After a very long time, I finally made big giveaway plans. However, a friend needed help to graduate, so I donated my extra budget. The friend has raised the money she needs, but I still want to give a present to you. I want to play this game at some point, but it looks time consuming. I thought buying it for you is a better way to support the devs than getting it for myself and having it sit in my library all lonely. Now the devs are supported and you get a gift.
Do you have a favorite game that just eats up time like nobody's business? Why do/did you always come back to it? Good luck!
Type: Steam gift. I will temporarily add you as a friend on Steam in order to send it, so please accept my invite.
76 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Sundance85
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I spent my a lot of time on Payday 2 then my friends left playing it. I've wanted to play this for a while and I'm very appreciated for the chance! Have great weekend!
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Have a good weekend and I hope you find new things to enjoy with friends. ^_^
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For me it's The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth + DLC. It's easy to just start a run and if you lose you don't lose any real progress, just pop in and pop out when you want to kill some time. The laziest form of escapism and procrastination for sure. Especially when you don't have the motivation to invest time into your backlog where you have to commit to stories or over 10 hours of time to beat it. Now that Afterbirth+ is so terrible I find it easier to stop neglecting the backlog as Isaac isn't as much fun anymore. Already beaten like 5 games or so and I'm on my way to beat Shovel Knight too.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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You're welcome and yes, rogue-like titles are easy to become lost in without the need for long-term investment. I actually have the opposite taste of loving stories and feeling a lack of urge to go on if there are none present, so I usually play story-driven games. It really depends on what gets one committed. :)
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Thanks a lot for the chance! I spent a lot of time in Second Life some years ago, currently I'm playing ESO on and off, and also I regularly play SimCity Buildit on my phone for more than a year now.
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Wow, talk about dedication. The longest I've done is 100 hours on Fallout 3 for 3 playthroughs. So closer to 300 hours. Though if you count Fallout Shelter and Pou (blame the nieces) on Android, I suppose I have my steady games as well. :)
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Fallout games are awesome. I have 160+ hours on both F3 and F:NV (Not all on Steam). And 2004 through 2009 I had a habit of starting a new playthrough of F2 every january, and most of the times I went all the way up to the ending credits =) I love F2, really. Played Fallout 4 for about 60 hours and dropped it, but will definitely come back later =)
Also, I had Fallout Shelter maxxed out at the time - maximum happiness of maximum dwellers, and maximum money too =) Then it got boring, I didn't bother to come back after the patches) Still, good times)
As for your original question, what makes me go back into these timesink games - I like to immerse myself in the game, into its lore, into its world. It's a kind of escape for me =)
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Oh definitely the same. If I find a place or story I love, I just want to stay there as long as possible. I'm an exploration completionist. My own FS happiness is stuck at 82 and I mostly just play for the quests and to find all the goodies by now. They add new ones for holidays. It's easy to get back into due to it being on the phone and requiring little effort though.
I once tried starting the Fallout series, but got stuck right at the first battle and I realized I'm still not built for the challenge of older games. I really want to see the stories of 1 and 2 though, because I love the rest from the series. I might try it again one day.
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F1 and F2 have great stories in them, and a lot of possibilities for a player. The main thing about combat is that its built like a DnD - everyone has action points, and everyone is placed on the grid. So the goal is to damage your enemies, and try to not let them damage you. In melee it's achieved by punching something, then running away a few steps, so that the enemy will have to come close to you, and will not have enough action points to actually hit you =) How far should you run away depends on the type of the enemy, and is easily figured. Savegame is your friend in this) In firefights you use cover as much as possible, and try to draw enemies out. It's very challenging at first, but when you get a hang of it, it's a great joy!
Also, when you're dealing with sentient enemies, there's a chance to talk your way out of harm most of the time - that is a tremendous strength of F1 and F2)
Hope you'll see it for yourself)
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Oh, thank you for the advice! Yeah, I kept dying over and over and coming across enemies every 2 steps, so I just gave up. I wanted to get to a settlement, to the story part, since the combat itself does not interest me as much and I guess I became disheartened by all the repetitive failure. Mine, that is. Ahaha.
But I really want to experience these games. If all else fails, I will have to watch a playthrough to get as much out of it as I can. Which I hate doing, but time is cruel.
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For me it's Crusader Kings II. Every time when they release a new DLC, I give it a try to see how it affects the game mechanics and I end up playing the whole grand campaign :| Currently my main addiction is Football Manager 2016 though.
