
Is this game as legendarily terrible as they say? Find out today! Right now I'm watching the TotalBiscuit video, which the devs attacked and had taken down for copyright violations (obviously that didn't stick).

Well there was plenty of negativity from TB drones who just badmouthed it due to that occasion. They are biased. Its "cool" to hate this game so you are bound to get a lot of noise just for that.

Still, there were plenty of flaws that people reported and I dont know if the dev fix them all (they did release a bunch of patches). I am interested to see if the negativity is well placed. I always intend to purchase on steam sales but I think the price has gone up from before.

7 years ago

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Good luck! I have nothing against the game, but with the Giant Backlog I realized I'm not likely ever to actually play it. I hope it finds a fan.

7 years ago

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Its totally valid to be wary of this. Like i said there WERE plenty of bugs that are definite real and not something people made up just to hate on it. I am wary of it (which is why I only want to buy on a real good price, so if it is bad, the damage wouldnt be so much).

Still, sometimes when you play a game with no expectations, you can find a really interesting thing that if you followed the crowd, you would never experience. I wonder if this may be such game (or not). I think its all up to if the bugs were ever fixed or not.

And backlogs are the bane of mankind, I know your pain ;_;

7 years ago

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I mean it seems instressting but most likely is shit..
But I want to try it out anyway! :D

Thanks for the chance.

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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