
This War of Mine is my favorite game, and I've sunk hundreds of hours into it. The drama is unlike anything I've seen in a video game, and it inspired me to read a few memoirs and books on the war that it is built around. (I highly recommend "The Cellist of Sarajevo" for anyone wanting a book.) My review of the game, written just after I bought it and played the first game, is here
But, one thing I most like about the game is the fact that you get to make choices about how you will play the game ethically. You can choose to operate with a sense of cooperation with other survivors and respect for human life and possessions, or you can choose to survive at any cost. It is entirely up to you, and it is possible to win either way.
They've added on the ability to create custom scenarios in recent updates, and you are now able to add photos of yourself and your friends, for example to custom characters, and you can set up an easy scenario if you choose, to start.
The winner will be added through Steam and gifted the base game. The contest does not include the DLC. The game does have Steam cards & achievements. The achievements can be completed easily in two play-throughs, though you probably won't survive your first war. Good luck!

Thank you for the giveaway, EdenStarGazer ^-^ And great description, by the way. It just re-enforces my want of this game :-)

9 years ago

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Great! And, I hope you play it soon.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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you da best eden ty

9 years ago

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Thanks (L)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway. )

9 years ago

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Thanks for the chance.

9 years ago

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Thank You Very Much !!!

9 years ago

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Thanks :)

9 years ago

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Wow, great start on here, welcome:) I find this game's concept mesmerizing because I am both fascinated and repulsed by war. Working as an antiwar activist alongside former soldiers gave me a rare glimpse into a complex part of the human experience. Cheers!

9 years ago

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Thanks for the kind words. Sounds like you've had some good, life-influencing experiences. Glad you enjoy the game too. Luckily, my only glimpses of war have been in the media. But, I saw a different lifestyle in Kenya, Africa in 2001, and I saw soldiers stationed on the street corners trying to keep the peace with AK-47s, and children and mothers with infants begging for food. I can't begin to imagine surviving a war in a country like that. You never forget the face of a child who has begged you for food through a sealed van window.

9 years ago

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Yeah, it really puts things in perspective when you witness scenes like that. So much wanton death and destruction in this world, so few points of light in the dark. We have to keep a constant lookout for those.

9 years ago

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Thank you

9 years ago

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Wow, thanks a lot for the chance!

9 years ago

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Thanks EdenStarGazer

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks so much! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks !

9 years ago

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thank you!

9 years ago

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Thank you very much!

9 years ago

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Thank you

9 years ago

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Thanks ;).

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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thanks again :)

9 years ago

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thanksx2 :D

9 years ago

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