
Hi people

I quite like this game. Popular opinion is divided though.

This giveaway is in the form of a STEAM KEY. I have an extra one and would like to share.

Good luck!

-- Johann

PS. Which is the better RPG series and why? Witcher vs. Drakensang vs. Two Worlds vs. Risen vs. Elder Scrolls. I havn't played all of their entries, so feedback would be appreciated from those who have experience with these games.

Mayhap I shall enter, nay I hast.

12 years ago

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What language is this??


12 years ago

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Anglo- Frisian, or possibly Yola or Fingalian.

12 years ago

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Risen? Are you serious? What about the early Gothic games (from the same developer), Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights and even Dragon Age from BioWare. Those are the ultimate classics in my opinion, together with the Elder Scrolls series. The Witcher is also damned good. Drakensang I've been wanting to play for a long time but never got to it. There are also quite some great oldskool RPG's from the 90's that aren't well-known at all, like Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager.

12 years ago

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Awesomeness, BIG THANKS!

12 years ago

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I'm fond of the Gothic series. I like how Piranha Bytes have created the world, where the NPCs behaviour has credibility, unlike others RPGs, and their gameplay choices. I couldn't keep playing Morrowind (I finished the base game only) after I known Gothic 1 and I'm a bit afraid of activating my copy of Skyrim for similar reasons.

12 years ago

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I didn't add Gothic to my list as Piranha Bytes created the Risen series after Gothic 3. Spellbound Entertainment then continued the Gothic series with Arcania (Gothic 4), a game with mixed results (judging from what I've seen of friends playing).

I don't mind going back to older games though. I've played Gothic 2 & 3 but never completed them. I reckon I could give them another shot in the future.

12 years ago

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I found this game interesting, but didn't play it a lot as it was a rental. It was a little hard, but that doesn't bother me.

12 years ago

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The Witcher, especially second part ;) Elder Scrolls is great, but it gets boring before you are able to finish it and it starts looking more and more like tourist simulator (though still enjoyable, I must admit). Risen is a "rough" game, but it can be a lot of fun as well. I've stopped playing Drakensang after seeing ulgy graphics (yep, I'm that shallow:))...

As for Two Worlds, I didn't find first part enjoyable- stopped playing relatively fast. But the second (which I have won here on steamgifts, courtesy of EsDehKa;))- man, I love this game! Finally you don't feel like a loser while being a mage- quite the contrary: I simply summon 11 golems to take the beating for me, fall back a little, and start casting one fireball (with addidtional lightnings, because why not?) after another ;P The game still needs a lot of polishing, but I'm hopeful Reality Pump know what they're doing and TW3 will kick ass!(but still, it won't be better than The Wild Hunt ;P)

And of course- thanks for sharing this game with the community ;)

12 years ago

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I own Drakensang. I honestly like the graphics, or rather the art design.

Also, I own the Witcher 1 & 2. But again, I havn't played too much of them. This is really a bad habit of mine - picking up games and then not spending at least a couple dozen hours trying to get my money's worth. :-)

12 years ago

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o.O What are you doing here??? GO PLAY THE GAME! ;p
It doesn't have a big, open world like other games, but it allows players to focus on good storyline (not wander off to some forest and forget about Alduin for few months;)) and climatic feel- the game isn't another high-fantasy with good humans/elves/dwarves and bad and ugly orcs/goblins, etc.- even the fact that the elves are opressed and forced into ghettos doesn't make them "the good guys" here. But maybe I'm biased towards the series, because the Witcher is my country's national heritage (even when Barrack Obama visited Poland, he got a copy of Assassins of Kings from our prime minister!) and that's why I can be overrating the game... But you own it, so I suggest trying it out and checking whether you'll like it or not ;)

12 years ago

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The witcher series is probably the best imo. Can't wait for witcher 3. Thanks for giveaway!

12 years ago

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There are people who really hate those games though. And they aren't as "open" as the other titles mentioned in this thread.

12 years ago

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+1 dragon age pretty good though

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for the chance. And also for the question you asked - the only one I've played is Witcher and TES: Morrowind and Oblivion so I'd like to know about the others as well. Of the ones I've played, Morrowind is better. Couldn't get into Witcher due to combat mechanisms and Oblivion just felt like a weaker version of Morrowind.

12 years ago

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I love Morrowind. I havn't spent much time with Oblivion, so I only have superficial experience with it. Morrowing however is probably one of the greatest computer RPGs of all time, in my opinion. For me it's right up there with Ultima 7, Darklands and the like.

I guess the point of my question is to determine which game to sink my time into. I've been playing too much Killing Floor (and Dead Island) lately. I need something that's not too dark.

12 years ago

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Drakensang was epic on PS2, loved that game :) Witcher I want to try and Elder Scrolls I always enjoyed :) Dunno about the others

12 years ago

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You're thinking of Drakengard. :-) Drakensang is a more recent German-made RPG series. It has many fans but, like everything, isn't everyone's cup of tea.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway johanndewaal

Can't really answer nor compare since I didn't play them all myself.

12 years ago

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Am I the only person who uses their real name on Steam?

Listen people, if the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security or Anonymous want your personal information they will get it. Hiding behind a username isn't any kind of protection barrier.

12 years ago

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I, too, haven't played all of them, but nevertheless I don't hesitate to go for the Witcher series. If you're looking for a strong, mature role-playing game, this is it. Just don't get afraid of The Witcher 1's combat system, might take you a bit to get used to it.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks! :)

Games in the Witcher series tend to have mature, fleshed out and involving story lines and demonstrate a tangible difference to the game world on the basis of the player's choices. The first two games didn't feature a truly open world, but the third one is supposed to. Very excited!

The Elder Scrolls series are awesome in their sheer scope and because of the staggering number of things that the player can engage in. Those games can be real time guzzlers, despite a generally weak story.

Risen had an interesting world, and a lot of potential, but a lot of it was squandered away by way of generic fetch quests and a limited sense of progression in my opinion.

Drakensang and Two Worlds I've played very little of on my friend's system, so can't really comment on those...

12 years ago

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And yes, about the lack of a true open world in the Witcher series, that's also what I heard. That isn't any kind of make or break feature however. You really do make it sound like a series I should get into.

12 years ago

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Repair wrecks a bench before a divorce. The twist hums beside a warming strain. Computer senses repair within your latter hypocrisy. Repair bays opposite the emotional quantum. Can the archive rearrange repair?

12 years ago

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Yes! Golly miss Molly! That's it!


12 years ago

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thank you

12 years ago

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The witcher series is good along with elder scrolls the only problem for me in the witcher was the controls

12 years ago

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Yes, I've seen many people complaining about that particular aspect.

It seems everyone's recommending it for the story though. And I do like a good story.

12 years ago

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Witcher for his story.

But I did not play all these games.

The great Gothic 1 and 2 :)

12 years ago

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Yes, my brother love the first three Gothic games. It's really a series I should give another look. I never owned my own copies though, just quickly played around with his.

12 years ago

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thank you!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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thank you! =)

12 years ago

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Thank you!

12 years ago

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Thank you! I like Witcher and Drakensang... haven't tried the rest.

12 years ago

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Thank you! :D

12 years ago

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