
Car #3181

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I'll gift the game through Steam, so if you win please add me as a friend or accept my friend request.

Edit: you're allowed to join for just the DLC.

OK to enter for the DLC?

4 days ago

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Right, I forgot to mention that.
Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: I'd really like to gift this to people who don't already own the base game, but I want my giveaways on this train to be available to as many people as possible, and there's already the constraint of level 4+... Plus, allowing people to join just for the DLC means fewer wasted points for people who don’t read the descriptions, and less headache for me when the giveaways end. So as long as you don’t own both the base and the DLC, you’re welcome to join :)

4 days ago*

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It looks hard.

View attached image.
4 days ago

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This GIF can't be true. A person struggling that much?! Unless they have some kind of handicap, I refuse to believe someone can be this bad.

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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3 days ago

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I ended up not enjoying the copy I won because it was too frustrating for me. Your mileage may vary, though. I also didn't enjoy Ori because of the difficulty, and people loved that one.

1 day ago

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Check the winner, I have both but still can enter the giveaway

2 days ago

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