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Smart DLC plan, to keep the players excited is quite a tough thing to plan well. Too soon and there's not enough buld-up of the need for it, too late and people have moved on.
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Well, actually I'm not a big fan of cutting the game into millions of pieces and selling the full product in DLCs. CK II is a perfect example of my mixed feelings about this type of publishing. It's a great game and those DLCs make it really more interesting to play by bringing all new features BUT if I look at the base game now it'd be way too shallow and stripped of content. Also considering the fact that base game was like 40 euros on release and every now and then they "unlock" the unavailable content as a DLC (usually charging 15-20 euros for each of it, except for cosmetics), the full experience price goes up to 250 -300 euros (!). Compare it to average price of AAA title these days which drifts around 60 euros and you have the full picture of money-milking scheme which is quite sad to be honest.
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Oh then it's definitely not DLC done right. If you need to butcher up the main game to sell DLC and if you make the player pay so much, you're just holding the content hostage. You're right that DLC should add on to the experience, not lock it behind ransom. I absolutely hate the new business practices of pre-purchased content and DLC and all the other little pieces they break the core experience into just to empty your wallet. The main experience should be complete and come at a reasonable price.
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Hmmm... Even if I didn't played to Ark for a long time now, I guess it could be this game for me. I stopped playing because of a sudden load of work and because I had no more friends to play with but who knows ? I might start it again when it will hit 1.0. :)
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I have only watched some let's play videos on it and I understand the need for friends. The social element is really what makes such games and while playing with strangers is fun, it's also more relaxing to be with peers.
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If you are not playing on a custom server, friends / strangers are even mandatory as you can't unlock all the crafting recipes by yourself.
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When it originally game out, that was Spelunky for me. At the moment it's mostly Witcher 3 and The Escapists.
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The Escapists would give me anxiety attacks. Ahaha. I should get to the Witcher series at some point. I hear great things.
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(>‿◠)✌ TℋÅℕḲϟ ẎѺṲ‼‼, great giveaway, wish you much luck
☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅ ☁.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Cheers out and big hug. (っ◕‿◕)っ
✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋
Portal Games are awesome. :-)
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It's Awesomenauts for me. Over 900 hours since i bought it in 2013. New Updates bring me always back to this game.
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Oh wow. Here's to 1000! Awesomenauts must be very true to their name then. :)
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definitely borderlands 2 for a ling time. I have over 200 hours in the pc and at least that on 360.
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Sounds like Fallout New Vegas for me. It's bugged beyond proper playability on the 360 so maybe I can finish it on the PC some day.
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I have poured a few hundred hours into Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - so so good!
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Oh that looks like a lifestealer alright. Ha ha.
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My timesink has always been Bethesda games, the main culprit being TES:Oblivion. Back in the day I played close to 400 hours.
Hvala puno!
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Bethesda is good at keeping you chained to your seat until you wither and die. Or well, until you need food and a bathroom break. :P
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I loved to play mmorpgs for hours, days, years but I dont have an internet flatrate anymore so that problem solved itself lol.
Some times I wish I could play them again. ^^
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Sucks about the internet, though if you're susceptible to over-playing, perhaps there's a good side to it as well. Though by design, these games need a lot of dedication to really discover properly.
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I only overplay mmorpgs so, the normal games i play too less.
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So many games, so little time.
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I still love them all! <3
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For me it's Pulsar: Lost Colony, because I love Star Trek, and when you have a full crew, even if the game is in beta and feels incomplete, it really gives off that ship crew vibe :)
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The last Star Trek game I played was the tabletop A Klingon Challenge. I remember finding the videotape idea so awesome. I was a major TNG fan as a little girl. I hate that I don't have time to rewatch and remember the series. I'm 30 this year and I'm entering the "pop culture of my youth" nostalgia phase. Ahaha.
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If you have a chance check out Pulsar, especially if you have friends willing to buy the game and be your crew. It's nowhere near as fun when you're playing with bots ;)
TOS was always my favourite Star Trek series, although I do love TNG too :)
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I'm sadly forever alone in gaming, since I have gamer friends, but not the kind interested in multi-player experiences, at least with me. I just checked the game out though and it looks so cool! Maybe I can entice some friends one day.
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That's a shame :( I had to buy one of my friends to get a crew as nobody else seemed interested, but once others saw him playing it his friends started buying like a chain reaction ^^
I wish you luck in tempting your friends ;)
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Ehehe, thanks. ^_^
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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You're welcome. I'm playing Fallout 4 as well. I've been drooling over the possibility since Fallout 3. Now my monitor died and I have a lot of work this week, so I'm taking a break. Just Cause 2 was amazing, but I hear 3 feels kind of empty in content and buggy? Or did people just expect a big upgrade and got more of less a new Just Cause 2? I'm curious, because I wouldn't mind another JC2.
