And probably not any Steam, either... So you should play this now if you win... :) Unless it sucks, I guess. Or if it's another one of those dead multiplayer things. Hmm, was The Flock bundled yet?
Appreciate the opportunity, thanksbotters! :)
16,667 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MikeWithAnI
8 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gamy7
46 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by MeguminShiro
31 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by drbeckett
233 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by medion
7 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by Axelflox
31 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by Axelflox
1,578 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by zolof
309 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Ellendyl
1,002 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
29,464 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by xankony
173 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by lav29
59 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by AceBerg42
71 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by IAmZorglub
The Flock hasn't been bundled yet though it did get a 75% discount during the Halloween sale.
Also, I don't speak German and have no idea what was going on in that scene D:.
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I feel a bit stupid for buying The Flock, but since I don't even play the alive multiplayer games, a dead one's about the same in my library... :) :)
Good luck, if you are trying for this whatever it is... :)
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I was actually really looking forward to the Flock since the premise looked interested and even when the gameplay footage that came out at launch didn't dissuade me. The game looks like a very dark cat & mouse game and I see a lot of potential with that idea. It is just a shame that they handled the launch so poorly to the point where no one wants to play it :/.
Vermintide looks interesting though. Might buy it for full price if it doesn't get a decent discount during the holidays :O.
Also, not sure if I'm going to enter yet so don't wish me luck just yet :P.
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I thought this Flock thing was interesting, but maybe you already saw it. :)
p.s. Didn't realise "level 3" = "nobody bothers to say anything." :) Thought you get 10% commenting, even on the cheap junk like this...
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I haven't watched that yet so thanks for the link. I'm at work atm but I'll try to watch it during my break.
Could be worse. Just gave away 50 copies of Escape Machines for a laugh and got mostly thank bots and a whole lot of tickets to make -.-.
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Aha, that sounds interesting... :) Actually, hmmmm, that gives me an idea... :)
Since reroll requests are handled so much faster than generic "user reports" - what if you invited all your troublemakers to a fancy private giveaway? :) Everyone gets suspended, and as bonus you don't actually have to buy anything. :)
I guess the only risk would be if a winner had already been punished in the past for something. Then you'd have to buy something fancy, and give it to a big jerk... :( Perhaps this idea needs a bit of work... :)
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oh man oh man. Vermintide is sooo much fun! As reviewing websites have stated it's like L4D but in the Warhammer universe...I'm speaking as a person that's never actually played L4D yet but smashing rats' heads in feels soooooo goood :D
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Looks nice (and funny) :) Thanks, fiftykyu!
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From poking around in the discussions, the developers sound like good people, also sounds like they need more players... :) Guess multiplayer anything is going to have trouble competing with all the good free stuff out there...
So good luck! :)
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I'm not entering because I don't play multiplayer (I'm a wuss), but this game seems like a perfect one to add to my Beer & Homebrewing thread. I was planning to add a post about homebrewing with a quiz, but never found the time for it. So I just bought a gift copy for this purpose. If it goes bundled before I add this quiz - serves me right for dragging my feet.
In any case, thanks for this giveaway and for (unintentionally) lighting fire under my ass.
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Ahhhhh, seems I have about four pages of random junk gifts for a thing I keep not doing... :( Typical... :) Hope you're able to get your quiz made in time, since this looks like a good candidate for bundling or f2ping... :)
I notice Mallorn mentioned a giveaway that was in my browser history. :) Wonder if it's fun, since I don't play multiplayer either... :) Used to play a lot of TF2, just stopped after a while. Oh well. :)
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I just created the giveaway. I hope it's enough to avoid the wrath of Shobo if this game gets bundled or go F2P. Now there's even more pressure to finally get this post & quiz out :-)
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Oho, congratulations! I can see how making a giveaway would definitely force you to get moving... :) Otherwise you could be "working on it" forever... :) Guess I'm just not brave enough... :)
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Well, it kept me up late, but at least it's done now. And there are already 5 solvers, so as intended - not too difficult :-)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Hmmmm, did you ever try Dark Souls? There's multiplayer in it, but for a new player it will be over in about five seconds, even when the other person's not cheating... :)
Don't know if this one's great, but at least it's cheap... :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks for this one! :)
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No problem... :) Good luck... :)
p.s. Hmm, looks like you only won bundle/cheap stuff so far, sorry this is another cheap one... :)
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Eh, it doesn't matter if it's cheap when you get it for free :D
It has been on my wishlist for a while now actually :)
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Interesting... :) Checking my browser history it seems I looked at a giveaway for this some months ago, but completely forgot the game existed. :(
I tend to mentally filter out "early access" games, but this one seems cheap enough that it doesn't matter if it's garbage... :) I've wasted more for less... :) And with the Winter Sale coming, I'll probably do it again... :)
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Biiiiiier !! Weee! Thanks :D The description alone have me wanting this game! xD
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Their description and not mine, I hope... :) Good luck! :)
I get the impression they could use an influx of players, but since there's a lot of good multiplayer games costing $0.00 I'm not sure how they will manage it...
