
Please only enter if you are able to accept the key this weekend!

The is a Tiltify Key,and MUST be redeemed before January 1. The key is scheduled to expire on Jan 1, 2023

As per usual, I hope the winner enjoys it when they get to it.
A "Thank you" if you win is always appreciated, but not required. I never mind hearing "thank you" on my giveaways. (I hate to say it, but if the winner has a history of never saying "thanks" on their wins, he/she might get blacklisted.)

May you have a Blessed and Happy New Year!

hei Microfish...
sorri to bother you on a rando GA, but, heck, i messed up a bit...
of course, its about that Tanuki Sunset GA and your latest comment, which i cannot really access anymore though i can see it in the Messages section, hemh, as ive just left Pandora, like an hour ago... 😅
uh, i didnt mind having that GA loose, but i actually though the GA was for MiniJediTraining and not Pandora, that is my fault...
anyhow, well, now that im anyhow not part of the group i left cause of irl stuff, no feud with PathmaN or anybody there, had a great time over many years in Pandora, i dont know, i guess the easiest would be to delete the GA. truth be told, i unfortunately did not expect that jinglejam would offer any solution they could have answered, at least..., so i guess the GA is anyhow doomed... i dont want to mark it as not received, that is kinda a douche move, but, yeah, id be okay in waiting a bit more, only if you prefer it that way.
sorri for this add on to the whole weird stuff we had going on, hemh, did not intend this to happen, hope you dont mind a lot...

2 years ago

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Don't worry about it! I'm sorry to see you leave Pandora, and hope your IRL improves so you can come back someday.
I appreciate your graciousness about this giveaway.

I'll delete the giveaway and, if they ever get back to me with a new key, I'll try to get it to you.

2 years ago

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