Thank you so much :)

8 years ago

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Reply to this message when you finished the two Enigmatis games for your March play-your-wins challenge and I'll send you a key for the final episode. =)

8 years ago

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Awesome, I will, thanks!

8 years ago

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Hey talgaby. I completed both Enigmatis games, I'd love to play the last one too :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you! I really appreciate it!

7 years ago

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Hey there Silverspiders, I have a proposition for you. I am in the process of creating a group that focuses on winners finishing wins (playing is not enough, they must be finished unless the game is extremely high skill capped like Cuphead for example and the person despite best attempts simply can't finish it but I'm pretty sure you can, you got 100% in Ori after all!). I put some rules and guidelines here on this post. It isn't 100% completed however the most important stuff are already written down and you are already in a group that has similar rules. In this beginning stage I'm trying to hand pick people, like you, who have exceptional wins played percentages and hopefully gather enough of them then we will move on from there and possibly begin public recruitment once everything is in place. If you do agree to the rules I linked, please feel free to send a request to join. I'd be very happy to see you there.

Have a great day :)

7 years ago

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Hey Lenor! What a nice unexpected message. Thank you :)
I've read the rules and guidelines, it seems like a really cool group and I see some great people already in it!
It's funny because I think my finished wins % is not even high enough yet :P
So, I'd love to join. I wish you a great day too!

7 years ago

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Hey Lenor. I just heard a little bit from Nin about what happened to the group. I hope you're okay <3

7 years ago

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I'm feeling a bit better, thank you so much for checking up on me. You are so thoughtful :) I'm really sorry about how the things went down though and for wasting people's time.

7 years ago

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I'm really sorry about how the things went down though and for wasting people's time.

Don't be sorry. You tried. And I realise I don't speak for everyone, but you didn't waste my time. I'm happy that you wanted me to be part of it :)

7 years ago

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Thank you for believing in it and being a part of it :)

7 years ago

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