
Просьба оперативно принять заявку в друзья, чтобы я мог выслать вам гифт

Внимание, 100% CV!

Hello AmikoNovich.

Your winner has registered on Steamgifts only 1 week ago. Rather than doing what you did you might want to explain them how Steamgifts works and point them to the FAQ. Many new users click Received because they assume that is how they are going to get their win. Also, not everyone is a native speaker.

2 months ago*

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And how exactly do you propose I should do it if they ignore my friend requests and e-mails, and the comment section in their profile is closed? First of all, they SHOULD read the FAQ before registering. Secondly, they are free to contact me and ask any questions, but they aren't doing it. Thirdly my giveaway is restricted to Russia only since it's a gift. I've NEVER seen a person with a Russian account on Steam who can't understand the Russian language. The percentage of people in Russia, who can't speak Russian on a basic level is close to zero since it's not the USA or EU countries everyone where around the globe wants to move to.

2 months ago*

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Hello AmikoNovich.

how exactly do you propose I should do it

I would suggest for you to take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules and proceedings of Steamgifts as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines.
The proper way to handle your problem with this giveaway is by opening a Request New Winner ticket and provide evidence of all you claim to have done in an attempt to reach out to your winner, as explained in the FAQ regarding unresponsive winners.

Have a nice day.

2 months ago

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