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Another copy is quietly waiting with 0 entries at the bottom of this post. There's a quiz to complete first, but 5 people actually solved it and still decided to stay out, so it's all yours for now.
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Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^
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Aha, I remember you... :)
Thanks hope to read something typed with your own fingers if i tease you like this... :) Unless your script knows how to reply too... :)
For now, take a lazy generic automated good luck. I totally mean it. Even if I didn't actually type it, or know what comment I'm replying to. Yeah, that's it.
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well, you got in the first place "something typed with my own fingers" but never the less thank you for your wishes ^_^
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I remember you saying it before, but if I'm going to be honest I didn't believe it then, either. :) Sorry... :) That someone who goes to the trouble of writing an original comment with their actual fingers, will instead of writing something related to the giveaway write the identical generic message every single time, with no variation... :) Sorry, but no. :)
Unless you mean "I typed it with my own fingers once, but the script pastes it for me everywhere. And I have no idea what giveaways I'm entering, and never see the description." :) That I would believe... :)
Part of the fun of making public giveaways is the opportunity provided to tease every thanksbotter... :) Some people don't like being caught and delete their scripted thanks, but some have actually stopped using the robo-comment feature. :)
Of course, a few refuse to admit it... :) It's fun either way... :)
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well you can think what ever you want, as i said before (if you read it there) all can be said to you as well, you COULD see it as a real writing and sincere thanks but you CHOSE not to and see it as a script.
any way what makes you good, im good with my thanks words ^_^
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It's a shame the flock had a neat idea over an awful game
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Oh, was it a bad game? I didn't even try it... :( Probably too late at this point...
I thought the idea looked interesting, but not enough to get me clicking the big "INSTALL" button... :(
Good luck! :)
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Im Himmel gibts aber sicher Karamalz...
Thanks for sharing, I was ogling this game the other day, it looks like fun stuff!
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Ogling, eh? You might be looking for this... :)
Don't know if this game is fun, but the price is right... :) So if it's a disappointment, at least it was a free disappointment! :) Good luck! :)
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Heh, I saw your post about this 'miserable boobie game' in the forums. I admit I had to chuckle a bit after seeing in my newsfeed that you actually bought it ;D
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Hey, stop noticing all the terrible games I bought! :) Because I'll probably buy another batch of misery in the next sale... :) And the sale after that... :) And the sale after that... :)
Reading about the death of the flash deals made me happy, actually... :) Since I'm never going to play 99% of these games, it wil be easier to ignore an ocean of 25% discounts... :)
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Many thanks!
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Ahh, but how many? One should be enough, I think... :) And for some games, one is too many... :) Good luck... :)
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Considering I spent aprox 10% of my life on El Bierzo, there's not enough thanks for Bierzerkers!
And when I say 10% I mean some days every holiday.
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Thnks for all the ga fiftykyu!!=>
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It's only one giveaway, oh, I guess it's two if you count the other thing... :) Might be some more tonight, unless I forget... :) Good luck... :)
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Bier, Bier, Beeeeeeer! :D
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The person in the picture doesn't look happy at all, guess I'd have to install it to understand why... Is he unhappy to be stuck in an early access game? Guess that would spoil anyone's day...
Good luck! :)
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Am I just missing a part of the text or what ? Everybody's speaking about The Flock and I can't see anything related to it in your description.
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Well, in Heaven there is no Steam. :)
So you should play this now if you win... :) Unless it sucks, I guess. Or if it's another one of those dead multiplayer things. Hmm, was The Flock bundled yet?
