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"ultimate" mystery leftovers. i'm gonna stop here for now, because the esgst train tool got stuck halfway through making carts and didn't even got to linking them, so i had to do it manually. I don't envy those who used to or still do it manually.

oh, this one is less than 5P. if you excuse me, i'll replace it tomorrow morning, it's almost midnight here and i'm kinda tired

13 hours ago

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Leave it as a side cart ok

Would you like me to add a new cart to be 4050 or are you ok to do so in the morning?

13 hours ago

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These mystery leftovers do t seem very ultimate, nor mysterious. Though I'm happy for another chance at this shmups! Hope you got something interesting from the not-leftovers. <3

13 hours ago

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yeah, i'm not very original, it's just from the Ultimate Mystery Bundle

6 hours ago

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13 hours ago

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Oh, there's a train tool? I did mine manually 'cuz I don't know any better. 😅😳

13 hours ago

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Yep, ESGST. Did mine via that way since I figured out how to do it and it was pretty easy.

Since it was hard for me to figure out how to start doing it (though it may be being dumb), you need to enable the train bit in the settings, toggle "Create a Train", click "Generate" to get a template of what to put in the description. Put the required game details (time range, game, etc.) and click "Add". Then the next giveaway you create will inherent the same time range, region restriction, etc.. When you're done you press "Create" and then ESGST will fill in all of the "previous" and "next" hyperlinks automatically. You can make it fancy too with a "bump" for the thread and all that. You just need to add in the cart numbers and the first "Previous" and then the last "Next" at the end to connect to the other people's giveaways.

12 hours ago

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Whew, maybe I'll give that a go sometime, thanks for explaining! 😀🥰 I'd still be worried I'd mess that up somehow, heheh...

11 hours ago

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I do mine manually as well because I am old school. :D

12 hours ago

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snortlaughs At least for you, it's a choice! 😹

11 hours ago

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