
We are celebrating getting 200+ followers for Catizens Curations.
A curator focussed on reviewing games with cats (or other animals) in them.

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For those who love cats, I also have an instagram with some VERY pretty kitties!

Those are some cute kitties!

3 years ago

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Thank you πŸ’œ

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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thanks ( Ν‘~ ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

3 years ago

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thankee sai!

3 years ago

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I don't have Instagram (and no Facebook either), so it only let me see so far before the window asking me to log-in popped up. The pictures that I was able to see showed some delightful kitties indeed! :)

3 years ago

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nice insta... you should make them mascots

3 years ago

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Thank you πŸ₯°

3 years ago

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Thank you!

3 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway!

3 years ago

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Thanks for the win, i was never a cat person, but now we got 2 red cats, so this game might become extra special to me.

3 years ago

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Congratulations on the win! The key has been sent.
I do hope you enjoy it. And I understand not being a cat person, it isn't for everyone, but I can't help but love them very much.

Feel free to share a picture or the names of your kitties if you like. But no pressure πŸ˜„

3 years ago

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1 problem is also they don't listen as much as dogs tend to do. Cats just do whatever they want. :p

It's not a sharp picture, but here they were just about 2 months old, they are now 9 months old, they are brothers.
1 is called knuffie (dutch for cuddly/cuddles) and the other is named sam, first he was supposed to be called max, so at first i got confused as i was also playing the game sam & max, and called him max several times at first. :p

3 years ago

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They are super cute!
I personally love that they do what they want haha πŸ˜€ Even if it's irritating sometimes.

I've had several cats. Oliver de Oliebol met Ijs recently past away. His Calling name was Oliver but I nicknamed him Oliebol so then came up with the full name. He was a lovely ginger cat.
Timriv the Enforcer is named after a World of Warcraft trading card. He's black and super pretty and shiny. But also very opinionated. He only does what HE wants and likes ignoring me when I call his name and then suddenly deciding he has to get cuddles NOW! Haha

After Olivers passing we waited a bit but now we have Captain Flynn Flamders. Flamders kinda sounds like flanders. And it's because we live in flanders but also because he's a cuddle bug aka fleimer.
He has three paws but is like speedy gonzales.
I don't have pictures up on insta of him yet because I found it hard to post again after Oliver. But some day I'll post his cuteness for the world.

3 years ago

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Funny but weird name for Oliver and special names for the rest, although luckily it's not frikandel or something. :p Disney has a nice movie about a red cat, called oliver the cat, any inspiration?

Yeah cats can be so weird, Knuffie was very shy at first, and Sam always was seeking me up, even in my room. One night i had to go downstairs but the light is broken so i accidently stepped on him because these cats sleep on the stairs, now he kinda avoids me, yet knuffie is seeking me up, every morning walking circles around me.

Hope you can post his cuteness soon. :)

3 years ago

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I do know about the movie "Oliver and company" but have never seen it. As far as I remember it was not the inspiration, but could be subliminal. Hm, Frikadel would be a cute name! My niece recently asked for help with a cat name and one of my suggestions was Claudette de kotelet. But my niece went with my suggestion of "sproet".

Here every morning they both race to the bathtub (and jump in) when I wake up and use the toilet. They like drinking the water from the tap, even tho they have a cat drinking fountain. But yeah, sleeping in weird places... I have stepped on tails before and sadly have also rolled on them with my desk chair. I do make a "wioeieoeieoe" sound when I move it, and try to see if they are under me. But it has happened. Luckily they still want to cuddle later.

2 years ago

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You are a bit wacky when it comes to naming eh (no offense) :p

Oh yeah right now i am staying at home, and in the bathroom a lot, i close the bathroom door often, but sometimes i still forget and like they just smell it when the door is open and both sneak in the buggers. But often after i taken a bath so then the whole floor is wet you know, i get angry (though it's useless).

They are indoor cats, so my mom doesn't feel the need to actually bath them, so they don't know what an actual washing in bath is, sometimes i wish i'd catch them and turn on the faucet to see if they still love the bath then, yeah i am a tease like that. :p

Well they are resilient it seems, and they got 9 lives, way more then us. ;)
Lucky they still want to cuddle you, Sam (the one i stepped on) just wants to swing his paw at my nose when he is on the stair.

2 years ago

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Haha, no offence taken.
Better weird cat names than kid names!

I alawys leave the bathroom door open for them. Except when there are visitors haha.
Timriv used to love walking around the bad border when I was in it... Until the time he fell of the tap and into the water. He was soooo cute completely wet.
Oliver always came when I took a shower, he sat on the towel on the floor and from time to time would peek over the bathborder to take a look. I always called him "tante nonneke" when he did that.
Flynn comes into the bathroom and runs around and back out and back in. He's only 9 months and loves playing race car.