The Flock is one of those dead multiplayer things. So there's no point playing it now, you already missed your chance. :) Maybe they will put it in a bundle to get more players, but I don't think that has ever worked... :)
But this game, maybe it's not dead yet, so hurry and play it before it's too late... :)
Good luck! :)
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Ahah, stupid me !
I think I have read it too fast and my brain probably corrected it with the name of the given game. Sorry to bother you with the stupid question.
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It's no bother, since it appears I'm stuck with 99+ messages no matter what happens now... :)
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You are a star amongst the stars. ;)
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This looks pretty cool but like most indie multiplayer titles, it's probably dead :\ To be honest, I'm glad The Flock didn't do well, I thought it looked super gimmicky and lacked substance. One Life actually looks like it could be a decent game, but the thought of being killed immediately does not appeal to me. It would be cool if they maybe had it so that you could only be killed once on a server and then you would have to switch or something. For a paid game and Steam's refund policy in place, I can't see this working out very well for them.
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Yes, if I were an indie person trying to make a game, and my only ideas were stuff like "multiplayer shooter" "mmo" "moba" "f2p ccg" I'd hope the rest of the team would slap a bit of sense into me... :) I don't see how any sane indie people think they can compete with all the great cheap/free stuff already out there... I mean, TF2 was some of the most fun I've ever had in a shooty game, and it's completely free. How do you top free? :)
Hmm, never heard of One Life before... Sounds like an interesting idea, not interesting enough to buy though... :) I assume cheaters will kill everyone for the "fun" of it... :)
I'm curious to know how the Steam refund policy is changing things... Would be fun to hear from a publisher of mediocre games, i.e. can they get away with the same level of broken, abandoned junk as before... :)
Good luck! :)
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No boobies here? Meh!
Thankies! :3
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It sounds a bit like TF2 without the "free" - but it's hard to beat free... :) Don't see how they have a chance, no matter how good the game is...
Good luck! :)
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Got beer? Count me in.
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Well, there's beer in the name, but I don't know if there is any in the actual game, haven't played it myself... :) Good luck hunting for it, though, if you win... :)
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Beer's mighty fine, but I guess I'll settle for a bear if there's no beer... but if there's no bear, then ZOMG!!!
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Man, I vaguely remember that song from somewhere...
I personally have no interest in The Flock due to that population thing they've implemented. You're literally paying for something that in the future you cannot access later on, and this sounds like a genuine waste of money to me. I'd want to be able to play my games whenever I can. Between classes and all that I rarely have the time anymore and have to sneak in a few hours, which kinda sucks, so to be forced to play this just to get my money's worth...ugh...
Then again...its still at ~200 million population. Heck, I might even post the population figure here: 215,289,061 and then check back in 24 hours and see whether it's gone down. Probably not, since the store page says there's like 0 people playing this LOL
Anyway... danke schön für das Bier! (I had to, lol :P pity I remember almost nothing of what I learnt of my German :( )
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Well, isn't that how all multiplayer games are nowadays? The clock is ticking... :) Sooner or later the publisher shuts the servers down, and says go buy the new version, cheapskates... :) At least the Flock people were being honest about it... But more honest than they realised, I think... :) Since it's already dead, without their having to shut it down... :)
Which reminds me of something...
I bought a new, unopened NBA 2K9, which was supposed to come with a Steam key printed on the back of the manual. So of course I discover after opening the box there's no key. :( Apparently there was a large batch printed without keys... Valve + 2K solved the problem by making retail discs add the game to your Steam account, like that Borderlands Granting Tool does. So pirates heard about it, and everyone could get a free copy with a disc image or something. So the fix was turned off. So if you try to install it fresh today, there's no fix and no key and no way to play. :( Steam Support said hey, you might be stupid, have some random FAQs. And go away. 2K Support said the game is old, I'm not going to help you. And go away. :)
Hmm, speaking of remembering nothing, every time I read an Umberto Eco book I realise I can't remember any Latin, making me wonder if I'm too stupid to read any more of his books. :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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I've been reading comments here and I have just read this one. You say that Steam Support didn't want to give You a working Steam key or help You somehow with that case or what? And, can You at least play the game without Steam or it's not even possible?
