btw: steam gifts allows people who already own dlc to enter to try and win dlc because it can not check to see if they already own it or not

i own this dlc already and i can enter the giveaway

so be sure to manually check to see if the win owns this dlc already or not

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Pretty sure DLC can't have the Limited Profile tag, actually.

Rather, the issue for DLCs is that the Steam API flat out doesn't send out ownership data for DLCs. (As such, we'll never really know whether they take LPF settings from their base game or not. :P)
Due to that, any DLC, as well as any package with at least one DLC, will never properly show ownership on SG, regardless of whether the game is Limited Profile or not. I

There's actually [historically] several other reasons why the API won't send out ownership data, as well. For example, a game won't send ownership data properly for the first 24 hours after its release. Similarly, it won't send ownership data while it's in pre-order / pre-release. So, say that you've gotten an early key for a game via kickstarter backing it, and then someone posts a pre-order giveaway for it; You'll still see that individual being able to enter for the game.

Of course, for both of those circumstances, it may be that the existence of Profile Features Limited has made it so that neither is encounterable any longer (unless there's, say, a circumstance where AAA have some sort of immediate exception to the Profile Features Limited tag, or where a game has a limited beta access purchase period). Due to that, it's likely that PFL has effectively absorbed those elements, making it so that the reason for an API recognition error is almost exclusively going to be due to a DLC being involved or that the game is PFL.

I say almost exclusively because, those two common issues aside, it should also still be possible to encounter the issue where a listing is misconfigured (for example, an all-base-game package that doesn't properly send out data that it has any games in it, meaning that [despite having no DLCs] the package still can't properly be checked for ownership). Game Expansion listings (something of which Steam had a small number of during its earlier days, but hasn't seen any recent additions on) have also historically had recognition issues. While I'm not sure if this particular one is affected, this is the kind of listing I'm referring to.

I may be forgettting a few possible factors, as well.
The DLC thing and PFL are really the only two that an individual really needs to keep in mind, though, since they're rather prevalent.

Between DLCs being rare in bundles and most users not wanting to deal with the hassle of manually adding people to Steam to check whether they already own the DLC or not, they're rather rare things to encounter on SG. :X
Ergo, people who post (non-soundtrack) DLC giveaways are inherently awesome. ^.^

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5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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well, it does say profile limited on the store page.

I'd been under the assumption that it shares its dev/system tags with its base game, since that'd been a trend I've seen (even when it didn't actually match to the DLC), but yeah, it does have PFL here while the base game doesn't. So I guess this one'd be out, either way. :P

Then again, it does have a certain intuitiveness to it, considering how Steam is set up:
There's Free, Free-To-Play, and Paid games, with the first one being "purchased" [and thereby dropping trading cards] after owning one DLC, and the second one simply dropping 1 trading card per $9 spent in-game. So it'd make sense having PFL for DLCs, since it would potentially affect the Free category.

I'd thought the tag consideration was shared across DLCs and with a universal display across base game and DLCs but, given that it's not shared, it's reasonable to expect that each and every DLC for a Free-category game has to go through the PFL process one-by-one. So, while it may be intuitive from a technical perspective, it does seem a bit over-emphatic in practice.

That is to say, the only time it really makes sense to have it not be shared, is if Valve is expecting a dev to put down a mix of "real" and "fake" DLCs. Since that process'd still require the dev to get a single DLC through PFL first, it'd be a bit.. awkward of them to then try and release a second (presumably rather cheap) DLC solely to farm trading card profits off users. Of course, it's not like such behavior would be out of place for low-end Steam devs, either.. Hence, in conclusion, the way Valve has it arranged seems fairly reasonable, all things considered. :P

5 years ago*

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DLC can have the tag, but that's really moot for Steamgifts since it can't report ownership of DLC regardless.

5 years ago

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This guys gets it.
Thanks for the class profffesor

5 years ago

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Thank you so much for the chance:)
I loved this game and already finished everything else beside this DLC which I'm missing.
It's such a beautiful game!

5 years ago

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Thanks for the chance to win. I've done the demo but do not own the DLC.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway!

5 years ago

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Wait.. there's a new dlc out for this game? Nice, I didn't even know, this game is like 3 years old. I really liked it when I first played it.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you for your DLC.
Now I owned all Glass Masquerade DLCs.
Really thank you.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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