
Please don't Comment with the oh so common and Generic "Thanks" "Thank you" and so on, it gets annoying really quick and feels to automatic.
NO Religious comments, at all, Doing so might get you blacklisted from my giveaways, Religious comments include but are NOT limited to "Bless you" "Blesses" "burn in hell" "I will pray for you" "Jesus is watching" And so on, these are extremely annoying and again, Might get you blacklisted..

Other then that, enjoy the give away feel free to leave a comment with why you want the game =P
I've just started to give away keys but its highly rewarding and i hope i don't have to blacklist anyone..

For the winner, Please claim the key as soon as possible, and if there is any problem with the key, contact me as quickly as you can so that i can resolve it =)

How are you ?

9 years ago

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I don't know, as i don't have any definite knowledge of how the universe and life came to be, so i'm sorry, but i can't answer your question.
But as a consolation gift, have another giveaway =)
Unless you're inquiring as to my current mental and physical health, in that case i'm good =).

How is your mental and physical health ? ^^

9 years ago

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They are perfect ! I was a bit ill a couple days back, but now i'm at my best form again :)

9 years ago

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Excellent =)

9 years ago

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May I inquire as to why you dislike the religious comments so greatly?
I ask because I'm not a religious person anymore, in good part due to growing up in a very religious area, and I'd like to hear a little bit of your story.

As for why I'm interested in this game, I first encountered it while visiting some of my college friends on a night they were drinking, and I found that this, the game that they were playing, was quite meditative, and didn't feel stressful in the same way that other racing games often do.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You are awesome! Thanks a lot! ;)

9 years ago

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I don't really know what to say, but I feel that you deserve a comment.
I wish you have a pleasent day/night

9 years ago

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