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Yes, that's exactly what Steam Support said... :( I am guessing, once I finally reached a human, they only spent five seconds reading. Probably thought it was a case of "stupid person buys second-hand game, original owner had already used the key." :)
I can't even install the game, first thing that appears when I insert the disc is a window asking me for the key. :( I guess it's funny somehow, pirates can play, but an honest person can't even install it... :)
From reading on forums, it appears Steam support never helped anyone with this problem, not even once. Some lucky people were able to get a key from 2K support, but I don't know how. Maybe there is only one person who cares, or only one person who knows how to fix it, etc. And everyone else is in a hurry to answer the next question... :)
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Are You sure it was actually a real person, not a bot that replied to your ticket? Well, if so, I have no idea what to suggest You.... I still remember the whole conversation with Steam Support someone posted on the Internet about VAC ban. First,banned person had to deal with multiple bot replies and once he reached the person, he also had to argue with them a bit as they were constantly claiming he cannot be unbanned. After his numerous number of replies (there were REALLY a lot of them), they said that "it was a bug in our system. Your account has been unbanned" or something like that. That was really funny for someone reading it but yeah... Sometimes You have to fight for your case - and it works!
I would like to suggest You "spamming" them with more rplies, constantly describing what your problem is and that You can't even play the game now etc, etc, ect.... Perhaps finally they will help You.
PS. Do it on your own responsibility as I don't want You getting in trouble or something. As long as You won't be rude etc. You won't have any problems of course. The thing is to say them the problem XXX times politely and perhaps they will finally solve your problem. Good LUCK!
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Ahh, yes, I have seen those messages, sometimes people get lucky... :)
My final message was definitely written by a human, but I think they did not read what I wrote at all. :) Just skimmed a few seconds and decided I was one more idiot in their endless parade of idiots... :) It was frustrating, but it was a very cheap game (perhaps the seller knew nobody could play) and life is so short... :)
Sometimes I read stories about Steam support misunderstanding, and changing a small problem into a big problem... :) Then months of misery before a different person will finally understand and fix it. :)
I would rather bother them with something important, and I think a few dollars wasted on a game isn't so important... :) If I waste their time about not being able to install an old game - what if next year I have a real problem, but someone made a note in my file about "this person is stupid, wasted 3 hours of my life, etc." Maybe that next time the real problem silently ignored... :)
Really, I think there are only two chances to get this game working... One is to know someone who can make a lot of noise on the internet about it, enough that someone at Valve actually notices. But I don't know anyone like that... :) And even if I did, it's not big news - a seven year old game doesn't work? Who cares? :)
The other way is to keep trying with 2K support, since some of the people who tried that got lucky. :) If you ever look here you can see it's a roll of the dice whether 2K support give you a key or tell you "Talk to Steam, we don't care." :)
There's one thing I try to remind myself, every time I think about this situation - I don't even like basketball! :) I only bought it to have a "removed game" in my Steam library. One I would never even play... :)
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Yeah, that's true. The one thing I disagree with You is that it's worth trying to get those few dollars :P But yeah, it depends on how much does one has...
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Well, I never met a single person who said they had enough money, and they didn't want any more... :) It was cheap, but it was still enough money to buy a bundle... :)
I may try again, but it's so draining dealing with support stuff like this. And I'm sure it is a terrible experience from their side, too... :) All day long, talking to unhappy people who blame you for problems you didn't create and can't solve... :)
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I only just remembered talking to you about this thanks to the recent bundle...funny fact, the number STILL hasn't changed on the Steam Store page!
(though I did more digging and found on the official site that it dropped to 215,287,425 at the time of this post, so less than 2k...lmao)
Sorry to read about NBA 2K9 though :( Did you ever get any resolution after 2 months?
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Just looked, same number for me. Guess the bundle hasn't done a thing... :) Maybe they thought people that buy bundles actually play the games? :)
Aha, no, nothing new to report for NBA 2K9, so if their goal was for me to give up and go away, I guess they were successful... :( Maybe I should put the box somewhere I can see it, so it's more annoying... :)
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Need more bree!11 I suck at multiplayer games unless I am playing something co-op and purely for the fun (like torchlight).
