
I caved and bought the bundle: Exhibit No. 6.

Confessions: I can't get into Pokemon. But Snorlax is one cute mofo, he makes me try again T_T

Snorlax does have an adorable smile

6 years ago

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I swear, if anyone doesn't feel they have to protect this sleepy smile...

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6 years ago

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FFS, people it smiles in anticipation OF DEVOURING YOUR CRUSHED, MAULED CARCASSES-
This thing exists only to feed and hardly a thing can stop it~!

Seriously though, get into Pokemon. Know what? Try starting with Crystal and not this modern crap ;O

6 years ago

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HAHAAHHA, but that's just... gap moe! :P

I did try with Platinum after a friend rec, but if that's how far back I gotta go to get into it, well, I'll give it a shot when I get round to it. Thanks for the tip :)

6 years ago

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Hey, you're very welcome.

You could also probably ease the process by forking out like a hundred bucks for a refurbished GBA (technicolor shells!) and good flashcart. That'd be three first generations. Also, there's some nice lil'...homebrew...alterations and/or remakes (as I'm apprehensive about using The Other H Word here) with enhanced features, altered & new content - new games basically - to be found. In the WEBZ. Out there. Or so I heard. OKAY?

I believe there are also carts in existence for the double-slot NDS not only allowing emulation of GB(-C) and GBA titles but GBA to DS linking features like migrating dem critters.

And I find this thing the epitome of cuteness-hilarity combo ;3

Oh, wait. Wrong pic thar~
Have another.

6 years ago*

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That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe I'll see if I can mooch off a nerd friend, otherwise I'll search around. These remake-y type versions sound cool? I am definitely checking 'em out once I get the originals sorted, I feel so enlightened by this info, thanks again.

Ahaha, but I love those pictures! The WADDUP, oh my gawd XD

Still can't believe this is real though, cracks me up every time:

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6 years ago

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-So big fukken deal - tortoise bosozoku - ooh, such speshul snowflaek~
-Yaa boys, we's rek's th' square, says I. Break his legs, 'bout right >8}

6 years ago*

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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Thanks for sharing PoulpeP.

6 years ago

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Thank you!!! Add me in PokemonGO if you play it!!!

Trainer code to add me: 3928 1873 1443

Cheers! <3

6 years ago

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Thank you.

6 years ago

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