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Yes, I read that it has issues with certain gpus or such as well, so it requires 16GB in some cases. My system is nice now, but I do want a smooth experience and it's kind of necessary in such a game, so I might wait until I can upgrade my rig a little.
Meaningless mayhem doesn't sound fun. Not that the story in 2 was anything serious, but it did provide a pseudo-purpose. I guess they placed more effort into what they felt most players liked about the previous titles. The richness of the world and the things you could see and do were what made 2 awesome though, so big mistake if they made a repetitive, empty map with no story.
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Siralim 2. It never ends. I don't want it to ever end.
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That's true (game) love right there.
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Unfortunately now it's only CS:GO, cause I love to play with my mates I know from the servers for over 11 years (we started and get known each other in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory)... however I am not sure if then I can say it's nobody's business :D.
Besides that I always got sucked by Football Manager, Europa Universalis... and lastly best single player game ever - The Witcher 3! And I have to still play add ons, can't wait!
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11 years gaming buddies, wow! It's funny, people with a prejudice against games think gamers are all shut ins who have no social network, but games, be it online or by finding common ground offline can actually help folks gain a great network.
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For me, Dota2 is a given, as it sits comfortably on the top of my chart with 3000+ hours, not to mention I believe I still have not reached the amount I invested in the original DotA:0 but fortunatly there was no playtime counter in that bad boy so it is not giving me nightmares haha
But these long open world games are giving me the occasional highs as well.. Saints Row, Dead Rising, Just Cause, Assassins Fckn Creed, Witcher.. you name it, I guess I am the ideal kinda player for these devs as when I see the map filled with collectible items I just go ham:D
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3000 hours!
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I'm a filthy casual, I know. :D
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Dark souls, still love it...... Yet it still frustrates me from time to time
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I believe that is the selling point, going by what I read. "Stay with us, hate us, play us."
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Anno 2070 and Banished, I've deleted Banished so I could not come back to it but I come back to Anno 2070 every once in a while because I have a lot of memories connected to that game before getting it on Steam in addition to the nice challenges/kinda new content it receives every once in a while
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It's amazing how there are games running for yeeears and yeeeeeears and get updates and such. I am so used to single player story driven experiences that I sometimes forget there are devs who essentially live with their games and players who are the same. It takes pretty devotion from both sides. :)
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Not really, I still have so many games I'd like to play, so I usually spend time on something I've already finished. Same with TV shows, I'd rather watch something new than rewatch something even if I loved it. And same with books but to a lesser extent maybe.
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I used to rewatch and reply things more often, but I also mostly move on to new experiences. I might spend a lot of time on a game if there is enough to see and replay if I can do a lot of things differently, but I do prefer moving on after a point. Though I do go back to older things sometimes as well. Especially if so old I barely remember them. Like old cartoon shows or series I used to like.
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For me it was WoW. I originally got into it with friends and stuck for the longest time because of them and the new ones I made online. I broke away twice as things wound down with them but returned when new expansions came out and everyone had a renewed enthusiasm. I did break away completely though prior to Cataclysm.
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I imagine it's tough to get back into something when the ones making it as great as it is move on, yes. It's a delicate balance of the devs releasing content and providing good motivation to continue and the players having a lifestyle and network which continues going strong.
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Thanks bruh :D
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For me is Guild Wars 2. I like mmorpg
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I never got into mmorpgs, but I have a feeling that I'd die in my computer chair if I ever found one that grabbed me. So perhaps it's a good thing in my case. :P
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Good job ^^
RA2 Yuri's revenge, I don't even know why
It's fun that's all, doesn't really matter even if it's an old game
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Age does not matter in games. As long as you enjoy it, it does the job. Also, bless those gifs. ♥
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Well yeah though nowadays graphic is pretty important while the story and gameplay not
At least that's what I'm catching from AAA games
The one that important is DLC! xD
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Yeah, AAA is sadly not doing too well. Even the gameplay they supposedly focus on is horrible sometimes. I mean, there are still good games, but I turn to indie titles for interesting things, diversity and stories, for the most part. And older titles are included in that.
Then I play some Fallout 4 to get my open world, "realistic"-looking shooty boom boom fun. Though I do love the world and the storytelling found through its locations and characters. I don't think I would love these games otherwise.
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