I like seeing little wet pawprints haha, it's cute! My partner likes it less and my mom hated it because it would make the floor look dirty even if it was just cleaned. I also sometimes turn on the tap full blast to scare them a little. It's just a bit of teasing... Cats can handle that imo.

Mine are also indoor cats. They have been outside in the past but I don't feel like they miss being outside. They do have a big window to look out of.

When Sam is on the stairs he might feel taller than you and finally be able to win the boss fight!

2 years ago

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True, like gwyneth paltrow (however you spell her) called her child apple or something.

A shower? Ohw I am still feeling a bit akward being anywhere nude around them, often i even put on a towel still. :}
But yeah i am on your mother's/partner side it makes the floor feels messy.
And they can absolutely take some water, it's not kryptonite to superman or something. ;)

Our cats also love to watch outside, and it's alot safer inside for them (not go missing) and they don't bring you dead animals.
One thing i fear they might eventually learn how to reach the doorknob and open doors by theirselves, do your cats do that? I am already surprised by how far they can jump (table to chair which is like more then 1 1/2 meter).

Ah so that must be it! Well i am pretty tall at 193cm so yeah he needs the stairs.

Looking at the cat names, i think we both could have spoken dutch i think. :p

2 years ago

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Omg Apple? haha I feel bad for the kid.
I've had cats since I was little, so no shame toward them here πŸ˜‹

Timriv once did get ouside through the window. Oliver came to tell us (he was acting different than normal).
Luckily I always have their carriers in the living room, so they are used to using it as a sleeping place and such. So once we found Timriv (under a car at our front door) we put the carrier next to it and he flew into it.
It was very scary and I'm super happy my pretties are chipped.

Technically they would be able to open the door because they can jump high enough. But I have never had it happen. They prefer to push or scratch the underside of the door. I have a few doorstops for doors that should not close since Flynn only has one front paw and it might be too difficult for him to open the door. It's so they'll always be able to excess their food, water and litterbox.

I did assume you also speak Dutch, but I felt weird switching languages here on SG. This way others can also read the convo and learn of our awesome kitties!

2 years ago

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Lucky he didn't wandered off too far. ;)

Ours still need to get chipped, hope it doesn't traumatize them.

Maybe secretly this is just what cats are really thinking :p.(seems like a nice game, will get it eventually when i get money, for now need to save for the steamdeck.

2 years ago

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I really should play that game. I've had it for a while now.
And the chipping is like a big injection. Normally it shouldn't be more traumatizing than other vet stuff :-)

2 years ago

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If you do anytime soon, let me know how the game is.

Yeah i think "getting fixed" is a lot worse for a cat (or man). :p A chip is probably like getting a earring.

2 years ago

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Lol, Sam climbed a very high cabinet in the kitchen, almost like he wanted to try to escape through the kitchen window. And he scratched my nose with his nails. :x

2 years ago*

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I'll try to remember to let you know what I thought of the game. Normally I would also write a review, so if I forget you might find it there.

I don't feel like the cats miss much once their balls are gone 🀣
I was allowed to be there when they took Oliver's and it was interesting to see! Seemed easy...
But I do understand that the idea of not having them any more might be difficult for men.

Hopefully the scratch heals well. It can be a real pain >.<
Sounds like Sam wants to be an acrobat. Does he have other places where he can be high up? Some cats like being high above it all, others like dark spaces (like a cupboard), ...
Here Timriv loves to open up a cupboard and climb in it, so I emptied it out for him and now he decided he liked another place haha.

2 years ago

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But might take months till you play it and i just have a tendency to forget such things too, i see it for 1,50 on a reseller site so might get it anyway after 2 months.
i got a backlog of 700 installed games (on top of the ones not installed yet) i often don't even know what game i was supposed to play now so why i play so many at the same time. :p
But i also got a 100% ocd and often you got some nasty mean achievements making it sometimes almost impossible to 100%. :( Then i am like yeah i come back to that someday, but that never comes.

Yeah not like they gonna meet female cats inside, but yeah for men, whole different story.

It healed well, more the shock when he does it then it really hurting, although with my mom (72) it hurts more because thinner skin.
There is a small ledge between our two stairs, he also jumps and balances on that, but it is so small (barely can put his legs on it) i feel one day he will fall of.
When we store the groceries they try to enter the cupboards, but they aren't empty, so no luck for them there,

Cats do what cats wanna do, strong willed animals. ;)

2 years ago

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Wow, 700 installed games?! Best is to look at what you feel like playing.
But I do install games planning to play them and then months later still haven't played them πŸ˜… So I do understand it a bit I guess.
I also try my best to 100% but sometimes it gets so bothersome so I too take a break and then... it doesn't happen.

