
Remember this as a flash game? I do. I also remember waiting like 3 years for the game to finally come out before giving up. Then, one day, it showed up on Steam. Was it worth the weight? You can decide for yourself.

You can thank me here:

or here

Wait -- we can only thank you on your Steam profile or your YouTube page? We can't thank you here?

Hmm. I was all set to say "thank you" but I guess I won't. :D

7 years ago

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Well you can of course thank me here ;p

7 years ago

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Okay, well in that case -- thank you! This game looks really interesting to me.

7 years ago

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The original is still out there. I think the studio's website is still up; and I'm sure it's still on NewGrounds or Kongregate.

7 years ago

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I remember both games I played. A lot was sealed off in the RPG 2 because it just came out and was still gonna get its last update or something and the directors cut was basically skipping the grind. Had loads of fun with this and the original in computer lab days and at home....

7 years ago

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I played stick rpg a bit. never played 2 though. thanks for the giveaway.

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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Hello kind mister giveaway maker sir. I have won, but I do not see a key. Is there perhaps a test I must pass or riddle I must solve to obtain said key? I do love a good riddle...

7 years ago

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Or you just need to wait for me to login to SteamGifts.

7 years ago

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My bad, it said you were online for a few hours before I commented. Wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything.

Anyways, thanks for the game!

7 years ago

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