
Good Luck and Enjoy ^^

I guess this is the ending where the hero simply hired a mercenary who sniped Malgarath?

6 months ago

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Easy mode right ^^

6 months ago

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Medieval problems require modern solutions, amirite? :P

6 months ago

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Lol definitely ^^

6 months ago

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View attached image.
6 months ago

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butter making medieval device ?

6 months ago

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Something like this?

6 months ago

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Hello Althalus.

The link for this giveaway has been posted on a Social Media site and so may have been shared with a bigger group than you planned. If you prefer to limit the number of people who can enter, I recommend deleting the giveaway and making a new one.

6 months ago

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Thanks Smythe.

I will let the GA run its toll. Was too much effort creating the excel spreadsheet and word files to keep track of my story for this group of GA lol

Thank you again however.

6 months ago

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Same deal with your latest giveaways. I can see a lot of effort went into writing them so I guess you will let them run, but just letting you know.

6 months ago

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Thanks Smythe, clearly people have taken a liking to my GAs lol I'll let them run planning to do the good ones I have up my sleeve as whitelisted GAs anyway, will see how my next one goes. Was tempted to do a create your own adventure, a very short one, but one that depicts life in the 21st century, you're a PC gamer invloved with steam and stumbles across a website called SteamGifts. Was gonna make the chooser pick which avenue they take, in sense of personality, obviously not gonna be accurate, but was tempted by roadblocks for level requirement (make a couple lvl 5+ here), hoarders / game collectors who always run out of SG points so have no GAs to enter, strategists who join whitelists (actually whitelist items here). That sort of thing, but it makes me pontificate how many blacklists I'd join by doing it lol

6 months ago

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Never let potential blacklists get in the way of a good idea!

6 months ago

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Thanks for the giveaway :)

6 months ago

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Nps ^^ Grats

6 months ago

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