Thing is that castrating male cats also helps with behavioural issues that could happen later on.
Like "strippen" haha, I can't think of the English word. But it's when a male marks his territory by peeing at certain places. They might do that inside to overpower other smells.
They also tend to be less aggressive if they get castrated early enough.

A scratch can hurt like a mf... I'm allergic to cats, luckily I react less to my own cats.
But if I get a scratch (because they got spooked or something) I might react and have to take medication against the itching. But even then I still love them haha. I just can't stay mad at them! They look way too cute!

2 years ago

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Yeah you get some games, then a bundle comes along or a sale and you think oh i gonna play those, and then more new stuff comes, it's an everlasting circle. ;)

I am a mood gamer, often i don't feel well, that's when i don't usually play some speedy platformer and often tend to go to adventure games and rpg's as they are relaxing, but that gets monotonous offcourse.
Yeah f.e 1 Ys game requires you to finish it on like 5 difficulties (the hardest doesn't count alone)! or speedrun stuff like with super meat boy, impossible!
But i also got my consoles, a new commodore 64 which my dad and i wanted to learn BASIC on (sadly he passed away last year sudden, never got around to it).

I believe they are fixed (i have never looked, i never even seen a penis by accident so i dunno where they hide it) but if so that surely didn't made Sam less aggresive. :p

My mom lied to me my whole life saying she was allergic to cats... so i never could have a pet except a goldfish. When my dad passed away she was like i gonna get some cats and it was because of him we never had cats or dogs..

Glad there is some medicine for the allergy, if i also knew that when my mom told that lie back then :p They are blessed to have you as their boss.

2 years ago

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Yup! The bundle thing is something I know. Or sales and a game looking great but then not having the time. I'm also a mood gamer. Some times I just can't put myself to playing "brain" games. Games where you need to keep your concentration or you'll miss interesting/important stuff.

There are games I don't mind playing over and over, but others one play through is more than enough for me xD

I have heard about the commodore 64 a few times, always in a very loving way. It sucks you weren't able to learn BASIC with your dad. But maybe it can still be a nice memory/bond to him if you ever do get to it.

So about cat anatomy, their balls should be right bellow their butt hole πŸ˜†
When they are little it isn't that noticeable if there are balls in the sack or not. I know what to look for, so I can find it on my cats. But it's not that I look for it haha, I just look at their butt hole sometimes to make sure everything is alright down there. And I recently started emptying Timrivs anal glands from time to time haha :D
Sorry if it's TMI

I have had cats for YEARS, decades even. And I had never seen their penis. I did know where their pee came out since I have also taken care of newly born kittens. But you can kinda see it when they are washing themselves. BUT! I recently saw a cat penis for the first time with Flynn! I think it might be because he sometimes sits in a weird way to wash himself. It was weird... But seeing a rabbits penis is still a more traumatic memory of mine haha. (I thought Snuffel was just smelling my feet and getting a seizure.... NOPE!)

I'm not sure how I feel about people lying about allergies. I know we first couldn't get a dog because of my allergies, but latter on I got tested again and we got the okay since my allergy was less than before.
I feel like it's better to be honest about such things. But I can't know the complete reasoning behind it ofc.
Seems like your mom did want cats, so I'm happy she finally was able to get them!

I try my best at being a good cat mom, but it's the same as every parent. You can only do your best but there is no perfect parent. But it is nice to hear people think I'm doing a good job. Tbh, they are a bit... spoiled ... but only a tiny bit!

2 years ago

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Yeah, i hate to cheat but why i sometimes have a walkthrough ready or sites like astats/trueachievements to know beforehand if there are missable achievements.

Yeah we already bought a bunch of BASIC books, but some are a bit more advanced, and still i got a slight germphobia, so i can only use those books when it gets a bit better, but there are/were no new books to learn it since it's been so old offcourse,
But yesterday i actually found a new book, so gonna order that next month and learn. :) There is software on steam based on BASIC and you are allowed to make steam games with it, so who knows i can make it to steam, But it will be very old graphics, too old for kids these days.

Oops there with snuffel hehe. :p

Turns out our cats aren't castrated yet and thought they only needed a chip, turns out they gonna get both next week, oops. They got a heavy week coming.

Well even more strange is we had a cat before i was born, but very vicious, he would even attack dogs, so they were afraid for me and put him away, to a neighbour some streets away (so my mom still see him once awhile).

There is no perfect parent, but you try and that's what counts, and nothing wrong with a bit of spoiling once every time. ;) Good learning moment also for when you get real kids. :p

2 years ago

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Hey i assume you played this game too, at a point you come to 4 wheels you need to turn to make a shape or something, can you remember what's it supposed to be?

2 years ago

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