

See my other giveaways if you want the Mac version.

Thanks for entering my giveaway! The rules:

1) No thanks are necessary, I have a mountain of keys sat doing nothing so they may as well go to good homes :)

2) If it's DLC, make sure you have the base game first and that you don't already own the DLC before entering.

3a) Some of my keys are from ancient bundles. If you are unlucky and get a dead key, please leave a comment on the giveaway and I will do my best to get another key for you. 99% of my keys are good though :)

3b) If I can't get another key for you, I will add you on Steam and will try to send you the gift directly on Steam. When I add you on Steam, send me a message through Steam telling me which game it is that you won but got a dead key for.

3c) If I can't get another key for you and I can't send the gift directly on Steam, then you agree to let the giveaway be deleted, and I'll send you some random game you don't already own as an apology.

4) If you win, please claim your key as soon as possible :)

5) Have fun!

I still have over 1500 keys to give away, so I will be doing this for some weeks yet.

Awesome. This will get used.

8 years ago

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Good luck :)

8 years ago

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nandri ^^

8 years ago

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Far as I know and remember, rule 3c isn't possible in this site. Unless things have changed. Thought it was worth making you aware of. Cheers!

8 years ago

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Ah, I thought it was ok ('apology' game sent through Steam rather than this site) to have the giveaway deleted if the winner agrees :/ If a mod can clarify I will change it up :)

8 years ago

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