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I am useless at multiplayer anything, had a lot of fun with TF2 but that didn't mean I knew what I was doing... :) Hmm, maybe that means the other people on the team didn't enjoy it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Ibi nullus timet mortem, sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem!
That being said, I dunno. I don't like most indie multiplayer games, but some are good to kill time every now and then, and it saddens me that they're pretty much all doomed to die.
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I think there are so many good indie single-player games, it's a pity to see all the effort spent on the multiplayer ones, since it's just not going to happen... Suppose people are hoping theirs will be the next big thing, so they can finally quit that job and make video game money instead...
Good luck! :) I think you should play this one quickly if you win, before it's too late... :)
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thx for the ga mate! :D
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It's funny, every time I see that sort of "vague" comment I think it's a script, so it's always a relief to discover someone typing it... :) Hooray! :)
I don't know if this game is any good, and I'll probably forget to install it before it's f2p or dead... :) So good luck! :)
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xDDDDD no isnt script... jajaj well at least i think i must thank for any game i try to win for free :P
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Vielen Dank und prost!! Habs direkt mal auf meine Wunschliste gepackt :)
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Aha, if you don't win there's a nice discount, but I don't know if it's cheap enough to buy... :) I tend to wait until there's a 75% discount for my wishlist games, since the ones I really wanted, I already bought... :)
Good luck! :)
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One can only hope that there will be a surge of new players if the devs decide to make this game F2P.
Unfortunately from what I've gather from their forums is that they don't have a big enough team to make this happen anytime soon.
This is pretty much the same situation for another multiplayer arena combat game that I occasionally play, Secret Ponchos.
The is a small core of die hard players but eventually that will disappear as well.
Atleast Bierzerkers seems to have single player according to the Steam store page.
Thanks for the Bewbs (from your other giveaway) and Brew!
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Secret Ponchos, hmmm, that sounds familiar... Aha, as usual I never installed it, curse of the bundle purchases... :(
It's a shame, it does look interesting, but I don't see how any multiplayer game can survive without a large group playing... Especially for an indie game, every hour the developers spend working on it, that's an hour they didn't earn any money... :(
Hmm, so there's wine and women, all I am missing is the song... Ahh, Brütal Legend has a 90% discount, pity I didn't think of it in time... :)
Good luck! :)
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I'm impressed by the depth of your replies in the comments of a giveaway. Welcome to my whitelist, fiftykyu. (Though I recognize your name from the forums, so I'm wondering I hadn't put you there already. Ah, well, the oversight has been fixed now.)
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I keep visiting this giveaway for entertainment value :-D
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Oh, hmmm, thank you for the kind words, but I just write nonsense, you shouldn't do that... :) Actually, perhaps you really shouldn't do that, since I don't enter giveaways any more. You might want to save those spots for people who would actually use them... :)
Unfortunately I don't keep up with things in the forums as often as in the past, usually only have time on the weekend... The rest of the week I can take a look but not a good look, so I miss a lot of interesting discussions, puzzles, etc. :( And as for puzzles, I haven't finished making one in a long time... Somehow each weekend I have plans to work on it a bit more, but every Sunday night I see it's not going to happen, again... Oh well. :)
If you're trying for this game, take a good luck! Looks like it's ohh, I only have one hour to finish replying, that might not be enough time... Wheee... :)
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You might just write nonsense, but it's entertaining nonsense, and that counts for a lot.
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Thanks for the chance, looks like a fun game :D
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I hope so, it does look fun but I haven't installed it myself... And there's no trading cards, so I didn't even have the imaginary playtime of watching the Idle Master window... :( Sometimes it will remind me hey, you wanted to play that game, stop being silly and install it... :)
Good luck! :)
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The video on Steam is really funny, I like it :) I usually like the games like that, with jokes included and such. The characters seem to be nicely-done as well. You say it's dead if it coms to multiplayer? That's sad:( Good that we at least get a single player mode too.
Thank You for the chance! ;)
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Hmmm, I (hopefully) did not say it was dead multiplayer, especially since I've never played it and would only be guessing... :) Right now it's an early access indie game. There are not many players currently - the store page says 2 playing now, 9 today's peak, and 54 all-time peak.
If enough people give it a try because of the sale, perhaps it will be a success... The developers seem like good people, so I hope for it, but I can't predict the future... :)
Good luck! :)
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