasor visited a website for game giveaways. He noticed a particular giveaway for the Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle, a bundle of indie games that was only offered for a limited time. Without hesitation he pressed the "Enter to Win!" button. He was doubtful of his chances to win, yet he remained hopeful.
For hours, misfeasor played video games and eventually forgot about his entry in the game giveaway. After finishing another round of Team Fortress 2 he became filled with the notion that he had just gotten very lucky. With his heart racing, he quit the game and loaded up the game giveaway website. He saw no notification that he had won. He checked the win section but it was empty. He double-checked the giveaway and sure enough, it had ended. He hadn't won.
But then he noticed another giveaway for the same game bundle. Without hesitation he pressed the "Enter to Win!" button. He was doubtful of his chances to win, yet he remained hopeful.
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this is a good story :P many better then the others on the top ....
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Thanks (and thanks for the giveaway as well)
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np :P
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i can't tell u funny story or sad story or whatever,i just wnat to win the damn game...
it would be great ...
i'm so unlucky :(
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u only got 93 entries :P i got 432 without win^^
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When I was in highschool, I knew my dad had a porno tape. That particular day, the VCR had only just come back from getting fixed. So my parents had gone out for a bit and I knew they wouldn't be back for a while. So I slotted in the dirty video and proceeded to watch, now after about 15 minutes I got a call from my parents saying that the people they were going to see werent home and they were picking up dinner on the way home. At this point I raced back to the VCR and pressed stop and ejected, except the video got stuck. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap" So I grabbed a screw driver and went to work to pull the video out, after about 5 minutes I managed to get it out but it had been chewed. So I couldn't put it back without some finger pointing. I hid the video in my room while I put the VCR back together. In my panic I missed a few screws and must have damaged the VCR somehow because it was now back to the non-working state. My parents pulled up and I raced back to my room to make out I was 'studying'. Later that night my parents slotted in a movie to watch but much to their annoyance it wasn't working despite having paid to have it fixed as well as mysterious tiny screws on the carpet in front of the TV. I protested innocence about taking the VCR apart and thankfully the issue of the missing tape never came up.
The next morning on the way to school, I took the tape out of my bag and threw it into the lagoon where it remains to this day. A symbol of my oversexed teenage years.
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O_o okay :D never thought some1 write such a story but ok it's nice :D
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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A long time ago, the girl whose name was alice live in the archaic mansion.One day when alice was playing the toast knife,she cut her own finger. Blood leapt slowly and then one drop found her mystical beltbuckle. And the stage is transformed mystically(!).Alice looked up,looked down,looked right,looked left but she didn’t understand anything whats going on.Alice looked her hand and saw the knife.That’s unbelievable but knife transformed a scimitar like world(?!).After all of this bunk things ended,Alice saw a rabbit which was running.She stooped him and asked”Where am I?”.rabbit answered quickly”You are in madness land girl,see ya.”.Alice completely understood this time,she was at the heart of a mysterical madness. And she must be survive
One of my old(at the age of 13-14(Yeah ı played brütal legend these times :D)) stories'
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:D okay ^^
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This one actually happened. A family from Eastern Europe goes on a vocation to Germany - by car. They do some stuff like tours, excursions, shopping, sightseeing etc. And then one day, while they are still in Germany, their grandma dies. Of course- everyone's sad. Now they understand that they got a problem - not only their grandma died, but they have to return the grandma's body to their homeland for a proper burial. Since they aren't very rich (cuz the international transportation of a dead body costs quite a money) & they think practical (or so it seems for them), they put the grandma's body in a box that is attached to the roof of their car (u know - the box, where they usually keep their watersports stuff and so on). So, after the death of grandma and her body placed in a box attached to the roof of their car, they have no other option but head for their homeland - and on they go. While they are driving through Poland, they stop at a gas station/hotel, to rest a bit. When the family comes out in the next morning, they find out - their car has been stolen. Yeah - with the grandma's body. That's pretty much the end. Know - imagine how the car thief felt, when he find out about the dead body on the car's roof. :D
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ok i'm a bit scared :D but ok still a nice story :D
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Elections have passed in my country. Us forced to vote for party in power, and we have voted how we want. It seems, small revolution is planned. Tomorrow on all country there will be meetings.
I want to live in Canada of U.S.A.=\
Oh, and thx for the giveaway)
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.
she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"
he said "NO..""
da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.
boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.
she was ded.
he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)
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ehm ok :o i like your engl :D
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ok entry number 151 might be my lucky day :) i hope
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this one time I was about to bone my girlfriend and then i looked up and saw a head crab and I was like "wow a head crab" and when I went back to bone her and she was "there was no way".. also jon was a zombie.
interestingly enough I used to play this on console, but then I took an arrow to the knee.... true story
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thank you.
it's one I've heard...
"My sister came home with her boyfriend before Spring Festival. She was studying abroad for a doctor degree.During the studying she met her boyfriend and he was a docter too. They were both well educated. My mum and grandma was very happy that she had got a boyfriend. One day in Spring Festival my mum and grandma wanted me to help them to make clear why there was quarrel at night in my sister's room those days.They could not understand the quarrel because it's not in Chinese. They doubted my sister quarrelled with her boyfriend. As the only one who learned English,they turned to me and wanted me to eavesdrop outside of my sister's roomdoor at night...That night they made 'quarrel' again and what I heard is...'come on,xxx(boyfriend's English name).' 'f*ck you bitch' 'come on,xxx,come on.that's nice'..."
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Pancakes are the best breakfast .
Based on a true story.
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Hmm, a story .. lets see:
There was this boy, that goes by the name of Bull3t. He's known as a simple lad, who worked fair and hard all his life. He spent all his day in the field, harvesting whatever he could find from the arid grounds of the cruel desert. This one day, he saw a strange building in the middle of the desert, fading in the horizon.
''Hmm, it must be a mirage'' he said. But as he came closer, he found that the building was actually no more than ... A GENERAL STORE (dah dah!).
As the old front door opened with a crancking sound, he noticed that the shelves were all empty, except one in the middle. But what madness was this? With a beautiful light coming from the skies upon it, he found a computer and a copy of The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim! (dah dah!)
And thats how I never saw my dad, mom, or girlfriend's tits again. In the loadings i write these stories.
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Thanks mate ^^
Here, have a duckling
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Thank you Proton!
Up at the glistening border of the sky, where the water meets the air, Hand spread his tentacles out beneath the terrible shadow of the light. They were waiting for the ships. Hand felt the approaching heart-thrum bouncing off the coral-crusted hulls below as the ships crested the painwall. He had realized he had taken an arrow to the knee and could not come up with anymore stories of any kind.
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I still need this. :P
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