Thank you

10 months ago

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You're welcome, enjoy :)

10 months ago

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Hey FateOfOne, just wanted to let you know there has been a rule change for SGPillars where members are only allowed to have won up to $200 more then they've given to the group. I put out a group announcement about it yesterday so hopefully everyone will get notifications about that. Unfortunately you're one of the members that has won way more from the group then they've given (see your "Value Difference" here), so I wanted to make sure you knew just in case you didn't end up seeing the group announcement.

7 months ago

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Hi Jiggakills. I wasn't aware of any rule changes, so I must have missed the announcement. With regards to GA groups with rules that use value difference and ratio, the few I was part of I left a long time ago. Unfortunately there's been a big issue for awhile now with "devs" jacking their prices up to ridiculous amounts and people using those in groups, so that one reason I don't join groups with those reqs. The other one is constantly having to pay attention to both of those things, it feels like a balancing act. I'll be departing the group and I'll remove my entries from any group GAs that I might be in atm, not sure if there is any. Thank you for letting me know about the changes to the group rules and thank you for letting me part of the group.

EDIT: Just checked and there's no GAs I'm entered for that are exclusive to Pillars.

7 months ago*

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