Steam Key (check "Giveaways Won") -- I will contact the winner on Steam if there is an issue.
This giveaway is also a celebration of my birthday. Instead of posting a variation of "Thank you", please tell me about an idealistic goal you have in life. Mine is "Stop being a loser and become someone who enables the dreams of others." If you don't have a lofty goal, please tell me about a visual novel that you enjoyed.
29 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
256 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by shad0wk
117 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by DeltaBladeX
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by OwieczkaDollyv21
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by OwieczkaDollyv21
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113 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by TheCyberDruid
104 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Gellax
270 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Riku1
51 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Ingrid88
82 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Timelya
10,049 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by pt78
16 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by dDenVill
Thanks and Happy Birthday! I don't really have any real goals, but I did enjoy the Oblivious Garden VN.
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Saaank yuuu!!
Happy birthday and stuffs. Don't be so hard on yourself ;) Just for this giveaway, I don't think you're a loser. So chin up!
For my goals, I'd like to be a writer.. If that were possible.
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Thanks. Being a writer is fun if you're doing it for fun. If you're trying to do it for money, well... good luck. I haven't had any luck there.
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No peeing on my hopes and dreams :P Thank you again :)
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Haha. As with most things in life, it depends! Maybe you've got what it takes to be a successful writer. :)
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I just need ONE succesfull book :P
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If you've got an idea that you think is worth writing about, I'd say go for it.
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And if I don't? > .<
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Don't force yourself to write, but if you practise writing on a regular basis, it might be easier to flesh out an idea down when one pops up in your head.
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Yeah, you are right :) Practise makes perfect :) Or at least half-decent :P
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I've been writing a lot lately myself. A sci-fi novel with a "gaming" feel to it. A gritty futuristic story about a man with a "take no prisoners" attitude. And there are guns and flying attack drones, and more guns.
Did I mention that it involves superpowers like telekinesis and slowing down time?
Yep. I... Don't think anyone would read my book, even if I finish it one day. :P
I just write for fun and don't plan on selling or publishing, but I wish you all the luck you can take! Don't give up on what you want to do.
What I always say when I want to motivate somebody, "If you fall down while climbing a ladder, it doesn't mean you can't do it. It means that you were good enough to climb that ladder to a certain point. Now get back on that ladder and try climbing even higher." :P
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Sounds wonderful actually. I'd read it ;)
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Only got 20 pages so far. Parts of the last page I'm still working on to actually sound okay. Sometimes it seems I just can't describe a scene correctly and I just won't go on until I get it just right. :P
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Oh I know the feeling :P
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I never read/played a VN in my life, and was hoping for eden* to be my first one... Hence the reason I enter so many giveaways for it. :P
As for my goal, good question. I don't even know myself. I'm still fairly young to plan my life (18), so I don't think much about what I'll do later. I like taking life like I eat an apple - one bite at the time.
First, I'd like to travel the world a bit, that's for sure. So far, on my list of "oh my god these places look interesting, I should definitely visit there one day" are: New Zealand, Japan, China, France, England, and other European countries.
But before that, I'd like to, well, get a life, figuratively speaking. AKA: Get my shit together.
I'd really like to find out what is my passion, or... It's hard to explain. I'd like to find out what REALLY interests me. Gaming is one of the things I'll probably never get tired of, but you can't really make a career or life out of it. As for game-making, I enjoy working with RPG Maker, but I doubt this is going to cut it.
Then I have music composing, but again - making any career out of music is nearly impossible (I know because most of my family were talented musicians and composers and none of them ever managed to live out of it. Sucks to be an artist, huh? ;_;).
So yeah... TL;DR, I'm just going to take life as it comes, and try my best.
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I graduated from a 4-year university and I'm still not sure what I really want to do for the rest of my life. I figured I'd find a job. No luck there. I figured I'd go to grad school, but without a clear goal in mind, all I'd end up with is a pile of debt. It looks like you have the makings of a passion, at the very least. We've all got to start somewhere, so hopefully you get a better picture of what that passion is (and isn't).
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True, I guess. There's really no rush about it, as long as I don't feel like I should do anything, I shouldn't try forcing me into figuring out my life's goal. That doesn't mean I won't try to improve myself in what I currently do, though.
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Fair enough. It's a journey without a clear destination, but if you're enjoying the journey then that's just fine.
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Well, "enjoying" is a bit strong. Life has its ups and downs, so I just enjoy the ups and deal with the downs as good as I can. ^^
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That's a great attitude to have. That resilience is going to come in handy. :)
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Well. Hard to answer. It's like challenging all your demons. I find myself very miserable man so firstly I would like to do something with it, with my stagnation and no development of my own... Then? The whole world! :)
Actually we do have very similar goals, don't we?
All the best! ^^ Let it both us happen!
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thanks you
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Thank you, and happy birthay ^.^ (sorry if it isnt, im just going off of the other comments >.<)
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"Don't be evil"
So that means try not to react out of anger or rage. Take your time to understand why someone is doing something stupid or bad. And don't automatically assume someone has bad intentions. Unless they physically attack you of course - then you smack them before they can do more harm ;)
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Convincing the people around me that vegans do not necessarily have to be judgemental, overbearing fanatics and showing them through my actions rather than words that vegetarianism and veganism are sensible, environmentally friendly and delicious diets. ^^;
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Happy Birthday, simekirin! :)
I would really like to devote some of my free time to doing some volunteer work, and I should stop thinking about it and actually look into it.
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Happy birthday.
My goal in life is find and keep my happiness and staying positive and being there for the people around me. I want to be a role-mode when it comes to self development and doing good.
My favorite VN is Katawa Shoujo, it is free to download.
And thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway, hope you have a nice birthday.
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Happy Birtday!
I dont have any goal in life, i dont even know if i have a life. What is life? Is this REAL life? or is it Half-Life? I loved if my heart had wings.
Kotori is love, Kotori is life.
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Which Kotori?
Minami Kotori? Otonashi Kotori? Shirakawa Kotori? Itsuka Kotori? ... the trap version of Souta from Working?
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Kotori Habane from IMHHW :)
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Get me and my girlfriend through our CPAs
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Well, I'm in the process of starting my company, so my goal would be to be successful with it. :P
(Don't want to / can't really talk about it atm tho)
Happy birthday and thank you! :)
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thank you and Happy Birthday!
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Happy birthday. Don't really have a goal like that, but the VN that comes to mind that I've enjoyed most is Long Live the Queen.
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Happy Bday! I wanna make my own visual novel!!
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thanks ^^
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Thanks for the chance
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Getting a master degree, I am little more than 1 year from there!
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Happy Birthday!
Idealistic goal I have in life would be to finish my novel and to get a job with my soonish bachelor of arts degree.
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Right now, my goal is to pick a goal. :(
Thanks, simekirin, much appreciated.
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